Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blind Item #6 - Interview Part Two

This is the second of a few parts of an interview that was done by a reporter for a monthly magazine. The magazine won't use these parts because they are afraid of the backlash. The reporter gave these parts to me.

"Early morning was his mediation time. He sometimes did it at night too, but the morning was sacred to him. He woke up everyday at 4:30 and was not to be disturbed until 6. I saw one person fired who did disturb him. One morning I had to see him because one of our child/ren (I'm keeping it gender neutral. The reporter did not) was sick. Really sick. I had been up all night with one of our child/ren and the child was running a really high fever. The child needed to go to the doctor. I wanted the emergency room, but I knew I would not get my way on that because my husband did not go to emergency rooms. When he became sick or hurt, he went to a private doctor or had one brought to him. He never wanted anyone to see he was sick or know he was sick. This was our child though and I was scared. I went to his bedroom and was stopped halfway there by a security person who asked where I was going and then advised me that my husband was not to be disturbed until after six. I started screaming. Really screaming. Then I went back to the bedroom and got our child and she was limp and hot and sweaty and looked miserable. I then started screaming again and finally he came out of the bedroom in a robe looking like he was headed to a premiere and had the meanest look on his face which he then turned into a plastic smile. It still gives me shivers."


  1. I mean, do this still need to say "blind item" when we all know it's still TomKat?

  2. Slipped up trying to keep it gender neutral.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Enty mediation and meditation are 2 different things. That being said, the Gay Midget Dwarf.

  5. Is this Katie or Nicole giving the interview?

    1. @nevermindthat It's Katie. Nicole hates children

  6. Who wears a robe to a premiere?

  7. You would think she would've had to sign an iron clad NDA during the marriage and divorce.

    1. Why would she do that during the divorce? Reports were that she did not get a super huge payout, not on top of what she already had coming to her. I assume she signed some NDA at the beginning of the marriage but it wouldn't have been a blanket, just certain topics, otherwise she'd have never been able to speak about their marriage to the press, and she did - a lot. Even if she did sign a blanket NDA, Tom would have to sue her for violating it in order to enforce it. And that lawsuit would be filed in public. I doubt he'd further tarnish his image by doing that.

  8. @FSP: SAFE FOR WORK Ric Flair

    I can't wait until the day Cruise realizes the rest of the world is laughing at him and he blows his brains out.

  9. Plastic smile? If he was so angry, I'm surprised he was able to turn that frown upside down.

  10. What a life. Glad she left.

  11. I don't believe this blind. Tom made sure Katie signed an iron-clad confidentiality agreement before marrying her. She would be in big trouble if she started to talk.

  12. Can't help but wonder if the "she was limp" slip-up was done on purpose. As if there was any doubt anyway.

  13. Katie, you're free now. Free!

  14. There were other witnesses present. She can deny everything and blame security. Besides, if she was screaming then I'm sure other people besides security heard her too. She can blame them.

  15. Really I thought it was Johnny Depp

  16. Have we ruled out Jenny and Jim?

  17. way to keep it gender neutral...

  18. The wording used rings false to me, even when you substitute the "one of the child/ren" and "the child" to "our daughter" and "she." If it's paraphrased completely, fine, just say so, but this is worded similarly to other posts.

  19. Ew. Tom Cruise has one big front tooth, so I'd be freaked out to see him grinning also.

  20. Sounds like it could be Tom and Nicole or Katie. Just to be different I'll throw Elvis and Priscilla in the mix.

    1. This could totally be them! Great thinking. Wow who wlda ever thunk that Elvis & Tom Cruise would have so much weirdness in common...? At home that is...

    2. But Priscilla was the Scientology pusher in that union. Lisa Marie still refuses to say anything publicly (only veiled comments) for fear of her mother putting the disconnection policy in action.

  21. I wonder what they ended up doing about it. Obviously Suri is fine now, thank God. This place sounds like a compound!

    I remember in school all the girls were in love w/ him...but I, for a reason I cannot exactly pin point, have always been repulsed by him & his acting.

    It only became hate after "interview w/ a vampire". He was AWFUL as Lestadt.

  22. @FSP who wears a robe to a premier? Only Hugh Hefner.

  23. It says "looking like he was headed to a premiere" - not that he was in fact headed to one.

  24. Nicole would never say anything about anything. Def Katie.

  25. I'm hoping that Leah Remini's defection (and hopefully her big mouth and NJ brazenness) will give Katie the courage to speak out more publicly.

  26. Maybe that is his pegging hour.

  27. There is no way it's Tom and Katie unless it is the anti-doctor, pro Xenu thing. Scientology has a staff of doctors on board just for bigwigs, but they tell other people to diet and exercise for Autism.

    1. Not always. Look what happened to John Travolta's son. Using what they consider to be psychiatric medicine (for epilepsy, etc...) if considered "out ethics" and even celebs aren't immune to that conditioning.

  28. I think the 'heading to a premier' look she's referencing, is that despite it being BEFORE 6AM, Tom was fresh and totally awake, as he would ever be. She's accentuating why it was no big deal to 'disturb' him at that time, for such an emergency--He's just a selfish dick.

  29. IF this stuff is true, then Katie must have ABSOLUTE final approval on print interviews. Anyone could slip up while they're gabbing about themselves, and when Katie could lose so much with any slip--surely she approves all copy. probably.

  30. Wasn't Johnny Depp's daughter seriously ill several years back with an E-Coli infection?

  31. The way Cruise buckled when she filed for divorce I would say Katie outplayed the Gay Midget Dwarf and could do it again plus his precious COS is under a lot of scrutiny right now.

