Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 22, 2013

Apparently this foreign born almost A list celebrity has talked to his A list actress wife about getting a divorce. Her response? It would be very inconvenient and that she is promoting a movie and would like to focus on that and her other movie coming out later this year and they can talk about it down the road. When this split does happen, it is going to be nasty despite how hard she will try to make it appear civilized. The things he wants to say.

Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman


  1. No surprise there.

  2. YES. Nicole is so weird to me. I am curious...

  3. and then she lights up another cigarette

  4. Ooh, he's gonna tell everyone she smokes!

  5. Even with all the negatives we have learned about her. I still want to like her.

  6. Oooh, I so wanted it to be Gwynny!

  7. Ooooh I cannot wait for this to happen - I want to hear what he spills about her. She's just so weird!

  8. I think what is MORE surprising, is that I actually found her funny in Just Go with It.... Never saw her as a comedic actor.

    1. Omg what about that movie with Joaquin Phoenix where she has the affair with him and convinces him to kill her husband, played by Matt Dillon. Funny as all heck she was in that movie. Maybe that's why I want to like her!...

    2. To Die For!!!!! Great film! Just watched again the other day....

    3. She was great in Just Go With It. I don't know, I want to like her too. Sometimes.

  9. i thought smoking is REALLY REALLY bad if you have a face full of fillers and bototx etc---it like messes it up---oh wait I just had an Oprah ha-hA moment

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    OOOOOOOOooooooo juicy!
    and they was all just lovey dovey at cannes

  11. I wanted this to be Gwhine too. Kidman is in Stoker too and it's a horrible performance.

  12. There's nothing to really spill about her beyond her annual spending on Botox and she's a closeted smoker. She's well respected and from what I have heard easy to work with.

    They are one of those couples that stays out of the public eye most of the time that tabloids and gossip sites always have them on the verge of divorce.

  13. Speaking of these two, have The Ashamed Parents ever been revealed?

  14. Maybe Keith has some stories she told him about TommyGirl? I wanna hear those not stuff about her and her sweetheart oops ex sweetheart Naomi

  15. Eh I dont believe this one

  16. Too Die For---great movie

  17. @Secondbecky - "To Die For"

  18. I quite like Nicole. She was in an artsy movie called dogville a few years back. It's all shot on stage. She blew me away in that. Plus she seems like she would be rather nice. The cold bitch thing kinda seems like an act, every now and the. She lets it slip and is quite funny. Needs to stop with the fillers and shit and age gracefully. :)

  19. Juicy ... can't wait for this to spill!

  20. I loved Eyes Wide Shut---I may be the only person on the planet that does

    1. Derek from my point of view you may be. I found her so horrid in the sex scene with Cruise where she was stoned. Nice body though.

  21. Odd. Especially after he spent so much time writing and performing all those songs dedicated to her. It got a little...dull.

  22. Nope Derek - I LOVE that movie too. I saw it in an almost empty movie theater in July 1999 and watch it every Christmas week, which people think is weird of me, but the movie does take place during Christmas. So there.

  23. I really thought this was Puketrow, the goopster is such a I must say, I'm suprised by this.

  24. Yes!!!! Would be so great if this actually happens!!!!

  25. I want him to spill about Tommy Girl

  26. I had a friend that worked at a lesbian brain the 90's. said Nicole was very nice and came in often. Never left alone. I want to like her.

  27. Bar not brain lol.

  28. Never left alone from a lesbian bar? Does that mean Keith is her beard? I'm so out of it today.

  29. I love Nicole. I refuse to believe Lainey, Ted and Enty that she is evil and cold. And I'm glad to hear good things about her guys, thanks!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one! Unfortunately I heard years ago that she was not a good mom to Connor and Isabelle. Story I heard was that one of the kids back in elementary school drew a picture of her family and said "this is my daddy, he takes me for I've cream and plays baseball. This is my mommy, she was in Eyes wide shut.".

    2. Second-because nicole was being squeezed out by cos as being a sp- supressive person. Very screwed up and i have hopes for bella and her expose book.

  30. I don't know if its all the botox or what but she's always seemed wooden and cold to me. Probably why she was picked for Stepford Wives.

  31. Oooh. This one is juicy. She really does strike me as a cold fish, very much like the role she played in To Die For. All ambition, no passion.

  32. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Re: lesbian bar

    If Nicole is actually a closeted lesbian - not that there is anything wrong with that, but it would be a shame that she cannot/does not come out - it would explain so much!

    1. Frivolity : I don't think she's a lesbian but plays for both teams.

  33. The poor guy just probably really wants to get laid!

  34. Anonymous11:08 AM

    oooh say them Keith, say them. Can you imagine? Going to your spouse and saying, I want a divorce, probably tearfully, and them looking at their manicure saying it's not really a convenient time???? Uh, what? How about it not being a convenient time for me to slash your tires, or maybe it's not a convenient time for me to smash your favorite statue? What about now? Can we talk now? oh we can? But I thought it wasn't a good time? (smash)
    I've never done any of those things, but I would lose my f'ing sh@$# if my significant other pulled that crap on me when I was trying to have the worst, most difficult conversation between two people ever.

