Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 26, 2013

This B- list mostly television actress from a middling hit cable show never lets an interview get in the way of telling the world exactly what she is doing and selling and promoting. Her interviews sound like an interview with a NASCAR driver. Our actress lets the interviewer ask one question and then proceeds to list every project in which she involved and any recent accomplishments or awards she has also received, no matter how insignificant. One person who went on a date with the actress does not remember saying anything except hello and goodnight. The entire three hours in between was her talking non-stop about herself.

Olivia Munn


  1. I think I'm the only one here that likes this woman. LOL

  2. Soooo, in other words, she tried to make it easy for the interviewer lol

    Gotta love that. Good on her for not trying to be Robert DeNiro in an interview! :p

  3. Again, this is normal. When a celebrity is being interviewed they are expected to promote whatever film, show, perfume, charity they are involved with.

    1. What's with the weird bullying? I like when whocaresnow contributes bc he/she is interesting. Knock it off, creepster.

  4. I think most everyone guessed Emmy Rossum for this. And the rest chose this fame whore.

  5. Everyone was guessing Emmy Rossum on this one until Lauren mentioned Olivia Munn. Then it quickly turned around as everyone chimed in on their munn-hate. ;)

  6. Can't stand this trick. She's the one thing I hated about Magic Mike.

    1. @lotta Really? I like her more than the chick who played sister.

    2. @dragon, i guess she was worse.

    3. @The Real Dragon, you mean the talent that is Cody Horn? The incredibly talented daughter of the chairman of Walt Disney Studios (former Pres at Warner Bros) whose previous acting credits include a ditzy temp on The Office and the farting girl on Rescue Me, got the role because...

      They weren't going to see me because they thought I was too young, but my agent, Jason, fought for me to go in. Carmen Cuba, the casting director, agreed to meet with me, and we taped the interview. She asked me questions about my life, my dating history, things like that. We talked like girlfriends would; it was more friendly than a formal interview. I then got a call that I was to go in and audition for them, which I did. After we finished the scenes, Carmen excused the guy I was reading with and said, "this will never happen to you again for the rest of your career, but you booked the role before you came in."

      She booked a role in a major movie before she came in - based on a taped interview. Now THAT would've been a good blind!!!!

    4. @blister. Damn blister lol.

    5. @Dragon, snark and I go together like a wink and a smile.


  7. Totally normal for a fame whore, yep, lol

    Aside: I'm not convinced the whocaresnow commenting today is the same one we're used to. Very over the top and 'out there' even for him or her.

  8. I always get her and some other Olivia chick confused. To me they both are engaged to Jason Sudeikis and were on the Daily Show for a hot second. I'm gonna keep on believing that til one of them does something that sets them apart for me.

    1. The thing that sets them apart might be that Olivia Wilde is incredibly hot... I want to be her when I grow up. She was algo married to some european royal.

    2. @missmopr...yes, Wilde is totally hot. Munn...not.

  9. She could trade notes with Cara Delevingne, since they both like it rough.

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    that's sooo f'ing unattractive! megalomaniac, thank goodness the success in her mind doesn't match the real world, then we'd have another JLo on our hands!

  11. The one thing I hated about Magic Mike was Magic Mike :)

  12. Olivia is growing on me like a fungus. I'm starting to root for her!

    I'm always perplexed by whocaresnow, s/he chimes in long enough to tell everyone how little s/he cares or how little Enty knows and then leaves. Very strange.

  13. @Pink, do you think it's the same one we usually see? This one's comment content seems much more lame brained than what whocares typically says.

    1.'s a whocares troll. Someone gets their panties in a wad about how someone posts and then an "onamobile" alter ego will appear. There are several "onamobile" troll personalities (libbyonamobile, enty on a mobile, etc.). Likely the same person/people.

  14. What I've really learned the last few days is that someone always get the right answer to the blinds. Has there been any that weren't guessed correctly?

  15. I think someone is trolling whocaresnow today. No way it's the same person.

  16. @MAC I think that reveal about Amy Adams copying Jessica whats-her-face caught everyone off guard.

