Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Blind Item #6

This sister and brother actor tandem are actually only half-siblings. Both have admitted that they have got drunk and fooled around. No sex, but definite kissing and groping.


Shit You Can't Buy said...

Jaimie and Cersei Lannister!

VIPblonde said...

Chloe Grace Moretz

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Or the Gyllenhaals.

Or Julia Roberts and her bro.

Angie Jo and her bro.

HOllywood is an incest fest I guess.

FSP said...

David and Alexis Arquette

auntliddy said...

Remember, its half siblings

rll said...

Damn I was just about to write the same thing!

Star said...

Is it widely known that they are only half siblings? Arquette's are a good guess, the 3 actor/actress are all known for drug and alcohol abuse too so I could see it happening.

Meanie Rhysie said...

That little harlot, Chloe Grace Moretz!

MadamChef said...

Shirley McClaine & Warren Beatty

LottaColada said...


Count Jerkula said...

Phoenix clan.

Count Jerkula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

No way it's Jake and Maggie. She's a girl. I have no guess, and am grossed out by the thought.

VIPblonde said...

Not the Phoenix's. They have definitely gone all the way ;)

LottaColada said...

Can i throw in Donny & Marie for giggles?

parissucksliterally said...

The Houghs....

Amber said...

Rumer and Scout Willis

littlejenny said...

half siblings?! that's FUCKING DISGUSTING. they share one parent and dna. all my siblings are half brothers and I can't. even. go. there. it makes no difference if it's full or half siblings, either way it's sick and crooked. even step siblings is gross if they were raised together. no, it's still sick no matter what. I decided. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!????

littlejenny said...

what does that even mean? are you serious????

skimpymist said...

Hollywood: where all that glitters is not gold.

CarrieGraceMoretzbetches said...

You too Reese! Leave me alone!

Amy in MI said...

Spencer and Stephanie Pratt

Or David and Amy Sedaris

Katie said...

It means that most of the siblings mentioned so far are full siblings

Unknown said...

another incest blind? I can't believe anybody believes these things. Enty would have to watch them screw to know it for a fact. I seriously doubt they would go around discussing it with random people.

Silly Girl said...

Half siblings? Can't even think of half siblings that are both actors.....

Unknown said...

this is disgusting.

Erin B said...

I may be reaching but maybe Tatum O'Neal & Patrick O'Neal? They're definitely half-siblings, & it could account for some of Tatum's problems. It doesn't look like Patrick has acted recently, but I think he'd still be considered an actor.

Mirame said...

What about ScarJo and her brother?

Sherry said...

Amy: David is very gay. Don't think it would be them but creative guess!

Shit: LOL..I just started watching GOT so that was timely.

figgy said...

@Amy in MI: David and Amy Sedaris, hahaha! @Sherry, pretty damn sure that was meant as a joke. David is as out-n-proud as they come. And they're full siblings.

Count Jerkula said...

I like where you are taking the site Faux Enties. Now can we get some mother/daughter and sister/sister blinds? I'm sure there are others whose tastes differ from mine, so maybe slip in a daddy/son or brother/brother if you can find one. Whatever it is, it should be closer than cousins. And whatever you do, don't forget about rape and molestation too. That's where the ratings are.

I wanna see some casting couch and drug fueled, kinky sex reveals on Thursday. You reveal a mess of kindnesses and 17 Pam's a whore/Travolta's gay type of obvious shit and the natives will be restless. If you wanna give yer #'s an extra pop on the 4th, one or 2 Moretz reveals would work.

In closing, good job on the incest work. I hate when incest is stereotyped on hillbillies. SVU taught me city folk do that shit too. Why get take out when you can have home cookin?

Since it would be on topic, if anyone would like to hear some incest jokes, then let me know.

The BLS said...

Angelina Jolie and James Haven? Pretty sure he's her half-sibling....

a non a miss said...

Its Dakota Johnson and which ever half brother is a actor

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Angelina is it - they have drenched in public. The phoenix's fuck nightly

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

@the bls, if that's the case then this isn't even blind. They've done it in public.

amanda_jf said...

Her twin?

a non a miss said...

Dakota Johnson and her half brother actor Jesse Johnson.

One of the Ent's had a major boner for Dakota

MadamChef said...

Lady boners?

Mango said...

Not the Phoenix's. They have definitely gone all the way ;


Mango said...

MadamChef may I ask if you're a professional chef? Or just like to mess around in the kitchen. ;)

Eric said...

I'm just going to pretend it's Zooey and Emily Deschanel.

L said...

@MadamChef - mind blown!!

Seachica said...

I love Lottas guess, because that would screw with the head of every Mormon cult member

NaughtyNurse said...

Ew. So gross.

a non a miss said...

Can't a lady have a metaphorical boner for someone they find attractive?

I have a lady boner for you Chef. A huge throbbing mega lady boner.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

IIRC, Scarlett and her brother Hunter are actually twins, so I think it's a safe bet they have the same parents. (Yes, I know, technically there have been cases of twins having different fathers, but I don't think this is one of them.)

MadamChef said...

@Mango, depends on who is in the kitchen. ;)

MadamChef said...

@a non a miss: I can't disagree with you on either point!

Oh, I see what I did there. Oops! :D

Essie said...

Angelina and James Haven have the same mother and father so this particular blind is not them. I think enty makes every blind vague so that everyone will say it's Angelina.

Flora Goforth said...

Count Jerk, You must have missed the Gish sisters reveal.

Oopsy_Daisy said...


Bit dams said...

The pudgy kardashian brother and one of his disgusting 1/2 sisters.

lazyday603 said...

You guys are the worst twins ever.

Jon said...

Yes, this.

di butler said...

NOT Julia and Eric, deep down they loooathe each other.

janette said...

Didn't the Phoenix family belong to that religious sex cult Children of God? I don't know if they're still doing it but that cult is known for incest and pedophilia.


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