  35. Well well find out if its true this coming year. I still can't decide if all these stories r true or if she's intensely shy which can be taken for bitch. I could see how she started out shy but turned cold after Tom.

  36. Can't wait until this happens. I don't know how he stuck it out with Granny Freeze for this long.

  37. Lolll @becky so I guess Connor, Jason and I will always have a thing for Nicole in Eyes Wide Shut

  38. Sorry, I have trouble believing this as well as the smoking reveal. As to the smoking reveal, despite the cosmetic procedures, she does not have the skin or the voice of a pack a day smoker.

  39. I sooooooo want this to happen. Never liked her.

  40. @LadyLaw it's hard to tell with all the make up what her skin really looks like. And voices don't necessarily change.

  41. Didn't enty hint at Nicole sleeping with her personal trainer?

  42. Didn't enty hint at Nicole sleeping with her personal trainer?

  43. Anonymous11:36 AM

    yes he did Dena

  44. yes, I still love her.

  45. I find the lesbian bar reveal on this page much more interesting than the main reveal. ;)

  46. I've always liked her too, despite the Granny Freeze tag. She comes off as having a genuine sly sense of humor at times, and seems very involved with her current kids. I have read that the powers that be at Scientology really did not want her to exert much influence over her children, since she wanted them raised Catholic. If you look at body language with her and Urban, there seems to be some real affection there. Who knows, they are all actors, aren't they?!

  47. I like her and I adore Keith. And Moonmaid, I'm lazy so I'm just totally going to second everything you said.

    And I'm not convinced that she's a lesbian or even bi, although I don't doubt the lesbian bar story. Methinks she might have been "experimenting," especially if this was post-TC. It's just a vibe I get...that's she's straight but just wanted to try anything and everything after the CoS nightmare that she had to have endured. And we know girlfriend had her some Lenny K. NIIIIICE.

  48. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Loved her in, to die for....

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. You guys aren't alone, Eyes Wide Shut is one of my favorite movies. I just love it.
    I also like To Die For. Awesome movie.

  51. I always thought that Tom and Nicole were the most interesting when they were together: now, not so much. She is/was a beautiful creature, and I wish she had confidence in that and had chosen to age naturally, and no doubt, gracefully. Still may not be too late. I have never thought that she was as good an actress as her reputation had her to be. To me, she always seemed like a little girl playing dress-up, and a wanna-be. Crazy Cat Lady, I second your opinion. I think she is wooden and cold. Just a want-to-be. If she is a lesbian, I wish she was as honest as she presents herself, and just comes out as who she really is. Of course, she would have to eat all the spin she has put out lo these many years, but I think she would have quite a resurgence in her career. And while I am dispensing advise, cut her hair, make it red again and curly. You don't need needles, Nicole.

  52. Its believable but I don't know if its true.

    But I can't say I'm surprised about Nicole if it is. I mean this chick dumped her kids from her first marriage so really nothing she does should be much of a shock.

    And don't tell me she was powerless. She's friends with Rupert Murdoch and unlike a lot of mothers who get shut out she had $$$ to fight if she really wanted to be a part of their lives. She didn't.

    And as much as people dislike Katie Holmes she was never going to let that happen no matter what.

  53. Can't stand her, urgh, being Australian it is a crime against your patriotism to hate our Nic (kill me now).

    Must confess she is a damn fine actress, biting nails to the quick (?) as I write that.

    So many rumours about our Nic (vom), hmaphradite, knocked up by Ewan McGregor, lost baby....Tammy divorced her over 'you know why', personal trainer was apparently doing her and Tammy.

    So how does she pull Lenny Kravtits??

    What a crazy world. I think both Keith and our Nic needed a facade to promote their careers....

    She is so cold....always maintained she would never get physically pregnant as it would ruin the body she has worked so hard for...

  54. Ppl used to see her around Nashville all the time, including myself. A fan approached her and she was nice enough. Midget was doing one of those "You don't know me because I'm wearing a baseball cap" deals where he wants to be seen but not be obvious about it. It wasn't that we didn't see him, it was just hard because of his height.

    Aside from having a weird walk and botox face I didn't notice anything.

  55. I am SO sick of people complaining that Nicole dumped her kids when Tommy divorced her. Have you read ANYTHING about that situation?! This just infuriates me because she really was powerless in the situation. The sad thing is this happens in real life, too. The husband has power, money, publicity and something really solid behind him (the Co$ in this case) and the mom loses custody. That can further lead to cutting off contact with the children. For those who keep saying she left those kids, fuck off.

  56. Granted on a personal level there was the super-hot & young Penelope Factor, but Co$ had been upset for some time, cause Tommy started losing his Religion after a few years with Nicole.

    She was a nice match for him in other respects--adventurous, driven, lovely--& a lot more fun than running tedious audits to achieve Total Freedom.

    The 'Nicole knows why' line echoes numerous CoS Potential Trouble Source/SP disconnect language, & despite mad efforts at Celebrity pampering, she just wasn't set to become a glassy-eyed Ron-bot.
