Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 25, 2013

This former almost A list mostly television actress has turned into a hot mess. Despite her proclivity for charging a great deal for her services, sometimes all it takes is her having a few drinks and offering her a line of coke and a quick trip the bathroom stall to have her take care of a guy. Loud does not even begin to describe her at a party this past weekend when she did exactly that. Well, she likes to make sure the person gets their money's worth even if there was no money changing hands this time.

Pamela Anderson


  1. Yuck. Bathroom stalls.

  2. Jesus, aren't any of these dudes who pay (or don't pay) for her services scared shitless that she has Hep C?!?

  3. She better do it more often before she loses what looks she still has completely. Shes pretty used up now. Cant have earning potential in any way much mire than 2 more years tops.

  4. I find this one hard to believe. When I worked with Pammy on VIP, she was the kindest person and made sure there was never any sexual harassment going on. This is so unlike her. She also loves animals.

    1. @Whocaresnow

      Hook me up?

    2. I hope she loves animals in the right way.

    3. @whocaresnow I'm sure it depends on the venue and the alcohol....

    4. @ Blister in the Sun, you can love your pet, just don't *love* your pet.

  5. People who have NO shame never fail to astonish me. smh

  6. lol, her sex exploits with Tommy didn't get recorded and subsequently leaked because "This is so unlike her" ;)

  7. Bet she has blue waffle.

    1. Gross gross gross! I made the mistake of googling that once. My eyes bled. (Ref to Lotta'd blue waffle comment)

  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    it's true that the years of partying are taking their toll.

  9. I hope she gets it together. She has two sons & it sounds likeTommy Lee is a better example for them.

    1. When Tommy Lee is your best example as a parent...things are not so good.

  10. The boys go to boarding school in canada.I hope they are fine but they have tons of baggage, both rents too busy screwing to make a home for them. Its a shame she got into this so called business of sex for drugs and money. I can't help it tho, I'm rooting for her!

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      @auntliddy - thanks for the scoop on her sons, as I read this reveal I wondered about them. A boarding school far from their home, what a shame.

  11. How many more Pamela Anderson screws for money blinds are there?
    Can we just take it as understood now?

  12. I always thought she was frigid.

  13. @ Dolphy - educate yourself before making stupid comments on Hep C. It's an insult to my Mum, and everyone else who has it.

    It isn't a sexually transmitted disease. It requires blood to blood contact. As in vein to vein. That's why almost all got it from shared needles (drugs, tattooing), and blood transfusions.

    If the woman is menstruating AND her partner is bleeding, and the menstrual blood comes in contact with the wound... In that case, it could be transmitted sexually. However, I doubt a lot of people have sex when both are bleeding...

  14. @unknown-let's hope not. That is a very disturbing mental picture.

  15. In 2003, Pam said (on her HepC diagnosis in 2001):

    "I think I've got a good 10 years left in me, which is sad. Maybe 15, if I'm lucky," Anderson, 36, told Us Weekly magazine. "It's scary," she says, "but lately I've been feeling great. For some reason, my liver keeps getting healthier."

    So this is year 10. Is it the final countdown for Pam?

  16. do you think she is still someone guys would brag about doing? what about lindsay lohan? would you want anybody to know that you had sex with those filthy cesspools? they must brag about it if these two could get men to pay them lots of $$$$$ to sleep with them. they are obviously worth something to those kinds of people.

  17. Pam made a lot of comments about Hep C that aren't particularly informed or educated.

    Woman have a better success rate with Hep C than men - this is because of the lower iron content in the blood due to menstruating.

    Men and post-menapasual women with Hep C should partake in modern day blood-letting to reduce their iron counts. They don't know why yet, but higher iron counts with Hep C patients = more liver damage.

    Hep C sufferers who drink alcohol regularly suffer less liver damage than those who drink occasionally or sporadically.

    New treatments in the horizon mean that more people will be cured of Hep C. Though, at this moment, people who have Hep C 2 (more common in Europe & Asia) have a significantly higher cure rate to treatment than those infected with Hep C 1 (mostly North America).
    Like 50% higher.

    Anyone undergoing current treatments have have almost zero body fat to be even remotely successful in clearing the virus. For some reason, body fat interferes with the interferon doing it's job. It is the new combo treatments that hold much promise.

    A lot of progress in management & treatment of Hep C has happened since Pam was diagnosed.

  18. Her C isn't that damn easy to catch. I'm not saying she don't have something else because let's face it Tommy was a dirty bitch in the 80's. Hot n hung but dirty.

  19. I'm quite sure Pammy has other fun diseases that can be spread through sexual contact. But Hep C ain't one of them.

    I'm so sick & tired of the stigma and misinformation about this disease.

    It's made my Mum's life a living hell. Afraid to tell anyone - even her friends don't know. Afraid to date for fear of what they will think of her...

  20. Anonymous2:26 PM

    ..get yours honey, you only live once...

  21. @ whocaresnow12onamobile - how sad your life must be that this all you have to do on a sunday, attack and make fun of a stranger. slightly pathetic

  22. You actually can get Hep C from sex, though it is rare.

    Are those comments that she made about the disease? I wouldn't advise someone with it to drink regularly, rather than once in a blue moon. Unless you want a higher viral load. One is usually advised to try to abstain from alcohol.

