Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blind Item #7

Shortly after this B+ list mostly movie actress split with her A+ list mostly movie actor husband she was asked out by a co-star, who also used to be an A+ list mostly movie actor. She was willing and said that she was excited about it until he picked her up and the for the next three hours she could barely breathe. Apparently the actor had not showered in weeks because he said he was cleansing his body of toxins and this included also not brushing his teeth despite chain smoking and gorging on coffee. When he went in for a kiss at one point, our actress said she would have rather died and was hoping to pass out.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I would have left after 5 minutes.

  2. Hahahahahahahaha...i just spilled soda all over my shirt!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Oh no clue so I will guess Gerard Butler.

  4. Um, how do you cleanse your body of anything without washing?

  5. Brad Pitt
    Jennifer aniston
    Kevin Costner
    Rumor has it

  6. well brad pitt looks like he might be a little stinky at times too......ha-ha
    the smelly one sounds like Leo D.

  7. oh but maybe not since he still is mostly movie actor though right? Or does he direct now too??

  8. I was thinking ScarJo/Ryan/Penn, but she must have changed her mind and decided to go back for seconds.

  9. This (the dirty dude) is probably Brad Pitt, as that "cleansing his body of toxins" hippy shit fits more on someone "on the pot" than in other options as Kevin Costner or R. Crowe.

    No idea about the other people on the BI.

  10. Johnny Depp looks like he stinks to high heaven.

  11. jennifer Anniston and Matthew McConaughey

  12. scarlett/ ryan /mickey rourke

  13. tom cruise and Katie Holmes

  14. Was MM in any Aniston project? I immediately thought of him, with this toxin BS. And he's supposed to stink anyway!

  15. Hmmm, I'm thinking BCoop and Zoe Saldana for the recently broken up couple. And did they break up the first time around the time she was in Colombiana? If so, who was in it w her?

  16. Guys, the actress was married to an A+ actore, not Zoe.

  17. My first thought was Scarlett and Sean...but would he be goofy enough to cleanse his body while he's chain-smoking?

  18. oh...And now i see that scarlett in a blind just now I'm prolly waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.

  19. Hmmm the used to be A+ is throwing me off. Plenty of stinky people, Brad, Johnny, Matthew, but Brad and Johnny would still be considered A+ and Matthew not sure if he smokes? Unless he was just High the entire time.... could be.

  20. MM could be stinky but isn't he married? Not sure that matters though. He never uses deodorant.....likes his "natural" odor....ha-ha!!!

    Leo has looked cleaner lately though! Sort of.

  21. What is it with person hygiene or lack there of? Seriously, why is that difficult to understand that bathing regularly is good. Smelling like a dirty foot bad. No Bueno.

  22. Scarjo/ryan/penn make sense. Isn't that many b+ actress that have or had been married to a+ list actors.

  23. Yeah I don't get it either. I guess they think the bigger the star they are the less they have to try or bathe. Maybe its a contest to see if anyone has enough guts to comment on their stink...........weird. Or how many women will put up with it anyway.

  24. Were Johansson and Penn ever co-stars?

    Aniston and Costner were in "Rumor Has It" which was the same year she and Pitt got divorced.

  25. Robin Penn Wright and ? (I'd say spacey, but you know....)

  26. I refuse to believe that Costner smells bad!

  27. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I KNOW that this is true. But, let me tell you, what he lacks in hygiene, he more than compensates for in the pants. Enty told me he was going to include that, but I guess he forgot.

  28. I remember seeing a tweet from a film journalist who said the two smelliest star's he'd ever interviewed were Viggo Mortensen and Ethan Hawke.

    Could be Hawke & Lena Headey from "The Purge"? Viggo and Elisabeth Moss from "On the Road"? Admittedly, neither woman had A-list exes.

  29. Katie Holmes came to mind.

  30. My first thought was Keanu Reeves - he was in a movie called "the private lives of Pippa Lee" (2009) which co-starred Robin Wright-Penn (Sean Penn's ex) which would totally fit.

  31. Anonymous5:14 PM

    It's Amber Tamblyn and Brian Austin Green.

  32. Al Pacino maybe?? Like the Keanu guess a lot. Just doesn't look like he'd stink that bad to me, though. Depp does. Looks like he has the worst breath EVAR

  33. Vivian Leigh
    Laurence Olivier
    Clark Gable.


  34. Stinky people irritate the hell out of me. Not just came in from working outside type of smelly, that's forgivable, but that 2 weeks worth of unwashed ass funk type of smelly. And movie stars have money to buy soap..wash the ass!

  35. Depp is hell for costumers/stylists. They talk of burning his clothes.

  36. Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, Bruce Willis

  37. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Rob Lowe, Brooke shields, Ryan O'Neal

  38. Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise/Aaron Ekhart/"Thank You For Smoking" movie



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