Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 25, 2013

This female talk show host was spotted kissing and hugging this a-hole of an A list celebrity and telling him how much she loved him and thought he was amazing and basically kissed his butt for several minutes and said she would love to have him on her show. Umm, this is the same person who has always come out as anti, but I guess she has turned to the dark side.

Chelsea Handler/Chris Brown


  1. Chelsea's a piece of shit who has her head so far up Anniston's ass that she can eat what she had for breakfast.

  2. Thank you for proving my point and making my case against Chelsea once and for all, for the benefit of the Chelsea apologists, lol.

  3. I used to love Chelsea. She's just a fake fakey faker anymore.

    1. Fake fakey faker, I love it. Another eff word would work too.

  4. Comedians will say anything to get ratings. And why is her show still on the air?

  5. Or she was wasted.

  6. I found her funny for a while, but I don't get her attraction to flashy rappers with huge egos. Then again, I don't get anyones attraction to egomaniacs.

  7. And yet she holds herself above Angelina Jolie. Hm.

  8. Oh Chelsea.....after all the shit she spewed about him after him beating up rhianna?!

  9. I will never forgive her for foisting Whitney Cummings onto the world.

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    what can brown do for you?

  11. After her interview with T.I., her white girl/ flirting with rappers shit got old. The bitch ain't even cute to begin with.

    1. @just curious- you watch Chelsea Handler?!

    2. I've seen a couple of episodes here and there. I remember the time she was flirting with T.I. , there 's was word she was dating the President of E network

  12. Chelsea's a piece of shit who has her head so far up Anniston's ass that she can eat what she had for breakfast.

  13. Chelsea's a piece of shit who has her head so far up Anniston's ass that she can eat what she had for breakfast.

  14. She wants her I got pounded by Fist Brown t shirt.

  15. She used to be funny but now she;s just pathetic. It's a shame because she has some really funny comedians (and some not) on her show but I have watched it in ages so they also lose out on people seeing their name. She used to do really funny skits.

  16. Chelsea isn't funny. Plus she had the nerve to write an article for Kneepads mag about what it feels like to be beautiful even though she is generic and boring-looking.

  17. Anonymous2:42 PM

    She never struck me as the type who'd enjoy a "vanilla" life. Shed be THAT drunken housewife at the end of the cul-de-sac with a robe on and a glass of wine in her hand gossiping and hating before 12pm.

    ......can't say that I would never entertain a few of her episodes though.

    I like a colorful personality.

    1. Lol drunken housewife or pre- medicated on Vicodin who's always flirting with the teenage boys in the

  18. I've never liked her. Now I know I was right.

  19. It''s sad when her "guest panelists" are funnier than she is, and the best show ever was when she wasn't even there. What a bitch.

  20. The back story I heard/read about this is that Chelsea supposedly doesn't like black women because her daddy cheated with and/or left her mom for a black woman. I've noticed that her closest friends are all the blondest, whitest chicks (Aniston, Witherspoon, Sharapova, etc). Anyhow, some people think that her chasing after black peen is some kind of reversal-revenge thing. Like, she's taking one of theirs or some such thing. I don't have (and don't want) insight into that woman's brain, but I just thought I'd share.

  21. Chelsea is just...fucked up. haha I'll bet you anything Fist Brown has had sex with her.
