Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 1, 2013

This almost A list mostly movie actress has been talking smack about her ex-husband. Lots of smack. Her ex-husband is an A list mostly movie actor who just got married again. Our actress has been really experimenting with her sexuality lately with some of her more recent lovers. Anyway, she says that her ex-husband was the most boring lover she has ever had. Ever. Once she got over his good looks, she got tired of the five minutes spent in missionary and her complete lack of any kind of satisfaction for her.

Scarlett Johansson/Ryan Reynolds


  1. Dun dun DUNNNN!!!

  2. That is the sound of a million panties getting dryer than Letterman's wit.

    1. Personally the guy never did it for me. I like to think I can tell when guys are bad just by looking at them and I always thought he'd be boring in bed. Letterman on the other hand...that guy's a freak. I guarantee it.

  3. Maybe he just wasn't as into her as he thought.

  4. I can handle a small peen as long as (no pun intended) the guy knows how to work around that. But boring? Hail no. Now it makes sense her running to Sean Peen...

    1. Sean Penn looks gross, acts like a total douch, is kind of a whiny s.o.b. but....

      He probably wrecks ass...this has been my experience with lanky/undernourished lookin dudes. They dont have to do the song n dance, they just put it down...really, really well...

      P.s. "Sean Peen" bahahahahaha

  5. a few more bombs and Ryan wont be alist any more

  6. Blake looks like shes boring too so they are perfectly matched then.

  7. @skimpymist, Lol!!!!!

    A selfish man is a terrible waste of a good woman.

  8. I'm boring so Ryan and I would be boringly perfect together. I can also be a boring housewife if he wants me to.

  9. Funny cause she's always seemed cold tome despite her 'sexy bombshell' reputation...anyway, boring or not I'd still hit RR!

  10. Yeah but don't forget..She's been talking smack!

    I remember someone saying to me: Sherry there are two kinds of women in this world. Those that moan and groan and those that don't. Which kind are you? Hmm,John, funny I heard there two kinds of men in this world. Those that make you moan and groan and those that don't which one are YOU?

    Some people just aren't sexually compatible.

  11. I don't buy this one. Why would someone who didn't even believe in monogamy MARRY a man who was that bad in bed? Bull.

    Also, I know girls who lie about size and skills after the relationship ends. A roommate of mine in college did this--she was pissed that he had broken up with her--until another friend who had dated the same guy called her out on lying. She grudgingly admitted the truth.

  12. @karen!

    well said! I think she realized she did a mistake breaking up with him and got so pissed when found out he got married again that she said these bs un purpose!

  13. I dunno, it could certainly be talking smack but have the truth inside. He seems like he WOULD be boring in bed!

  14. Get some class Scarlett & shut up.
    Just think how pissed off you're going to be when someone tells all about your sex life & peccadilloes!

  15. I think she tried to get back together w/ him after she dumped him and she heard he had moved on to blively, and she told everyone blively "stole him" during thet green movie. jealousy makes you remember things differently.

  16. It takes two to tango. If sex is a one way street for your partner, then either you aren't speaking up or you shouldn't keep going to the point where you're married only to complain about it afterwards.

    I get her need for satisfaction, I really do, but unless they waited until their wedding night, there's no excuse for going along with it and then criticizing him. For all we know, he thinks she was the boring one and he never got to do any of the fun stuff he wanted.

  17. I don't find Ryan sexy or great looking...

  18. @MISCH, me either. Ryan, Armie Hammer, Channing Tatum - all so bland.

    @Shark Week, are you going to watch future camp classic "Sharknado" tonight?

  19. sounds like sour grapes to me from Scarjo. If it were true don't you think she would have known that before they got married? and why would she marry him? she's mad that he has moved on and isn't pining after her.....sour grapes and lack of class-no surprise

  20. Yea, I'm wondering why she married someone who didn't make an effort to help, er, her along.

    1. I was about to write the same exact thing. You better believe I would have something to say

  21. ::sigh:: let's hope this isn't true. I have crushed on him since his tv days.

