Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 21, 2013

This cable show is a really big hit. Big hits bring fighting. The thing is you should never fight with the boss who is also your co-star because she will hate you and you shouldn't expect to be back next season. You should kiss as much butt like the other co-stars who love being on the show despite their boss.

Girls/Lena Dunham/Zosia Mamet


  1. Pretty sure this was a popular guess. I just wasn't sure which girl.

  2. That show is sooo painful to watch....I found myself cringing & feeling embarrassed for them all. Can't say I'm too suprised. Lena has become quite the egomaniac. The 2nd season was just unwatchable for me, she better calm down & come up w/ better material.

  3. When I worked with Lena on Tiny Furniture and I had no complaints about her. Complete professional. This BI is BS.

  4. The show won't have the longevity of Sex and the City, which it's trying to be anyway.

  5. Feuding co-stars is a story as old as the profession and I just don't get it. Being a working actor is hard so landing a juicy role on a hit show is like hitting the lottery. Why don't people just shut up, go to work and do their jobs? That's what the rest of the world does when they have shitty bosses or co-workers. I understand this is Hollywood and people have huge egos so this sort of thing is bound to happen. But does Zosia Mamet really have so much work lined up that she can afford to just piss away the best role she'll probably ever get?

    OK, rant over. Thanks for the awesome reveal weekend, Enty. It's been a blast and I can't wait to see more reveals today!

    1. Whether or not she has work lined up I can't speculate on, but she will always have the millions her dad made to help her out.

    2. Not necessarily a Jamie. Just cuz dad makes money it doesn't mean she gets any of it.

    3. This is true, but I find it hard to believe she would ever struggle. She has already benefited from the name.

  6. Is she the same one who initiated a Kickstarter and it wasn't funded?

  7. I just can't with Lena Dunham or this show. I've never seen it, and go out of my way to avoid it, regardless of how much my friends crow about it. There's something about Lena I just don't like. And I find Zosia Mamet's face distracting.

  8. Lena looks and seems quite disagreeable, but I guess shes in a position to have her ass kissed. What a business, you cldnt pay me to be in it between having sex to get work, being groped while your working, the backstabbing, you can keep it no wonder they are so screwed up!

    1. Yes, Aunt Liddy. I'm sticking with local theatre.

  9. Shes the least interesting of all those characters but since its her show she gets all the facetime and she sucks but the BI must be BS because they all still work together.

  10. Freya, yes, Zosia was the one who tried to get a Kickstarter for her music project with her sister. It made, like, $500 which seems like $500 too much for it to make.

  11. She doesn't need to suck ass, she doesn't need the work and acting may not be her main goal. If she is miserable on set, well I'd walk too.

  12. Oh I keep hoping that show gets cancelled. She's using the same tropes from Tiny Furniture. Chick's recycling the same ideas over and over again. Go away.

  13. @whocaresnow maybe everyone on tiny furniture was reasonable....this blind is taking about Zosia Mamet's bad behavior, not Lena's, you silly goose. ;)

  14. Two entitled snobs. They deserve each other.

  15. So...I guess Dunham wants to be the only sad sack on her show? Surprised she hasn't axed her pretty co-stars.

    That's OK - Mamet can fall back on her Kickstarter. Oh, wait...

  16. Zosia Mamet played Joyce Ramsay on Mad Men (Peggy's friend, the lesbian at LIFE magazine). Her character on Girls is so different I truly didn't realize for the longest time the same person plays both characters. This makes me think she's the only person on Girls with real acting talent.

  17. Worst. Show. Ever. worse than Portlandia. And that's sayin alot !

  18. I really don't get the draw with this show.

  19. Lena Dunham. Ugh. That's all I've got to say about that.

  20. Every thing about Lena Dunham is...unappealing to me. And I'm not talking looks. Just her *being* turns me off in every way. It's irrational, I have no explanation for it, it just is what it is. I know I'm no the only one. There should be a support group.

  21. I like both gals..dont see the hate of a successful 20 something who created, writes for, directs, acts and produces! With all the paris, liho, teen mom, real housewife are all upset over "Girls"! I think its great...her shows about figuring shit out because you care what your future looks like...great show

  22. She better leave Zosia alone! Love love love her quirky character...
