Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Blind Item #8

This A list celebrity chef was overheard complaining about his wife who says that she only lets him go to work alone. He is not allowed to go anywhere else alone because of all the times she has caught him cheating. I guess she thinks he will behave at work. He has not in the past, so it will be interesting to see if she starts following our chef to work too.


Kelly said...


Bacon Ranch said...

Sounds like she went Law & Order on his ass

zaaahara said...


Count Jerkula said...

Justin Wilson, in the basement cooler, so no one can hear.

HappyGeisha said...

this sounds like bobby flay. i think if it were ramsey it would have mentioned his foreignness

The Dude said...

Guy Fiere

Redd said...

I say it's the Neelys.

nevermindthat said...

Gordon Ramsy, he's a known cheater.

shopgirl said...

+1 donk donk

Cory said...

Bobby Flay is on the short list as one of January Jone's baby-daddies so it could be him. Jamie Oliver's wife is extremely jealous but he's foreign born and probably not the one. Other than that I got no one.

The Dude said...

Ramsey would be too easy.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Flay

Anonymous said...

Bobby "I put the LAY" in Flay....sorry couldn't resist

Unknown said...

What is wrong with these 'wives'. He is a cheater- either accept it or get a divorce!!!

George Glass said...

What does Steph March see in Flay? He looks like the pig man from Seinfeld.

Seabee said...

The Neelys: hahahahahahahaha, sugar, honey bun, plum puddin', nice n' spicy, etc. etc. etc.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Doesn't Ramsey travel all over the place for his work? Pretty hard to control in that case...

Unknown said...

Usually I go for the tall, dark and handsome guys but, Bobby Flay is extremely hot to me. I think this blind is about him.

Unknown said...

Coincidentally enough, my in-laws are in town and they have reservations tonight to go eat at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill.

Unknown said...

I usually suck at blinds unless they are labled Easy Easy. This one screamed Flay to me from the beginning.

Pink Cashmere said...

I co-sign

Essie said...

Bobby Flay travels the country because he has several restaurants. Meanwhile, his wife Stephanie is working on her acting career. I seriously doubt she tries to keep a short lease on him. I mean, how would that even work? This is definitely NOT Flay. In fact, I can't imagine any real man allowing a wife to "allow" him to do or not do anything. This is just another made up piece of crap to fill space on this site.

The Original CDAN Reader said...

@ Essie – Stephanie, is that you?
I actually think this is Aaron Sanchez. His ego is over the moon and his whole demeanor screams PLAYA!

Sandy said...

It's Flay. He definitely doesn't behave at work, so March had better start following him in.

di butler said...

Excellent! Lol. 👏

rajahcat said...

it is Flay

bar fly said...

Co sign also and


His blonde spikes poking at you....blech


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