Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 25, 2013

One of the women who has dated the pint sized A list tweener recently told her friends that she kept wanting to have sex with the guy, but that no matter what she did or tried he just could not stand to attention so to speak. He said it has never happened before, but at least one other woman in the past few months has also shared the same story. Maybe he gets nervous? Shy because he is small?

Justin Bieber


  1. Or maybe this story is not true.

  2. Can codeine do that to you?

  3. or does a lot of drugs?

  4. I really don't care if he ever gets laid, and he is a very small person.

  5. I think it's related to his drug abuse. The potency related stories started circulating around the same time stories about his increasing drug intake did.

  6. From my experience guys that age have problems keeping it down.

  7. YEAH! Another Bieber reveal!!
    Seriously, who gives a shit about this little twit?!

  8. I think I must be about 12, because that made me giggle.

  9. @Pip, codeine is a downer, and mixed with alcohol and god knows what else, probably.

  10. I could hear about Bieber's mini peen all day. Maybe he'll just shrink away along with his itty bitty.

    A girl can dream.

  11. Maybe he just needs a mirror.

  12. Probably he is all F×cked up on drugs. well, at least we are safe from babypants babies while he can't salute.

  13. Why would any female with a kernel of decency want to repeat that sad story if they truly liked the other person?

  14. Maybe girls don't get him aroused.

  15. If he could even get it up while he's high on sizzurp, he'd have a hard time (har har) maintaining it, and forget about getting off. I'll never forget a friend of mine telling me how she got into a huge fight with her then boyfriend for nodding off (he was high) while she was giving him a blowjob.

    You'd think he'd make them sign a confidentiality clause so this type of thing wouldn't get out. There's a pic over on Dlisted of him and possibly Selena back together. Though I couldn't care less about Bieber, someone's gotta be a tween heartthrob so it may as well be one as entertaining and fun to bash as him, I guess.

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    hell yeah opiates do that to you!

  17. Or maybe it was the chick . I thought impotence was due to lack of stimulation. There's nothing dick hardening about some females. Some chicks give good head but when they take all of their clothes off, it can be a letdown .

  18. Anonymous11:13 AM

    a naked woman who just sucked your d#$% isn't going to make you stay hard? Maybe it's a lack of emotional intimacy?

  19. @just curious, can't resist.. I get what you're saying, but when Justin takes all his clothes off, he's not exactly sex symbol material either, lol

    1. I never the Justin hype. He looks like a girl. I can't tell you one song he sings. I just know him from TMZ.

  20. Guys, he could be on ssri's...those do a number on your libido for sure. ;)

  21. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Guys can b just nervous. And who wants their "business" out in the "streets"?

    U never know.....he might be paranoid about diseases?


  22. She probably confused his clit for a dick.

  23. Explains his need for ridiculously expensive and high powered cars, AND, why he keeps going back to Selena (it wasn't like that with her). He's a mess. But what would you expect from someone who has lived that life? Too much, too soon.

  24. I bet it's really really wittle

  25. Could be why he wears the big pants. He's overcompensating for the tiny peen.

  26. There is nothing about that guy that screams or even whispers I know how to please a woman or who is on touch with his sexual being. Ugh, I'm gonna puke for just thinking of him in that way.

  27. He's a little girl wanting to be a big man. He and the K-Tranny's need a time out on the fame train.

  28. He's a little girl wanting to be a big man. He and the K-Tranny's need a time out on the fame train.

  29. My grandsons, ages 10 & 11, say he's tres gay.

  30. How old is B again? Under 20, right? & he's a pop singer who prob gets his 'crew' (lol) to pick out the hottest girls for him?

    Codeine surely wouldn't make a teen boy soft (one slang term is 'schoolboy;' w/good reason: it is a lame-a$$ drug). Booze might, but again, it should not affect a hormone-addled teen that way--seems the problem is w/his head--no pun intended.

    What a sad case. The 1st year or so Bieber sounded like a fairly decent kid, but he's become yet another tired example of a spoilt child performer w/absentee parents.
