Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 25, 2013

Every so often I hear a story about an actor or actress who is into pain or a little S&M. Nothing too terrible or excessive. Then you also see things like other actresses who enjoy the company of men and cannot be picky about what they can choose to say no to since they are getting a great deal of money. This model is different. You might not be able to put a face with the name, but you would know the name. A list in her world with B list name recognition in the real world. Over the past several months, what was just a hidden thing for her has come out in the open as she becomes more famous. What she used to hide with makeup or "a week off for vacation" is now there for the world to see when she is not careful about showing off her wounds. Not only has she been spotted with bruises around her neck and wrists, but there is not a day that goes by that you don't see her with bruises or rope burns around her ankles. Those are the obvious signs. If you happen to see her changing during a gig or a show, you will see the cuts and bruises from a whip on her back and stomach. She told a friend that while she used to be able to get turned on by just a tiny amount of pain, she has now become so numb to it, that it takes a greater and greater amount before she is able to be pleased and she worries that one day she might die because of her need to feel release, but that it comes at a very high price. She has never discussed the origins of why she needs pain although she did say that her second or third sexual encounter was with a man in his 50's when she was in her teens and that he used to beat her and she was so in love with him that she never said no.

Cara Delevingne


  1. It's ridiculously obvious this girl needs a magazine rack for all of her issues, she is so painfully thin and in the few pictures I've seen of her she is cracked out of her little British head. I believe she was the one papped dropping a bag of blow or meth while she was walking into her house. Honey, that's what pockets are for.

  2. Who?

    When are we going to get that old blind lol

    1. @dragon, what old blind?

    2. @lotta I thought Enty said he was going to reveal an old Blind that he think is time to be reveal?

      Or did I misunderstood? not fake singer tho

    3. @dragon- Oh, yeah you're right. I forgot he said that.

    4. @lotta Unless it was Angie/Bob. then oh lol

    5. @dragon, haha! You're bad.

  3. Meh. I've worked with plenty of actors who are far worse off than Cara.

  4. I think the agencies prefer their models to be junkies or mentally screwed up to keep them under their control until they are of no use to them anymore

  5. She's only 20.. that's beyond sad.

  6. Butter knife to the neck girl?

  7. If this is true, this is beyond sad. This past February at NYFW, she was bubbly, funny and was caught chowing down at McDs

  8. Hmmm.. according to this article, her apparent bruises are the result of psoriasis.

    (look at her legs in the photo)

  9. For people with needs for this sort of kink, it can be very complicated. She may not even know herself where it comes from or why she has those needs.

    We can only hope she's found a safe kink community in which to practice it.

  10. I'm surprised she's getting work if she's that marked up. Hope the girl seeks out some help because her kink seems totally out of control.

  11. Hasn't many, many other blinds hinted she's gay?

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    yeah the fifty year old that she was in love with who beat her would have done that to her psychologically where she needs that to be into it, makes sense to me. I'd bet if she was in love with someone she wouldn't need that increasing level of pain. You can kind of see the grit in her eye, the set of her jaw and her glare.

  13. @phoenix, that is exactly what that is. Praps she is having a laugh with the paps.

  14. Cara has been hanging out with Rihanna, which is usually a sign of drug (ab)use. It's disturbing to me that Jennifer Lawrence has been hanging out with Ri too. Ri is the new Paris Hilton. I shall call her Ribola.

  15. Thanks Flora. I'm lmao at how a case of recurring psoriasis turned into this blind item :))

  16. She's hooked on ritalin according to a makeup artist who posted on lipstickalley. I guess she must've been popping the pills in front of the mua. She was also a popular guess for the model crushing and snorting pills on a flight...probably Ritalin (or adderall).

  17. I have no idea who this is but if you look at the link phoenix posted the marks do resemble psoriasis and not bruising. Bruises are not usually red or uniform in color.

    It's interesting that designers are ok with this but not being a size 2.

  18. Between consenting adults, right? As long as the bitch doesn't press charges.

  19. She comes off a little nutty. fun, but nutty. I also really like her giant eyebrows.

    1. @jsierra me too! I'm jealous of those brows

  20. Omfg she has to be in to drugs or " beaten by an older man " to be into this ? I worked in the fetish industry for YEARS and 99% of my clients were college educated, six figure earning, otherwise mundane sorts of folk. One does not need drugs or a sorted sexual past to be in to bondage and discipline. The grit in her eye?!? Wow .. Just wow. It's a billion dollar industry funded by your friends and neighbors people. Not a junkie fueled activity for those with proclivity to living out childhood trauma :/

  21. I know I like to keep my sexual past well sorted, sorta but not much, you know because it's kinda sordid.

  22. @Alicia
    I Don't think it's the fetish itself but this
    "she has now become so numb to it, that it takes a greater and greater amount before she is able to be pleased and she worries that one day she might die because of her need to feel release"
    that is worrisome.
    It doesn't sound like she is practicing in a safe, controlled environment. At least from how the BI reads.
    I have next to no knowledge in this area, as it's not my thing, but I do know there should always be ground rules ans safety measures.

  23. Amen, Alica, amen.

  24. Ironically, Cara is pictured nude on a Marc J t-shirt with the slogan PROTECT THE SKIN YOU'RE IN:

  25. Isn't she like 20? Jesus.

  26. Michael K would have a field day with her eyebrows. Holy cow.
