Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blind Item #7

This ex-boyfriend of a male B+ list singer/celebrity who is branching out into different directions is HIV+. Although he and the singer broke up a few years ago, he is not saying when he became infected with the virus and has implied that he has been positive since well before dating the singer.


  1. Obviously Adam Lambert, who is branching out to acting in Glee this season. As long as they both lived well-informed and made safe decisions based on this knowledge, it really isn't gossip-worthy or any of our business (what's next: reporting on vaginal yeast infections???)

  2. @kidjones: agreed, this is super icky.
    i dont even want to guess, i hope whoever it is will be alright...

  3. I dont know. And I know no one cares, especially not the enties, but I think I have to bow out of this lovely site. The advertising on the side is obnoxious and borderline illegal - there are pretty strict laws about unmuted autoplay ads - namely if you can have them, how many you can have at once, and what else needs to happen if you decided to include them. The ads are annoying and since I actually know the nuanced legalities that go into digital advertising, I'm a bit pissed that I'm being annoyed so you can get increased revenue doing questionable advertising tactics. I'll come by once a quarter and check anything tagged blind item reveal. Otherwise, thanks, all - this is a pretty cool group even though the writing hasn't been consistent for about 9 months.

    1. Try the mobile version- no ads

    2. I only enter via iPhone, all the crap killed my desk and lap tops.

    3. @Maximus yes try the mobile site. Way cooler than the regular site and no autoplay ads. Try before you leave us!

    4. Been mobile since first cane on here, no probs.

    5. Me too! Not an ad in sight.

  4. Maximus, if you aren't using Ad Block (it's free) you're missing out.

  5. Maximus, Ad-Block is your friend. Although I did just have to spend longer than I should have to block each autoplayed video individually. If the videos keep up, I'm out too. I never post but I'm here all the time, I'd be bummed to stop reading the site but it's THAT annoying.

  6. www.crazydaysandnights.net/?m=1 maximus, use the mobile version, even if you're on your computer. no ads at all.

    1. Co-signed. It's way better than the original.

    2. yup, i love being able to swipe from entry to entry

  7. Thanks guys - will maybe try sticking to mobile instead. Normally the ads don't mess with my Mac but somehow these do and its just pretty enraging. I mean. ALL THE VIDEOS. Will do my best to put a stop to it - thanks again :)

  8. Adblock doesn't automatically block the audio ads. You have to hover your mouse over them and click block when you see it, and who knows which www address will be spoofed next time you log on?

    This site has become on huge ad, especially over the last year. There are numerous opportunities for mouse accidents that will take you to one of the ad sites,too.

    I have adblock, ghostery, and donotrackme - but I still have to delete dozens of cookies every time I visit this site.

    My daughter suggests I use Feedly.com to bypass the ads and I think I'll give that a try before I give up coming here, too.

    I'd rather pay a subscription fee than deal with ads, and I bet I'm not the only one.

    As someone who once had a website that sold ads with a million hits a month, trust me - you'll make more money charging $10 a year than you can ever hope to see from web ads.

  9. I have ad block and it doesn't stop the ads on Chrome. Hit and miss with Mozilla. I just mute the sound while I'm here, but it is damned annoying.

  10. Wouldn't Lambert be a bit too young for this a few years ago? Whoever the b/f is he sux.

    1. @sandybrook.....I was thinking the same thing, but admittedly, I have no clue whatsoever how old he is, or when he came out.
      I just thought he was kinda young?

  11. Like other people said, use the mobile version--no ads

  12. If you're using chrome, you can right click anywhere in the page that isn't active, select "View Page Info" and then select "Block All Plug-Ins for This Site". You won't be able to watch any of the YouTube Videos either but... is it really that big of a loss?

    I just discovered this about 5 minutes ago.

  13. You need Flashblock for the auto play stuff.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Just to throw a different name in the hat...Lance Bass? Don't know that the rating works, though...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Stop with the sex abuse, incest and HIV blinds. You can't possibly know these rumors are a fact, so it speaks volumes that you see nothing wrong with spreading possibly wrong information about others.


  18. Anonymous11:59 AM

    This blind is most likely about a still closeted guy. There are too few out male B+ singers and so really wouldn't be blind. Also, Adam is 29 or 30 way old enough to have had sex a an HIV+ person.

    And for all you people who like to condemn gay men for having unprotected sex, just remember that exactly what every straight person does who doesn't use a condom and they are at risk of not only HIV but also herpes, warts, HepC, crabs (even a condom doesn't help with them) chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, parasites pregnancy and more.

    Most are treatable and will go away, several never will and many never display symptoms and are then spread to every sexual partner. Some only need hand to genital contact to be spread.

