Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 24, 2013

At an event for a shopping channel this week, this former B list reality star convict and now married B list celebrity/reality judge was with three of her people when she approached an elevator that had four people already waiting for its arrival. One of her people announced that the four people would have to wait until the next elevator because "Ms._______ does not ride in elevators with people she does not personally know."

Nicole Richie


  1. There should be a special place in hell for egomaniacs like her.

    1. *ding* Going DOWN?!?! Muahahahah

  2. And she couldn't have waited until the 4 people ahead of her went first because.....?

    I kinda liked her at one point, and her kids are supercute, but there are a few blind reveals about her exhibiting less than gracious behaviour.

  3. This is normal behavior for a celebrity. There are too many crazy stalker fans out there. You have to take every precaution.

    1. You have to take the next lift

      'On a mobile' should be added to everything.

  4. Really hope they told her to piss off. Their time is just as important as hers.

  5. Betch, please! Ain't no one want to ride in an elevator with your crackhead bony ass.

    The crap you're peddling on TV is just cheaply made over priced crap I wouldn't wipe my ass with anyways.

  6. Who does she think she is? I remember her on that stupid show w/ Paris. I wouldn't have let her sleep in my garage!

  7. Leave it to Nicole to bring on the bitchiness! She's my hero!

  8. There is nothing normal, be it for a celeb or anyone else, to show up last in line and dictate to those waiting that they will have to wait. Are you kidding me?

  9. I would have caused a scene if I was one of those four people

    1. I would have done the same. I would have told THEM to wait. Then I would have gotten on the elevator whether they liked it or not. And if one of them had touched me I'd have had them arrested and sued for assault. And that's how it would have gone down in my little world. ;)

    2. That was beautiful, PugsterMom!

    3. Exactly ! I would've politely told Ms Richies handlers to fuck off before I entered that elevator

  10. Sorry, she walked up to the elevator and people were already waiting. They were not stalking her. Is she for real? I hope they didn't allow her ahead.

  11. I would have told her to take the next one...bitch

  12. Are you effin KIDDING me?!?

    I would not sacrifice my place on an elevator for her. No freaking way.

  13. I think Nichole only acts that way because she's really just a psuedo-celeb riding on the back of her father's name. I don't believe a majority of self made genuine celebs with actual talent feel the need to pull spontaneous I'm-so-special stunts to make them feel important.

  14. And I would probably say something to the effect of: "I'm sorry. Didn't you pull Jason Mewes into a bathroom stall to have sex moments after you met? Yeah. Bitch, you can wait."

    I don't blame Lionel. I would think he'd be embarrassed. Or is he a massive diva and I've not heard about it?

  15. LOL. Bitch please try to pull my ass off that elevator. You don't want to ride with me then you can wait. End. Of. Story

  16. I cannot stand this bitch.

  17. While I do think there an element of security, being they were ahead of her she should have let them go first. And yes, I wld be cranky if his happened to me!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Paris probably taught her how to do shit like this. Acorns dont fall far from the tree but at least she dropped Paris eventually. Its almost like their shit doesn't stink as bad as the rest of us.

  20. I too would have told them to fuck off.

  21. @whocaresnow--no, it's NOT the norm for celebs to hog an elevator. Having shared elevators with Whoopi Goldberg, Andre Leon Talley (at the same time), Martha Stewart, and a few others, I can tell you from personal experience that your comment, like most of your comments this weekend is sour grapes.

    1. @Blondie, Nic Cage, St Regis NYC, 1998. He started a conversation. I acted like he was just another guest...

  22. Wouldn't you just point and laugh at her ridiculousness.

  23. I would not have let them go first, and I hope those folks didn't either.

  24. @Blondie, That's not the real whocaresnow. That's a knock off person making fun. Notice the "onamobile" after the name. :)

  25. @Blondie -
    you did not respond to the real @whocaresnow. Our resident prankster who differentiates herself by adding "onamobile" to which ever commenter she chooses to tease wrote the post you objected too.

  26. Heck...I rode in an elevator with an Israeli cabinet member who became Prime Minister and I didn't get any 'tude. Just a nice "Hi."

  27. I'd have trotted my butt right on in the elevator and told her to kiss it. She could have waited, if other people are that annoying.