  32. She couldn't just take the baby to the doctor? I'm sure she had a number for one, or his assistant did. What kind of mother waits for her a$$wipe husband?

  33. The "headed to a premiere" line made me think the guy was in full makeup. If he didn't have a makeup artist on hand, he knows exactly how to do it himself or is too persnickety to let anyone else do it (and see how much product he uses).

  34. Tom claims to never be ill because of his auditing through Scientology.

  35. I seriously doubt that Elvis meditated every morning. Actually, I don't know that I believe Tom Cruise meditates every morning either. I have a hard time believing that would be CO$-approved.

  36. hmmmm, not sure about this one

  37. You know what pisses me off? Katie may have outplayed Cruise With her NY residency and surprise declination of re-signing / extending, but she is still the spineless wife for hire. She knew what she was getting into, and she involved a child. She "embraced" Scientology and went with the program till the ambush. And she involved a kid. And here she is bitching about him, but WTF? Take a little GD responsibility. Your young child is sick, really f*cking sick. You're scared. Your husband has his bs routine, and you live i separate quarters and clearly separate lives, then you f*cking call 911 or get your ass in your car and rive your kid to the ER. You don't wait to bust through security or de,and to speak to your husband on his planet zenu. You take care of business. She was up all night, the kid was limp and miserable... What Mo. With all the money and health insurance and fleet of cars and resources WAITS?!? This story makes her look like the loser, not him. She had all the info; he was just going blindly through his morning ritual. Never does she say he said no or refused her. This whole story is far more telling of her pathetic behavior than his already known rigid adherence to dianetics and science fiction. Katie still doesn't seem like she's become an actual adult. She sounds like a gossipy, irresponsible teenager blaming her lack of coping skills on someone else, who wasn't at fault, however odd he may be.

  38. I agree PS, take your own kid to the doctor. I'd have picked her up, and drove to the ER myself.

    This isn't Johnny, he left the set to be with his daughter when she had strep or something.

    I'm not sure about Tom either. I don't think Katie is going to share, and some of the info doesn't fit. She probably would take the child to the ER.

    What about the Carridine guy, David? He was into meditation. He was buying his own Kung Fu Shaolin hype if you ask me.

    Elvis was very into the whole Karate craze of the 70's..he might have meditated. He probably thought about pork chops, and his mama.

  39. Could have been John Revolta

  40. It's a two parter. The previously shown one I say Steven Seagal. Not Tom-Kat.

  41. I don't think Tom and Katie were ever legally married. The Italian "wedding" wasn't legal (30 day residency requirement). They claimed to have had a civil ceremony in LA prior, but I doubt anyone could produce a certified copy of the wedding certificate.
    Their NY "divorce" was supposedly settled and finalized in weeks. I don't think that is possible under the laws of the State of NY. I think she had a personal services contract.

  42. Yes in NY you can get an expedient divorce like they did just claim you were separated for at least 6 months.

    Regardless I never bought this as a business arrangement at least on her end I mean if she's the opportunistic hobag people think she is she would've stayed like Kelly Preston who has no real shame. Or dumped Suri on Tom like Nicole did with Connor/Isabella but nobody ever faults these two go figure.

  43. A divorce can be done VERY quickly if both parties are motivated and agree on everything quickly. I think that's what happened here: Tom couldn't risk Katie spilling the beans. She was desperate to get out and didn't care if she lost money by blabbing.

    God, I hope she blabs. I'm fascinated. Don't judge me.

  44. There's a lot of Nicole bashing here, but if you anyone ever reads any investigative reports on Scientology (I think there's a series in the Village Voice among others, I can't remember which paper does them), they mention that for most of the time Nicole and Tom were together, he was basically out of Scientology. It was only toward the end of their marriage when Scientology made a concerted effort to get Tom back that he was active, and was the cause of the break down of their marriage. Also her children with Tom- if they're as heavily into Scientology as their dad, it's not a stretch that Nicole would have been labelled a 'suppressive' person and the children being banned from spending a lot of time with her.

    I'm not even a fan of Nicole, but after reading that stuff, it seems unfair that she gets shafted as being cold and lacking maternal instincts. Also at the time of their divorce he had so much more clout and power, and was a much bigger star than Nicole, it's not unlikely that she got shafted during their divorce proceedings.

    1. @jen, I agree (and it's Village voice that did the most daily reporting until CoS got Tony Ortega fired and he took his toys to a blog now dedicated to reporting only on taking them down. Good move, Cult. I love seeing you orchestrate your own ruin).

      As much hate as Nicole seems to get, that was (IMO) a legit marriage and being with her took him away from the cult. They made a concentrated effort, from all I've read from former COS higher-ups now defected, to split him and Nicole apart and keep her from the children they adopted. And he had the clout to get the upper hand in that situation. I remember seeing pics of her a few years back with Connor and Isabella on an outing with her smiling and looking like she was trying so hard, but they had these miserable drone-faces on them. I think she wanted to try, but he made it too difficult and she just gave up trying and these kids are full-on COS kids. Barely any friends outside the cult. Nicole might not be declared Suppressive as she hasn't publicly bashed the cult, but she's not a member in good standing as she's publicly said she's Catholic. So she may be allowed some contact, but don't think it isn't limited and that the kids haven't grown up told how awful she is for not being COS.

      ETA: Just realized I made replies above and it wasn't clear to who. Sorry. Was on the mobile site.