  17. Thanks Hannah. Didn't think so..

  18. Yeah Lola, I can't keep up with the games. That's the internet though. Gotta take the good with the not so good.

  19. My only question is.. who spends a perfectly good summer Sunday trolling the internet as someone else? What a waste!

    1. @Phoenix, some people just get off on trolling. I don't think it's the same whocares either but who knows!

  20. So are the reveals all done for the holidays?
    Still no MV, but some juicey ones nevertheless!

  21. I can believe this. She won't stop talking about how she is funny and pretty. The more she says it, the less I believe her.

  22. I like the onamobiles, they're good satire.

  23. She was good in Magic Mike and New Girl. What's she supposed to talk about in an interview? You say fame whore, i say doing her job promoting herself.

  24. While I have no doubt that who...onamobile is a troll, I don't find the writing to be any different. Still preachy and annoying as hell.

  25. Aww I don't think she's that bad, ithink she's funny and i like that she isn't afraid to get a little freaky. What is she supposed to do, let the interviewer talk about themselves or give bullshit one word answers?

  26. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Ironically started watching newsroom today
    Shes very pretty

  27. I like her too.

  28. She doesn't talk that much when she's with Chris Pine.

    Agree with Sandybrook re: Magic Mike.

  29. Well, Munn in Swedish means "mouth". :-) (She's dating Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman)

  30. Is Munn the fake nerd? I don't like her.

  31. Olivia Munn's character was likable in Magic Mike especially the first scene she's in.
    The one who played that guy's sister...ugh, she has to be the worst "love interest" in a movie I have ever seen.

  32. She must be boring if she only talks about herself.

  33. The only thing about this BI that's annoying is her talking about herself constantly on a date.

  34. I guess some people didn't get the memo.
    The internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

    I keep saying it and saying it until I'm blue in the face, but do you people care? Do you appreciate me?

    No, no you do not.

    Munn stank up MM Lotta, I agree. But that sister...she was terrible. It takes a lot to make Channing Tatum seem like a good actor, so at least they accomplished that with her suckdom.

  35. @ whocaresnow12onamobile - how sad your life must be that this all you have to do on a sunday, attack and make fun of a stranger. slightly pathetic

    1. Even tho I think you are kind of a downer, that's totes not me boo.

    2. I actually even apologized early, early thisorning for being such a downer. I am not above admitting fault.

  36. no, this whocaresnow actually had to work most of today.

    that person gets off on trolling

  37. I couldn't stand her on Attack of the Show.

  38. I don't see what is so special about her.

  39. You know don't have to reveal every single blind item that's ever been written!

  40. Ugh, munn.

    She has her mouth open all the time in a way that makes her look like she's showing you the semen on her tounge.

    I watched some movie about her husband breaking into a sperm bank - worst movie ever! I find it hard to believe she has any awards to talk about.

  41. Whatever. I like Olivia Munn.

  42. Holy crap Poltergeist is coming on, I love that movie, ooh and the curse thst goes with it.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous5:54 PM

    she's kind of a turd to me

  45. She's beautiful, funny, she speaks Japanese and she went to Comic Con and dressed up as Princess Leia.

    Speak away sister, you had me at konnichiwa...

  46. She's a self absorbed idiot.
    Try again.

  47. Where's the reveals for March , April, and May.

    Only one interesting reveal in two days. You suck shit, ENT. Get to work, fat boy b

  48. An actress is self absorbed? Say it ain't so, ENT.

    You are such a spent piece of used asswipe, ENT. Get to work, fat ass.

  49. Not surprised. She's been programmed to sell. She launched her career off the boners of the nerd population by pretending to be the smart hottie who was into everything they were, but actually, she's barely a step up from the typical Hollywood bimbo. Also, isn't she one of the girls with a Weinstein connection?

    By the way, I can't stand her "sexy" photo shoots, they're almost always awkward. And it's creepy how she has zero expression in the eyes.

  50. Who cares what she talks about? If she is down for asshole eating, pussy slapping and all around rough sex, I could easily use weed or booze to numb myself from it. Plus, it seems like she is into facial abuse, so the incessant, self centered yapping would provide ample motivation to release your anger on her mouth.

  51. "she speaks Japanese and she went to Comic Con and dressed up as Princess Leia."

    You just described 70% of the women who attend Comic Con. So what.