  22. Because you love someone you think they will change in that regard, with some helpful hints. Many times they don't, tho.

  23. This explains why she hooked up with Jared Leto back in November. He's supposedly really hung and quite adventurous (sp?).

    I agree she shouldn't have married him if she thought he was boring in bed. Did she not know that beforehand?

  24. I give 0000000 shits about Scarlett Johnson and her satisfaction. Moving along

  25. I just don't like her. I don't like her more and more every time she opens her mouth or I read something about her. I think she's actually good with Sean Penn. They make a good couple. Yuck. Ryan Reynolds is losing steam quickly. The equivalent of a one hit wonder. Better movies, he needs to get out there soon.

  26. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Next to Enty, everyone has a pencil dick. Don't ask me how I know (wink wink!). And now you know where the Your Turn came from today!

  27. He is so full of himself it was obvious he would be a selfish lover!

  28. Sometimes when you're desperately in love you dismiss those things at first. Maybe that's what happened.

  29. Wouldn't she have known that BEFORE she married him? If a guy isn't good in the sack while you're dating it sure as hell isn't going to get any better.

  30. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Jeez, Faith, not everyone is a total whore. Be careful about what you say about others. It almost always ends up letting everyone else know what YOU'RE up to.

  31. Anonymous12:38 PM

    What the fuck Marcie? Because Faith's talking about having sex before marriage you're going to call her out as a whore? You're a dumb, glum cunt, and I wish to God you'd shut the fuck up already.

  32. Anonymous12:46 PM

    JC, Anna! Why so angry? Here, you can have the rest of my Starbucks. Now, cheer up! I hate to see you so upset! xoxo

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Maybe he became boring? Things ebb and flow at times.

    Show of hands.. who is a mean mean critter and giggled at this blind?


  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    he looks stale, not surprised

  36. He looks boring as shit...Hottest man alive my ass...If you can't lay pipe you aint shit!

  37. @DewieTheBear, why yes, my dear, so I can be angry and pissed about that too! ;)

  38. Im sorry but I have a hard time imagining any young man ONLY wanting missionary unless they come from an extremely conservative background. I honestly doubt that a young man like Ryan wouldn't be willing to try different positions and styles at the very least. When in doubt, what's wrong with taking things into your own hands? I can understand the first few times being a bit awkward as you get to know the other person's style, but come on... Unless you're horribly submissive, take some control! It seems to me that Scarlett seeks aggressive men because she is too shy and insecure to take control of her own sexuality.

  39. I dated a guy exactly like this once. He got exactly 2 shots at it (with a condom) and I was out of there. I always kind of wondered if he was gay, but I'm sure RR is straight. Positively. No doubt about it.

  40. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Bitter ex-wives never spread any malicious gossip about their ex-husbands, so this positively, absolutely HAS to be true. But of course we already knew that. Enty wouldn't print it otherwise.

  41. Scarlett, reliable? Please. NEXT!

  42. Scarlett, reliable? Please. NEXT!

  43. Why does this make my like her? Hmm.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Hmmmmmm....Break up with someone, launch a smear campaign, and be just famous enough to be worthy of a Blind Item--at least on this blog.

  44. I don't see the appeal of Ryan. He's kind of cute in movies, but seems like he'd be the most boring SO every. I wonder if we should start taking bets on a divorce. I think Blake is going to have a fling with her next costar, whenever Ryan allows her to make another movie.

  45. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Mad, ITA. I think you just wrote at least 3 blinds. Make sure you get a commission.

  46. @Dingle Barry
    Love your name! I love dingleberries in yogurt...

  47. Anonymous9:19 PM

    TeacherNan, I love knowing that you spend time on a ridiculous gossip site when you aren't shaping the minds and lives of our children!

  48. I find ryan super hot. and I would not allow him to be boring...

  49. Awe man. Bummer.
    This gives me and my lady parts the sads

  50. I love the phrase 'glum cunt' lol

  51. I doubt that Alanis Morrisette would have spent 4 years with him if he had been so boring in bed...

  52. Yeah, because Alanis is a totally well adjusted person.



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