Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 4, 2013

"This is the best time I have had in years. I can drink and eat what i want. I can have booze. I can stay up late. I have no one telling me what I should or should not be doing 24/7. He is so controlling." C list all movie actress with her friends discussing why she is enjoying her break from her A list celebrity boyfriend.

Julianne Hough/Ryan Seacrest


  1. Ryan is just an ugly fat kid on the inside. I can see this being true easily. Ryan went from a local yokel DJ to media mogul. You don't get there being blase about things.

    1. The fat ugly kid that is actually 5 years older than he publicly claims to be.

  2. "I can stay up late" hahaha.

  3. Come on. Give us one that is not 'easy easy' and easily guessed when first posted.

  4. I love Ent/reveal day, but to be a bit bitchy for a second... Is this the day of obvious reveals so far or what?! Gimme some dirt enty, I know you're just warming up, but lets DO THIS!!

  5. I can die happy knowing this.

  6. I'd like to think I wouldn't put up with controlling BS, but I guess it depends on how many 0's are in the paycheck!

  7. Care bear got it!! Miss our CB!!!

  8. Wow, this makes me glad she is rid of him!

  9. Is as good as it gets

  10. Oh Gaycrest, just mad cause you wanna a little finger in the hole. Well, maybe not little.

  11. This was an easy one. And a 'who cares' one. Also, this really doesn't matter, considering he's not really straight, right? He can't possibly be straight, right?!

  12. I would beard for him. The money would be great and just look at the rest as like a fitness retreat or some such. Lots of cash and you look great at the end!

  13. Yep, I think Enty is getting all the EASY EASY blinds out of the way now. Time to move on to the CHALLENGING blinds!

    Hey, JH shoulda known what she was in for when she signed the beard contract. Take the money and keep it zipped, girlfriend.

  14. My over/under is 2.5 reveals that are worth reading or atleast surprising today.

  15. Was this the break between contract negotiations? Why hasn't she been auditioned for Tommy Girl's new girl yet?

  16. If you look at the OG comments, it wasn't that easy to guess.

  17. but the little bitch didn't mind spending all his money

  18. I'd beard for him for the kind of money that was thrown her way!

  19. So quit bearding if you're not having fun.

  20. 1- Enty usually reveals in date order.
    2- The real juicy ones will not be revealed. Hopefully we will get some good ones though
    3- No matter what, it's fun, whether they are easy easy or really good. I enjoy the reveals

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Ditto missmol! Thank you!!!

  21. I thought Seacrest was A Twinkie faggot who inherited the Merv Griffin empire after swallowing Merv's penis snot blasts for years? Thought Hough was a professional beard?

    1. ROTFL!!!!!
      I nearly choked on my penne pasta when reading that! Had I had to go to hospital for choking, I'd been sending you the bill!!! ;-)

  22. @Massive: the contract prolly said she has to do what she is told. Seacrest has a morning radio show right? So he is probably in bed at 8PM like the Praying Mantis in a Wig.

  23. Girrrrrl enjoy your freedom

  24. I'm with you @missmol. SOmeone always bitches about the reveals being easy or boring... Just enjoy them I say!

  25. @Massive: P.S. If you could have Hough for a Lohan style late night coke and naked play session, what would you do with her?

  26. It was a job. Of course you don't get to drink and play while you're working. Sigh. At least everyone knows now she's for sale so it will be a huge red light above her next suitor.

  27. @Massive any updates on your vowel movements for us?

  28. yup rejectedcarebear got it, altho this one wasn't so easy. alot of people guessed selena and justin or bcoop and zoe

  29. I don't care, I still like her and him both.

  30. Guys, I'm not trying to whine, I'm just saying back in like 2008 era, the reveals were so much more surprising. I am enjoying this day, like I always do, but I'm also allowed to voice an opinion on the meh-ness so far.

  31. 3rd reveal an y'all are bitching already. Some serious whining goin around here these days.

  32. @kimstyle- No offense meant, and not directed to anyone. After reading a few reveal comment threads, just thought I would put out the normal chain of events here during reveal day for newbies.
    And I agree the reveals were a little more interesting. Or we are more jaded now! Have a great day!

  33. Is she not Mormon anymore? I thought they weren't allowed to drink

  34. @kimstyle - no ones saying you can't voice your opinion.

  35. @Stacey and @Miss, thanks guys! Happy reveal day to you! I totally agree, I think I'm just jaded haha!

  36. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I like seacrest. More people should have such control over their lives. Nothing wrong with steely discipline and determination.

  37. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I'm with the discipline and hard work, but what about normal, healthy relaxation so that someone can recharge and rejuvenate?

  38. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I too think it's lame when people complain about reveals, it's free dirt, enjoy it.

  39. hey, a contract is a contract.

  40. So why did she stay with him if it was so hellush? Pugh!

  41. But what does Derek think?

  42. But what does Derek think?

  43. Where has rejected cb, diapapya, sunny, etc been? Maja with a J ( I think you were a different name).. Where is everyone?
