Friday, July 12, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 2, 2013

This reality star is B list. His girlfriend is B+ list. He is a jerk. I hate them both. They were in a store the other day and decided to buy something that cost $42. Apparently they made millions of dollars last year and they decided to ask if they could have a discount. Not in a nice way either. With cameras rolling the guy asked, "Can we get a f**king discount?" The owner said no. Bless you. I would have kicked them out.

Scott Disick/Kourtney Kardashian


  1. Wasn't Kourtney doing some weird coupon clipping shit one season? I'm so ashamed that I know that. They're both trash.

  2. Shocked that they were Dicks? No.

    Shocked that they wanted to buy something that 'only' cost $42? Yes

  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm not a hater of people with money, but this shit it ridiculous. There should b NO stories like this from the one%.

  4. As we've seen before, money doesn't buy you class.

  5. I rather enjoyed the crickets that greeted Kanye releasing the video of him as Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, the purpose of which eludes me other than possibly a promo for Yeezus? I like that movie, and made it through roughly 14 seconds of that mess. It was so bad, and not campy Sharknado bad, bad bad.

    They were prolly buyin $42 shoelaces or somethin.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. THEY'RE B LIST????????? D, c at most!!!!!

  8. Ugh! Why don't they just go away!

  9. Ugh when are they going to disappear into oblivion. They should be encouraged to join scientology so that they get banished to sea org or RPF and we never see a trace of them again.

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    can we get a fucking discount? How about you get some fucking class you cheap reality trash, and while you're at it get the fuck out of my store NOW!

  11. If that was my store, I would have said "not only can you NOT get a fucking discount but you can't buy shit here, get the fuck out". I hate entitled pretentious stuck up fucktards!!!

  12. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I'm covering for a non a miss who couldn't be here. Leave people who Enty hates but knows everything about and posts constantly about ALONE

  13. Why is it that these people NEED a discount or even get one OR freebies. They have tons of $$ and yet this happens constantly. Sheet. Give it to people who seriously need the break.

  14. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Yeah! Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????

  15. Kuntney & Co. strike again. Not one redeeming member of this family. I'm even questioning Bruce at this point.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I think we need a lot more from Enty about them to come to a final conclusion like that. Enty, PUHLEEZE post more stories about these guys!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. She is worse than him because she keeps him around! What kind of person would fall in love with SD?!

  18. Anonymous4:03 PM

    SD volunteers at the homeless shelter when his schedule allows.



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