Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former A list celebrity as part of a group is still a B list celebrity/reality star. For the first time in a year or so she and her husband played the cuckold game where she makes her husband watch her with another guy all night. Just not sex, but also dinner and flirting and her being all over the guy and him being all over her.


  1. Enty, did you really mean "Just not sex" or Not just sex?"

  2. Hmmm...and the real question is, which is worse? Being cheated on emotionally or physically?

  3. or being tortured? or maybe he likes being hurt? or maybe this is some weird foreplay?

    BG has a blind about them where mel actually takes the male role in the bedroom.....

  4. Svetlana Monsoon: Since it's a game the couple is playing together, cheating isn't a factor.

    Not my cuppa, but, hey, if it gets 'em off, more power to 'em.

  5. Sounds like Mel B for sure, but I wish this were Posh, just because Beckham would totally deserve it.

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Two consenting adults are engaged in mutual sex play??? Oh, yes, THIS WILL BE REVEALED.

  7. @Jonathan, I'm all for supposedly 'kinky' lifestyles, I guess the only wording that I didn't like was 'where she makes her husband....'
    If he likes it, cool. If he thinks he needs to do it just to be with her...not cool.
    I wonder how people dream this stuff up? Me personally, I'd feel too weird. But I guess I'm boring by hollywood standards :)

  8. It's one of those the husband is probably enjoying it 100% and may be the one who is the driving force behind making it happen.

  9. Anonymous10:25 AM

    'Enquiring' minds have every right to know what two consenting adults do to get off.

  10. Ann Nah Nah Mess, it might be revealed, but it'll take at least another 2 years before anyone will get to it to reveal it. ;-)

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    But, how can I wait that long? I have to know right now!

  12. Ann Nah Nah Mess said... Two consenting adults are engaged in mutual sex play???

    I count three.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I didn't count the whore.

  13. @AppleThief4Elliot HAHAHAHAHA excellent. P.s. I loooove your handle. I'm watching scrubs right now!

  14. I'd be the pinch hitter in a cuckold scenario, but I wouldn't be interested in watching and jacking off. Well, if it was my chick and another chick, I'd be cool with just watching.

    Cuckold is a huge fetish. I seen a video about a group of black guys who get hired to put wood to guys wives. It really skeeves me out when the cuckold hubby eats the stranger creampie out of his wife.

  15. Whatever floats your boat. I do some weird shit that others wouldn't, but I wouldn't be into that.

  16. Part of it is voyeurism, I guess. I wouldn't do it,but it takes all kinds.



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