  23. @whocaresnow12 this from a person who regularly makes fun of a stranger (Enty) every single day.....

  24. I appreciate her dedication to her craft.

  25. @ Pip - I stated that it is blood to blood contact that is required for transmission, and even stated a scenario where it could happen during sex. What's the problem here?

    The Hep C virus isn't present in any body fluids (tears, saliva, mucous, vaginal, and seminal) EXCEPT blood.

    Blood to blood contact is required for transmission. Both people have to be bleeding. Fairly rare for sex, doncha you think?

    Not advising anyone to drink regulalry - however, the fact is that sporadic drinking is worse for the Hep C infected liver than regular, moderated drinking.

    The best solution is to abstain from alcohol for liver health.

    Finally - I don't believe the blind where it was widely speculated to be Pam where she claimed to have Hep C for sympathy. There are no benefits to claiming to have this disease. None. She may be trying to distance herself from her previous statements OR it is someone else.

  26. @ Pip
    I should clarify why I'm irritated. General, kind of abstract statements piss me off when it pertains to something where specific information is important and relevant.

    You wrote that one can get Hep C from sex, but it is rare. You can get a lot of diseases from sex, if you want to come right down to it, including pneumonia and rabies. However, that does not mean that rabies and pneumonia are sexually transmitted diseases. Specific conditions are required for transmission.

    Blood to blood (vein to vein) transmission is required for the transmission of Hep C. This is a fact, not conjecture.

  27. One more thing, Pip. Your comments regarding sporadic drinking is wrong with Hep C patients.

    The FACTS are that sporadic drinking of alcohol results in increased liver damage than regular, moderate drinking. It defies logic, but the research is in. As I stated on previous posts, abstention is the best option is from alcohol for Hep C sufferers.

    Thinking that the sporadic drink is not causing harm is a false assumption. Research shows otherwise.

    None of my comments come from Pammy's statement 10 years ago. My comments are based on current research. I've sat with my Mum during her appointment with liver specialists, and I'll take their word over everyone else's word with this matter.

  28. @Unknown, reading your comments was more boring than listening to my husband and Tom Cruise complain about "the lie that is post-partum depression." SNORE.

  29. Feel free to bypass my comments, then. Obviously, they interested you enough to respond...

  30. Okay, you had me until "you can get rabies from sex".

    What in the F*CK kind of sex are you having?

  31. Bestiality?!

    Not cool!

  32. @ baconranch - I was making a point that there are TECHHNICALLY a lot of diseases one can contract from sex.

    However, rabies is not a sexually transmitted disease,nor is Hep.C.

    For the 19th time, Hep C. is a blood borne disease. Vein to vein.

    Thanks for reading.

  33. Color me stupid but how in the world could someone get rabies from sex unless they were getting busy with a feral raccoon or something?
    I'm honestly asking as I have never heard of that.

    Oh, and to're welcome.
    I normally don't address people here because I don't like the trolls. But you, Unknown. You I like.

  34. @ Bacon Ranch.
    Back atcha. I like you too. But keep in mind there are several 'unknowns'. For some silly reason, my profile and other people's profiles are coming up as unknown.

    That said, I'm the verbose and boring one ;-)

    People do come into physical contact with rabid animals and unless they receive treatment asap, they too will develop rabies.

    However, rabies is transmitted via saliva. Someone died recently of undiagnosed rabies, but most people get the series of injections asap when there is a possibility they came into contact with a rabid animal.

    I'm trying (and failing) to make the point that Hep C is not a sexually transmitted disease, and that it is not spread by casual or non-bleeding sexual contact.

    There are dozens of diseases that can be spread easily (i.e. rabies), and they too are not sexually transmitted diseases.

  35. Now see, this I get.
    I really appreciate you spreading the word about Hep C and how it's transmitted. I was one of those who thought it was a sex thing.
    Not proud of thinking that, but there it is.
    I'm sorry for the stigma your mom faces, that must be a really uncomfortable situation and she isn't at fault because of a faulty transfusion. People aren't as open minded as they pretend to be.

    Thank you for the education. Really :)

  36. @Charlotte, look what a harmless joke about pet love turns into!!!!
    @Unknown, your mum's liver doc is saying she should drink regularly instead of sporadically to keep her liver healthy? That does defy logic but I'm no GP or specialist. Would that the same logic applied to us regular folk trying to keep our livers safe from spirits!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. @ Blister. Liver specialists demand abstention from alcohol. Some will refuse to treat patients if they continue to drink alcohol.

    However, a lot of people do things they shouldn't. Drinking, for example. A lot of Hep C patients cause damage to their liver by having sporadic drinks, thinking it isn't causing harm because it is just ONE drink every now and then.

    Drinking regularly causes harm too, but not as much as the sporadic drink. Very few Hep C patients would ever consider drinking regularly. Doctors are making sure patients know that the ONE drink here and there is harmful. Very harmful.

    Liver specialists don't even want patients taking aspirin (mimics hepatitis), and perhaps the occasional Tylenol only if you really, really need it. Limit protein... the list goes on.
