Monday, July 08, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A list X Games and Olympic athlete partied with a woman all weekend long, but sent his bodyguard out to collect phone numbers whenever our athlete/celebrity spotted someone he liked. He then texted them to see if they were interested in hooking up with or without the woman he was with.


  1. This is turning into a 90% Blind Items site, and there are plenty of other sites doing that already. Then there are huge long "reveals" of such obvious blinds that everyone got them anyway, or else they're about people no one's heard of (lots of reality tv "celebs" ahem) or about things that aren't even interesting.

    I mean, a young, single athlete who likes to have sex with a lot of women? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.

    How about emphasizing quality over quantity, (Faux) Enty/ies?

  2. If you dont like it, click away.

  3. I'm with @figgy - the vast majority of the recent reveals concerned people I had never heard of, what with not watching Real Housewives of Hookerville or whatever. To be interesting (and therefore generate page clicks which is where the revenue comes from) it needs to be about people who are actually famous.

    If we have to Google them, they're not famous. Really. Famous people are names that we recognise.

  4. Hi figgy! Miss you doll!

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Shaun White.

  6. When I am reading the site I find that I am not excited to see another blind. It's almost like I dread it because it takes too much energy to read. I kind of just skim it and see if it is anything I might be interested in or jump straight to the comments and see what is being said. I personally preferred the one good blind per day with a Four For Friday.

  7. No one cares about the X Games. More rape, incest, casting couch and drugs. Pump up them Alexa stats.

  8. My pearls are clutched...the nerve of this single warm-blooded person, wanting to see who would hook up with him!!

  9. I'm not reading these like I used to. Maybe it's good for my business, but I really enjoyed the distraction. Now it feels like the boyfriend who I broke up with but still calls and I take his calls because I'm hoping he may have a glimmer of insight into why we broke up. Nope. I need to stop this behavior!

    1. Agreed, Silly Girl! I get a snatches of time here and there, and it's worse than I can't quit you. I think I can, but I'll miss the snark & fun in the comments.

  10. It's too many blinds.

  11. It's more fun when these blinds are just an article about the person and what they did. Then it's less speculation and more discussion.

  12. It has to be Shaun White - only A list X games celeb.

  13. I agree, the blinds are too ambiguous. They could be about any one of 1000 wannabes.

  14. *snatches of time

    Not getting a snatches of time :b
