Monday, July 08, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 27, 2013

This foreign born B list model/mostly movie actress is rarely in actual movies, although she is good when she is in them. She has a bit of an S&M streak in her and last week she was shopping with some friends and saw some black leather pants and said that her B+ list mostly television actor would love them. When she held them up for everyone, they were crotchless and she said they were perfect and bought them. For sure will be revealed. Her boyfriend really doesn't seem like a freak though. Kind of quiet.

Diane Kruger/Joshua Jackson


  1. Consenting? Of age?
    Good for them.

  2. I love them as a couple. I wasn't a Dawson's Creek fan, but I love Fringe

    1. Doesn't Diane have a TV series coming out this week called The Bridge

    2. Doesn't Diane have a TV series coming out this week called The Bridge

  3. I love them as a couple as well! Fringe is my favourite show of all time.

    1. Ooh, another nerd! I'm catching up on the last season, it's so much darker than earlier seasons. Thank goodness for Walter, he always lightens it up!

  4. Cucumbers and S&M?

    I'm excited to watch her new show, this Wednesday on FX

  5. Wasn't there a reveal before about them at a party and he took her out to the garden and used a cucumber on her and she liked it and was really loud and people overheard and saw?

    1. I think it was a Lainey blind but yes its true.

  6. Its us quiet guys you need to be careful about

  7. I think this sounds like fun!

  8. is this the big reveal that enty forgot? not bad i guess

  9. That's kind of awesome!

  10. she seems like sooo lady like. i would have not guessed that. its great!!!

  11. My favorite couple of all time.

    How is this S&M? If she bought whips and chains...ok...but crotchless black leather pants? That's pretty tame and very sexy.

  12. Yeah, the shy quiet types are usually the naughtiest. Girls too. I love them -- the guys I mean. Always know something demented is going on behind that sweet smile.

    Props to Pacey!

    And I too am looking forward to The Bridge -- hope it's a good summer show.

  13. girl---Sometimes the it's the most tough-sounding, brusque kind of gal who actually LOVES being bent over and treated like the cock-SLUT she actually is, in a relationship.

    So I've heard.

  14. Love them!Sounds like they still have a great sex life.

  15. Anonymous11:35 AM

    it's always the quiet ones! Good for them for keeping the spice in their, I almost said marriage, since they've been together so long, still good for them. Mmm, crotchless leather pants...this is giving me ideas!

  16. Anonymous11:39 AM

    wonder if josh takes it up the ass

  17. Lol!!! Now I can't get that image outta my head!!!!!

    Pacey noooooo! Lol!!!

  18. This is not jack worthy unless you tell us if she is the sub or the dom. That is where the story is at.

  19. He's a guy, of course he likes crotch-less pants. Why would that make him a freak? I think whoever is writing these blinds is a missionary only in the dark kind of gal.

    1. @Tabby, they also said that the kinkiest person in Hollywood likes spankings and Topher Grace was a ho for getting down in the bleachers. We're talking SWF writers here.

  20. OHHH he is a freak! I was in college in Wilmington during the Dawson Creek days! He was a party animal and sowed lots of Oates with the frat guy friends he made while living there....I remember a rather wild night at this bar called the grasshopper....

    1. However he dated kh so can't imagine too craaazy! Lol

    2. Well her crazy was the kitty kat kruise debacle, however that was sort of a rich people problems, dealing with being all culty and what not.

  21. @Tabby, you're so right! She's a young intern trying to sound hip and relevant.

  22. @Libby hah! I've "heard" the exact same thing...

  23. Whoever wrote this clearly knows NOTHING about S&M to think that buying crotchless black leather pants means the couple is into it.

    @ Libby
    Very funny. So, Ive read (LOL)

  24. She's so sour though! Never smiles.

  25. Someone didn't do their research, JJ had a pretty well known reputation when he was single. Threesome or more apparently was the rule of the day, I wouldn't really consider that "quiet". Lol

    And agree, crotchless leather pants while sexy, don't equal S&M...just fun!

  26. So, the Mighty Duck likes a dirty fuck, this goes quite well with my Fringe fantasies. :-))

  27. Anonymous5:20 PM

    love them together

  28. This isn't a surprise if true JJ is a manwhore (and while he's in a long term relationship now he hasn't changed in that regard either) so while he may not brag about his conquests doesn't mean he doesn't get around. Diane knows this but they have an arrangement or so I hear.

  29. Somewhere far away, Katie Holmes is sobbing.

    Get it, Diane! I love this reveal. :)

  30. Fringe rules, miss it so much!

  31. He seems like a freak to me

  32. Wait what? rarely in movies?

    A girl with 2 to 3 movies every year since 2002?

    lol. Someone needs reacquaintance with IMDB.

  33. Thanks Libby, but we all could've lived without knowing what kind of sex you and your chunky arms like.

  34. The BLS: Why would Katie care? Their relationship ended ages ago they have their own separate lives now.
