Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 1, 2013

It is not so much that this keeps saying he is getting married A++ list mostly movie actor buys pot. I think most of us would be shocked if he didn't smoke pot. After seeing some of the things he has done, lately, I certainly hope he was on pot. The very very interesting thing is that when our A++ lister has gone to buy pot from his dispensary, he has had, for the last two or three times with him a barely out of her teens blonde and they are all over each other.

Brad Pitt


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Harsh! Whatever floats your boat. As long as both consent and are fully informed. It's not like he's doing lines off an underage pool boys butt crack.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
      Old enough to pee then she's old enough for me
      The Dwarves

    3. B Smears, did you just quote The Dwarves. We are friends, like it or not that just happened

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM


  3. Didn't we hear about this side piece recently?

  4. Enty, why didn't you include this on the July 4 and 5 reveals? If you have done so, I wouldn't have wasted so much time scrolling down all the whining about lame reveals.

  5. Yay! This is juicy!! Makes me happy, thank you.

  6. Bwahawahawah lilafowler and FSP you guys are hilarious! Honestly there is nothing Bradford Pittens could do that would cause me to dislike him!

  7. Isn't it pretty much known they have an open arrangement? Wouldn't be surprised if Angie is sharing with him...

  8. Well, if Brad hasn't changed his hair to match hers yet, then it can't be that serious.

    1. Yes! That's exactly how I feel about all his exes. He morphs into all of them. It's so weird.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      I wonder if they have matching pubes?

    3. I feel like angie does too...thats y they cant marry it is hard to follow and have no leader! Ex..all u have to do is look at her flicks and articles around same time..this woman has to act, otherwise she doesnt know who to be! I think sociopath.

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I would be surprised if she wasn't all over him!

  10. I love the phrase "on pot"....

    1. Even better, "well at least I hope he was on the pot..." bahahaha

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Piss or get off the pot

    3. I like "marijuana cigarette"!

  11. He's looking so rough, it's sad.

  12. I would love to know what it is that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has done that has made Enty hate them so much.

  13. "Hey guys! I'm on the reefer!"

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    hmmmmmmm so brad is creeping?
    I doubt one the most photographed ppl men in the world would be out with a woman

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      You deserve a kick in your jubblies you incognicent jizz wipe

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. on the

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Barton, my sister died a very premature death due to hereditary breast cancer. I'll leave it at that.

    1. I'm sorry, Phoenix. It must hit close when people make shots like that. :/

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Barton is what we would refer to as a fuck wit.

  20. Of COURSE he and Angie have sex with other people. AND...

    Of COURSE Pitt loves his pot, BUT...

    You are in the most famous relationship on the planet and you take your OTHER girlfriend with you to buy your POT?! From a goddamn dispensary?! Not a dealer with discretion who makes housecalls but an actual brick-and-mortar storefront?! Pics or it didn't happen.

  21. Of COURSE he and Angie have sex with other people. AND...

    Of COURSE Pitt loves his pot, BUT...

    You are in the most famous relationship on the planet and you take your OTHER girlfriend with you to buy your POT?! From a goddamn dispensary?! Not a dealer with discretion who makes housecalls but an actual brick-and-mortar storefront?! Pics or it didn't happen.

  22. So if Enty is so clued in on everything the Brange do (Angie with BBT, Brad with whoever the blonde is), why didn't he have any idea about the double mastectomy? Well, if the BBT and this blonde story are true, I guess the Brange have an open relationship. Do the kids know?

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Maddox approves

    2. Ummm. He did...he talked about her breast job...

  23. @Jennifer H. - *rofl* So true!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. They obviously have an open relationship. No wonder they've stayed together so long. Makes sense to me. More couples should do it.

  26. No, I believe this, they are just together for the brand at this point.

  27. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I would think Brad and Angie have their drugs delivered to their estate or wherever it is they live. No way would either of them go to a dispensary.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Do you guys (the USA) have a PBS? (Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme) He may be making the most of subsidized medications.

  28. Unrelated? Whatever. She and Brad have also donated a ton of money to charity over the years. Please provide a link to substantiate your claim, thanks.

  29. Good for Brad, escaping from turbo cunt Aniston and finding a chick more his speed. She gets her Billy Bob, he gets the fresh wetties. Win/Win.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I thought he vocalized his gripes about Maniston where he was a skid mark on the couch (sofa) smoking the herb all day & Angie saved him with her magical nipple clamps and lubed rubber fist?

  30. Not surprised, and I don't blame him. Angie is bopping Bill Bob again anyway.

  31. Glad you brought up Anniston, Count, because I've been watching Friends on Nick at Nite with the kiddos this summer, and just realized that sister was never a good actress! I think I was so blinded by my love for all the characters the first time around that I never noticed her inability to act. Honestly, she's been terrible this whole time!