  28. #renoblonde @unkown, oops! @wocreamobile, I apologize. I've been in elevators with lots of celebs, once almost winged Olivia Palermo with a bathroom door, etc., etc., no one's ever pulled that bs, no one. Richie can go take a hike if it's true.

  29. This is my blind. It was just me waiting at the elevator at the 4 seasons to go to my room and her and her people said she doesn't ride in the elevator with common people. I was just shocked. Like jaw dropped. I couldn't believe that. The next day I was in the elevator with Eddie rematne (sp) and he just didntvlookvup from his very old school flip phone. That's funny. And Nicole is an absolute c u next Tuesday. After what she did to me sooooooo rude. God, we were at the 4 fucking seasons it's not like we were at a mall. Regardless, she is an asshole and if I ever see her again ill tell her. I was just too shocked to do anything. There is also nothing behind her eyes. Just totally vacant. I assume she's a zombie because she seemed very dead inside

  30. This is not normal celebrity behavior, it's normal fame whore behavior. I would have told her I don't ride with people either and we could roshambo for who goes first since she wasn't anymore famous than me other than in her own head. Or I would have just hopped on the elevator anyways while she threw a tantrum.

  31. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Its okay that her people tried to do this for her, but if I was oñe of the people waiting I would have just got on anyway. I understand where u r coming from but my life is important too.

  32. You're right but also she walked past me there are elevators on each side and the last one opened and they walked in as I was waiting in the middle I went to talk to the elevator and that's when they were nasty it happened all of 30 seconds, but whatever her kids are ugly and so is she. I'll just fuck Joel madden next time I run into him...ha!

  33. I pretended I was taking the stairs so I wouldn't have to share an elevator with Joey Buttafuoco

  34. Anonymous12:53 PM

    @little .....didn't know this was a personal blind. I just read the story and commented. No judgment.


  35. A comedian from Northern Ireland, Frank Carson, passed away in Feb last year in his late 80s. Anyway there could be a tonne of kindness blinds written about him, as well as ones that are pure funny.

    A few years ago in a hotel lift, the door opened and there in front was Frank. He looked in the lift, pointed and said "I see they've given you a room as small as mine".

    One of his punchlines was "You had to be there", and well, it's kind of appropriate!

  36. @The BLS, Lionel is clearly an enabler. Remember when Nicole got arrested for driving the wrong way down the freeway? She said later that when she talked to Lionel about it he said it was okay because she was at the age where you make a lot of mistakes and worry your parents, and that is normal. Note that she was in her mid-20s at the time. Mid-20s is NOT when you do shit like that because you're young and dumb. Mid-20s is far too old for that excuse.

    So yeah, I'd say Lionel is partially to blame for her shitty behaior.

  37. I'd have sweetly told her it was fine with me if she waited for the next one, and jumped right on the elevator.

  38. Nicole's father stayed at a hotel in Nashville on several occasions & he couldn't have been nicer or more down to earth. This was in the 1980's, at the height of his fame.

  39. What a waste. Self entitled punk ass ho.

  40. I would love for someone to try to pull that s**t with me. I'd tell them they could take the stairs or try to stop me from getting on.

  41. What a douchebag. Why is she even relevant anymore? She should disappear like her skanky friend, Paris.

  42. I remember she was the popular guess for this blind way back when, and for some reason it didn't ring true to me. How wrong was I?! What a snotty little bitch.

  43. @littleman
    Sending this into Enty makes up for not telling her off! At least you got the last word so to speak. I probably would have been in shock just as you were.

  44. Anonymous6:17 PM

    i think her ugliness is starting to show in her looks

  45. You guys rule! Thanks for the comments. @fancy no problem at all! :) all good. @ this I know it was a little fuck you to her and even if she never read it I just had to do something

  46. I don't care WHO you are, that's just funny.

  47. I've had someone 'famous' try this shit with me. I was in a restaurant in London and a UK reality star wanted my table. She didn't want to sit at the only available table in the window because of the paparazzi. I can assure you, there were no paparazzi and if they were out and about, they wouldn't have snapped her pic. But anyway, I cut off the waiter and the owner when they tried to 'explain' that she wanted my table. Her 'Green Mile' big azz bodyguard started walking to my table..I cussed his azz out and he fucked right off and they went to another restaurant or home or back under a rock. If you want to go out in public, you will have to deal with the public. That's life. I don't give a damn who you are.