    1. Sean - you are the only one on this thread condemning gay men for having unprotected sex. The rest of us are complaining about the number of ads, or offering guessed. For that matter, nowhere do I read that the singer is gay. Enty avoids using pronouns for the singer. Please don't project your biases on everyone else.

      Um, what laws de with number of auto play ads? I work in digital advertising but don't know of any laws. IAB standards, yes. Ad network standards, yes. But those are voluntary. I am on the US, so perhaps other countries have codified laws?

  19. Along with AdBlock install something like Click-to-Flash - a plugin that won't allow any flash videos to play unless you click on them. I have it in Safari, Firefox and Chrome. It means one extra step for Flash videos that I WANT to watch - I just have to click the video to load it, but it prevents annoying flash ads and auto-start videos from getting on my nerves. It's easy to use like AdBlock, and free.

  20. I for one appreciate knowing how to cook a lava cake every single f*cking time I log in.
    Because it's SERIOUS BUSINESS.
    You don't want to make it wrong.
    The other 3 ads are a bonus! It's like I'm M, with all of those voices talking at once.

    1. This!!! Lmao it's so surreal, I jump in terror each time. You pause one, just to have the other start again. Arghhhhh

    2. This!!! Lmao it's so surreal, I jump in terror each time. You pause one, just to have the other start again. Arghhhhh

  21. @SEAN (The Jeep Guy) what your guess then? Aren't that many b+ list singers venturing into other fields Adam lambert make the most sense right now.

  22. Whoa wtf do you know Adam Lambert is 31?!?! He must have lied to get on AI and their age limits

  23. I must say I am an expert at juicing a prickly pear at this point.....

  24. Lambert was on Idol in 2009 so he would have been under 30. I think that's the age?

    I don't know if he's B+ though. He's had one song on the radio. Or at least, I've only heard one song of his on the radio.

  25. Enty did say the singer was a male B+

    1. Argh. I read the blind 5 times, and didn't see the word male. I stand corrected!

  26. I think Lance Bass would be a good guess if it read former A list now B+. He wrote a book, did DWTS, has a production company, etc.

  27. ALM is right about having to hover over the ads to be able to block them. I have ad block on both of my computers and out of nowhere one day one of them just started having three video ads auto playing at once. Super annoying and it took me a really long time to figure out how to make it stop.

    People can pretend all they want but this site is not the same as it used to be. I certainly wouldn't pay for a subscription so I didn't get ads just so I could get blind items about C list reality stars and tweeners. I'd rather the site was just truthful about who or what is writing.

    1. Yes! And being a daily/weekly reader of CDAN from day 1, I probably will continue following.
      But it doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate a little openness & honesty from Enty/ whoever is running the site nowadays.
      I would enjoy knowing more about how the site has been evolving, how that was managed, from an admin/ insider's POV.
      And like everyone said, ppl like this ad harassment should be publicly addressed.

  28. The mobile site is the ONLY to effectively block all of the ads, and it's cleaner, too. You can use it on your computer, too.

    @Rose, I wouldn't pay for a subscription either. Please, Bieber updates? The snotty captions on the randoms? The people in the comments are ten times more interesting.

  29. Ricky Martin just did Australia's version of The Voice and he has a development deal with NBC. He's A list as far as Latin America goes though I'm not sure how that translates here.

  30. Definitely Tom Cruise. I love the HIV blinds, especially the effective reveal that Shittany is HIV positive. Bet parasite Hilton and Blohan are too.

  31. Why not just mute when your on this site? It's what I do.

  32. Oh, and I;m with the Ricky Martin guess

  33. Very sad.
    I'm going Ricky Martin too, but really the blind is rather vague.

  34. I usually have my speaker muted. I don't really even notice the ads anymore.

    The ex-boyfriend sounds like a complete nightmare.

  35. this could be ricky for true, sad

  36. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This is truly fucked. I hope if this is true, that someone bothered to give the singer a heads up to get tested before running to a blind gossip site.

  37. There are a lot of HIV+ people out there. Doesn't mean he didn't tell the singer-boyfriend.

    I use Flash Control from the Chrome Web Store. No Celeb TV unless I click on it.

    I just found a video on how to make molten cake. And now I'm hungry.

  38. Ever heard of Occam's Razor? Enty is still the one writing the site. Always has been.

    I do agree, the ads suck balls. I have them blocked, but every once in a while one will sneak through.

    1. That's funny, like if someone did switch my Bic razor joke.

  39. Oh neat.
    It's Mooshki.

    Come out to play more often.


  40. I'm thinking this is probably that Reichen Lemkuhl guy and Lance Bass would be the singer.
