Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bobbi Kristina Admits She Is Engaged To Her Brother

Bobbi Kristina took some time off from doing drugs and boozing it up to announce to the world that she is getting married. OK, well she said she is engaged. Considering she seems comatose about 18 hours each day, it is going to be pretty tough for her to organize anything but having someone come to her hotel room and marry her. I don't think she is in a house or apartment yet after being evicted from her last one. Would you want her to live in your place? Bobbi says Nick Gordon is not her brother. Yeah, keep thinking that to yourself if it gets you through the sex. I'm assuming she is having sex with her brother. Although, as I said with her being comatose most of the time, maybe she does not even know if she is having sex with him. I wonder if he brings his guns to bed. This sounds like the greatest marriage combination ever. Maybe they can go on Courtney Love's ebay page and look at second hand shotguns.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's not her brother. They're not even related. He was 12 and she was 9 when they met. I dated a guy in highschool, that lived next door to me since we were 4 yrs old. This really isn't a big deal. It would actually be more of a big deal if they were related in any way.

    ...and didn't anyone see Blue Lagoon????

  3. He was taken in by Whitney when he was older, right? It's not like they grew up from together starting when they were toddlers. She has a million problems, but I don't think this is the biggest one. Given the blood-related leeches she's surrounded by, he might be the safest harbor.

    The shotguns remark is also really out of line. Whoever writes this site now thinks it is edgy to blithely suggest suicide because someone is a tad fucked up after being raised by a crack-related mess?

  4. Is it me or do they have the same nose?

    I hope someone can help her, she's spiralling :(

  5. I wish they would stop with this brother stuff. It's not her brother. I feel sorry for her...incest is a serious issue, idk why people are playing around with the term so loosely now. It's annoying.

    What about real victims of incest? Smh.

  6. +1 about the shotgun, Dewie. This writer sounds like our favorite---the one who could shoe-horn an Angie Jo insult into anything. SIGH.

  7. I read the shotgun comment as Bobbi-K might be pregnant...

  8. Yeah they are effed up messes. But the shotgun comment? Good grief. One of the reasons I enjoyed this blog and became a regular was because it wasn't unjustifiably mean. It had some snark when warranted and was serious when called for. And it had common sense and was fair.

    Please bring that tone back instead of this ridiculousness. Even Michael K's snark isn't this over the top.

  9. That seems better, Vera. But the Courtney Love part implies 'suicide' (or murder, whatever floats your boat). That's why I read it that way.

    But again with the shoe-horning!

  10. @libby - how is it possible that a comment about angie jo and her brother lover didn't make it in here? obviously if she hadn't made out with her brother, she wouldn't have needed her breasts removed.

  11. Way to mention that he is actually her FOSTER brother not from birth, Enty. It may not be conventional but if it helps her, I support it.

  12. Enty = Quit spewing the hate.

  13. @Vera L - I might have too, if te Courtny Love reference wasn't there

  14. I bet Vera is right! Poor kid is a mess. Both of them really. Brother-lover is scared to death of working for a living. No good will come of this.

  15. lmao, Cathy. TOTALLY. HOW did I forget it, even? THIS is why Enty won't let me write for him....b/c I forget the shoe-horning.

  16. If it were a pregnancy allusion, the shotgun remark would have not included a shout-out to Courtney Love.

  17. Anonymous6:59 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous7:00 AM

    alot of people get paranoid and get in to guns, that's not an unusual thing in this country, Enty, you need to stop reaching to judge and convict people, leave that stuff to us, to snark and criticize, it just comes off as bitchy and meanspirited in your posts, we really can draw our own conclusions we don't need yours spelled out for us. being that they're not related, and seeing as what family she comes from this doesn't seem that crazy, she's reaching for the stability of family and a comfortable love that's been there for her, as long as he's not cheating on her I don't see the problem.

  19. He is not her brother. Enough already!

  20. Ok, maybe I misinterpreted the shotgun comment, but I read it as some snark about Kurt Cobain's suicide.

    I have been a looooong time reader of this site (although it took me awhile to figure out how to post as anyone but anonymous).

    Every day it seems like the gossip is just a little more malicious. Most of the blinds are about reality show people, who I wish we would just stop talking about so their 15 minutes would finish and they would go away. I don't know. This site used to be fun. Enty seemed wonderfully self-deprecating and funny. I'm getting close guys...

  21. Incest w/ teef gapped that much isn't really hot Fugazi Enty.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Oh, and Michael K's snark somehow manages to be lighthearted even though it's cutting, and written with delicious wit. The new Faux
    Enties? Nnnnnot so much.

  24. @Fijigirl, that's exactly how I read it, in fact, to me that last sentence sure does read like a hint that Courtney Love shot Kurt Cobain herself. Which is pretty....odd, at the very least.

    I know some first cousins who married, and they were raised in the same household their entire lives. Yeah, now that's incestuous. Granted, they're Syrian, and there seems to be a looser definition of incest in the middle east. (Says the girl whose former Iranian boyfriend's mother desperately wanted him to marry her sister's daughter.)

  25. What is with the incest angle and shotgun insanity?

    Whomever is now in charge of this site needs to kick this enty in the ass. From the tone, it is most assuredly the same poster who hates on Jolie via cancer bullying. Geezus, person filled with hate, get some help and stop clogging this site up with your vitriolic psychopathy.

  26. This site is obsessed with incest. Enty loves to make up blinds about celebrities involving incest. It's all bullshit. Like others are saying it's mean and needs to stop.

  27. @Jodi: The market research showed that rape, incest and molestation equate to an increase in the clicks.

  28. The Cobain suicide reference was over the top. But what this blog really needs is an ignore user button under every post. That would clean up a lot of the decline and fall of CDAN over the last several months.

  29. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Without revealing too much, this Enty is working out some 'personal' issues in these posts. Cut him some slack. Projection is a common reaction to these kinds of experiences.

  30. Miss Mess, you think it is a dude writing this stuff?

  31. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Just this one, Count. The Enties are plentiful. Everywhere.

  32. Yeah, stop saying its her brother. Shes screwed up, but possibly marrying a brother is not one if her 100's of issues.

  33. Anonymous12:04 PM

    auntliddy, read between the lines. Enty is sharing some very personal information with us. Have some compassion.

  34. Damn that bitch is U-G-L-Y! She needs to bring burquas into style, it's the only thing that can help her. That face! Those teefs! That tenhead! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT???

    About guns...once the St Trayvon of Skittles trial is over, Zimemrman is acquitted and the category 5 chimpout starts, come back here and call gun owners paranoid. Anyone who lives in an area with 10%+ "vibrant diversity" that isn't a retard should be armed. At all times. If you want to trust that everyone else is civilized, well you'll only make that mistake once. But hey, it's your choice and if you want to be a victim, go for it! Just don't be a snarky asshole to those of us who are less....trusting.



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