Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 21, 2013

Most of the time an actress appearing on the cover of a magazine would love to look as thin as possible. However on her most recent magazine cover, this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee wanted to look fuller and wanted it to appear she was heavier than in reality. She says she is going to use it as a before and after for her new diet.

Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. I don't care how "full" photoshop could make her look, nobody would believe that Gwyneth needed to diet.

    Is any "star" diet on the level, or are most a product of surgery?

    1. Anonymous12:39 AM

      Pull the pics from Shallow Hal.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I love GP. Sorry!

  3. GOOPs latest bikini pics show the middle aged sags starting to creep in as well as bit of a paunch.

  4. That's just Goopy being Goopy!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    We had a pet guinea pig named GP when I was a kid.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    oh Gwyneth... do not love. Just want her to go away.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I'm really glad you said that, Anna. I've been "DIEING" (that's how you spell it, right?) to know how you feel about her.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Ann Nah Nah Mess - What's with the personal hate? can't we all just get along?

    4. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Ann Nah is totally taking over CDAN and I'm becoming a devotee.

  7. She never used some covers to promote her diet because she never was "fuller" in cover

  8. Yep. How's that diet goin w/ her pasty scrawny eyes are stuck in the roll position. I can't stand this snotty whiny biatch...

  9. I guess she couldn't think of something so she comes up with a fake diet LOL. She is pitiful.

  10. I feel very sorry for Apple. She reminds me of Cecila from Weeds. Hopefully Apple has the spunk and courage of Cecila's daughter cause if not she is in for a world of eating disorders and self-esteem issues.

    This is why I'm trying to take care of my crazy before I have kids. You can't have a little girl and then teach these dangerous ideals. It's irresponsible.

    1. Ya know, I think about that w/ a lot of these women...u know posh will never eat, Nicole richie, Heidi klum (w/ her plastic surgeries) what are these little girls gonna think?! That eating is bad??? That you're only cute if u are 20lbs UNDER weight....scary I tell ya!

    2. Wasn't Cecilia's mom some kind of turbo bitch who made Cecilia constantly feel bad? Blythe Danner as raging ED mum.

  11. I'm picking up the cookbook from the library tonight. Team Goopster! I can't help it, and I don't even know why. :-P

  12. I've seen her in Malibu. She's super tall and very very skinny!

  13. Goop has a scrawny arse because she's militant about what she puts in her body. The word 'diet' has been so bastardised. Whatever we eat is, ipso facto, our diet. I remember so e time back seeing a cover of her that had been made to look fuller. I think CeleBitchy did a story about it.
    I'm all for people being sensible about what they put into their bodies. Eating with a conscience is a good thing. Wanting to teach people that skinny is healthy is not. If skinny were healthy GOOPy wouldn't have so many health issues right now.

  14. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I think she's been looking chunky anyway. Colonic irrigation using the tears of Mother Theressa.



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