    1. @Frufra, do you think so?? I always thought she had great comedic timing and was very natural in Friends. Plus, comedic acting is extremely difficult to pull off.

  32. I'm surprised he has to go to a dispensary. Somehow at that level of fame I assumed the dispensary came to you.

  33. It would surprise me more if Brad and Angelina were sexually monogamous. She strikes me as a woman who would get very bored with one sexual partner, and would be more interested in a European approach to partnership. Financial and family loyalty>sexual fidelity

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      What other types of monogamy are there?

    2. Well, to me personally, none. Plenty of other people believe that your heart can be monogamous while your loins are not.
      Not my personal choice, but people all over the world live that way.
      Monica Belucci said it's a European way of life, she basically admitted to an open marriage where lovers are concerned, but that it excludes matters of finance and the love between her and her husband.

  34. I know a lot of people are complaining about the July 4th reveals as being lame, but they were so much better than the Jan 1st ones. Those were almost all about reality celebs that no one cares about anyway. I'd love more big names too but last week was an improvement for me.

  35. I don't remember who, but someone talked about this on the billy bob Thorton reveal saying their ppl tried to pass her off as an assistant to the photo agency... Whoever that was bravo!!!!

  36. Thx Suzie :) I believed it was unintentionally thoughtless. The rationalizing after I prodded for some reflection surprised me, but such is life.

  37. If they are making out in public, its hardly blind. IF. But I call bullshit.

  38. "Barely out of her teens blonde", so she's at least 20? Who the hell cares? Two consenting adults being all over each other isn't a crime. If she was barely in her teens then it would be a different story, but this is a big nothing. Sorry.

  39. I like this reveal. It's nice to know they're both cheating on each other...I guess?

  40. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I like knowing that an anonymous blogger can say anything it wants to and thousands of people will treat it as the gospel truth.

  41. Wtf people...u dont need to read if you think all the stories are false and/or stupid...this is an escapist site and your negativity..frankly...blows....go bitch about something else, elsewhere.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Nope. Thanks for the suggestion mega, but I'm gonna park my ass right here and bitch all the fuck I wanna.

  42. I believe the pot part, but not so much the young blonde. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they had an open relationship, I think they'd be more discreet.

  43. right............ and yet no pics. He can't get on his motorcycle and go to the circle k or mcdonalds without being papped and you guys think he can sneak out to a pot shop and make out with some chick and not get AT LEAST a cell phone pic of it?? so not buying this one..........

  44. I believe the pot part, but not so much the young blonde. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they had an open relationship, I think they'd be more discreet.

  45. After seeing some of the things he has done.........

    What has he done? I think there would be a pic.
    This is lame.

  46. Angie fucks Billie Bob AND her own brother while she shoots smack snd has her tits sliced off. I'd say Brat richly deserves some tight tight.

    1. Somebody had to set it straight. Leave it to The G.

  47. WOW!! Didn't see THIS coming! Thanks Enty!

  48. never in my life saw brad pitt as gorgeous, nevahhh...and i/m w/ enty (if he really hates them) can't stand tarzan and jane of the jungle pitt and jolie....

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Like someone else said I would imagine the dispensary would travel to Brad.

    Surely Jolie and Pitt have an open relationship.

    Well, good for him! Maybe his young blonde will put a spring in his step.

  51. Brad has a lisp, a weird conviction that he is intelligent in some regard or another, and the WORST TASTE IN WOMEN I have ever seen (except my husband wrt his first two wives and girlfriend before me-which SHOULD have been a clue to me!).

    I really truly deeply think Brad is the PITTS.

    Why oh why does anyone pay him, St. Ange, or JenAngst any nevermind whatsoEVER?

    1. Don't forget Goop. They were engaged.

  52. What's with all the new trolls? Does Enty have an enemy?

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Think of us as your friends. We increase site traffic. Mo' traffic, mo' money! When we show up, things get interesting (even though few will admit it). I even get a little commission when people REALLY get pissed off and take the bait. Not that Enty thinks you're stupid or gullible or anything like that, he just knows how to get you involved, become part of the show.

    2. I'm new, but I hope that I'm not put in the same category as troll, as some of these AnnNaNaMesses.
      Just recently I've seen some annoying traffic on here myself. This is not my favorite site to unwind my mind at the end of a long day. I stay for the clever quips from the subscriber's comments. However, not for the banal comments. Those annoy me to want to leave forever. Hopefully I won't be too patient. I already do not scurry to this blog first.

  53. The SNL sketch where Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis did impersonations of Aniston made me realize what a bad actress she was. Still, she had that one good movie.



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