Monday, July 08, 2013

Blind Item #8

This C list mostly movie actress with A list name recognition had her heart broken when her boyfriend broke up with her. Apparently she got drunk one night and showed him the almost 1,000 naked and partially naked photos she had sent her ex. She had sent her then boyfriend of one year none. Apparently she also still has every text message and e-mail saved from that previous relationship and reads them constantly.


califblondy said...

Somebody needs to snap out of it (Cher slap).

sandybrook said...

I wanna say Olivia Munn but the description doesn't entirely fit.

Unknown said...

she needs to pick one. heartbroken when the boyfriend broke up with her.... but still reads texts from the previous relationship? yeah. clingy, needs a relationship for self-assurance.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, was going to say Olivia Munn / Chris Pine as the ex...but not mostly Movie.

Anonymous said...

Julianne Hough..... ha! kidding, kidding....

msgirl said...

Don't blame the bf for leaving her at all!

msgirl said...
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Anothergrayhare said...

For some reason Renee Zelwigger came to mind.

SkittleKitty said...

I thought of Zoe Kravitz as she has family name recognition, but I don't know if she's 'mostly movie' plus it doesn't look like she's dated anyone since Penn Badgley.

NomNom83 said...

Well, if it's Munn, didn't someone leak nudes of her? So I can see why she would put the kibosh on new ones but show the old. And if the most recent ex got all butthurt that he *only* got to see her naked in person, um, deal with it buddy. Or break it off and then you don't get to see her naked at all anymore, I guess. Way to solve a problem that didn't exist!

Sounds like she's still in love with the ex. Can no one here relate to that? You try and move on but you still think about what could have been.

Hmm, I might be cranky. Time for a caffeine refill.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Kate Bosworth and Askars for the guy who broke up with her, texts were from Orlando Bloom.

The madness in Skars' eyes whenever he was spotted with her says it all xD

Kelly said...

Munn is not mostly movies though. She's mostly TV.

MrWolf said...

Given how Enty's rating system has been lately, I'm gonna take a guess and say Dean Martin.

kelgela2 said...


sandybrook said...

I'm changing my original opinion which I stated was wrong based on ratings to one of the Ashley's Greene or Tisdale and leaning toward Ashley T.

Snoopy said...

What about Demi??

Jenn said...

If my boyfriend carped incessantly on his ex, I'd have to cut him loose. I'm not competing with a memory, or thoughts of what could have been.

Unknown said...

totally agree with kate bosworth + askars with orlando as the ex

lostathome said...

I guess Vanessa hudgens doesn't fit?

Sarah said...


Habibti said...

Vanessa Hudgens. Ex being Zac Efron.

PS said...

VanesssA Hidgens. Ex being Zac Efron, who is gay. Sent him all the naked pix trying to get him to be sexually attracted to her, out of frustration. New boyfriend, who is straight, didn't need the pix / already wanted sex, so she didn't send him any and enjoyed not having to work hard, she saved the texts and emails, bc it's hellaconfusing being that age and not understanding why your gay boyfriend loves you but won't touch you. He's also a bigger star, so she hangs onto to the memorabilia and a remember when I was part of a young it couple. She was in love, though, with new guy. Being young himself, it's too complicated to understand..sees it as just her previous boyfriend and she must have liked him more. Nope... She just had to try wider and banged her had against wall...

gr8p said...

Haven't got a clue but she's a complete idiot! hahaha showed current guy 1000 naked pics she sent to her ex and got herself dumped? sheer dumbassness haha

Seabee said...

PS is right on Zach being gay. I have eyewitness account at NYC party.

Kim said...

Cameron Diaz/JT/Elon Musk.


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