Monday, July 08, 2013

Blind Item #5

This C list celebrity/reality star had to use every bit of his fame and his family's name to have sex this past weekend. Dropping a few hundred in gift money probably didn't hurt either. He calls is gift money. He should call it that because he has it given to him since he can't earn any on his own.


  1. Rob Kardashian or Brody Jenner.

  2. Rob. I think he's the one who can't seem to hold a job.

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Rob is such a bum. I wonder if being raised around all those women emasculated him (sp)
    Either way
    hes a fuckin bum
    nobody buying those bum as socks bruh

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Heeyyyyyy i just realized no blinds this weekend was on the kartrashes?

  5. Last I heard he was using his industry connections to be the new Brand Ambassador for the Sockapellas and a major retail provider for the "Men in Sox" porn franchise. That's not gift money.

  6. Brody wouldn't have to pay. He may be a part of that loser klan but he is hot. Just goes to show Bruce Jenner made better looking kids with his first wife. One of those younger Jenner girls is fug. Must be the Kris genes or maybe she's not Bruce's daughter. Wouldn't surprise me.

  7. Robert kardashian Jr. FTW.

  8. Rob Kardashian- king of that glorious sock empire. What? He had to pay?? I thought all the hussies were throwing themselves at the king of socks? What betches!

  9. Rob K. I wouldn't even accept money to sleep with him! Wonder who did?

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Rob Kardashian, the guy makes me wanna vom, can't STAND.

  11. Definitley Rob-there's a thing in the Daily Mail about him tweeting pictures of girls in bikinis

  12. Rib k. What a balll- less wonder this guy is turning out to be. Socks!!!!! Idiot!

  13. Def. Rob K. That guy is ugly both inside and out.

  14. How come all the girls in the family work and make a living, no matter how dopey it is, but the boys can't get out of their own way?

  15. I was going to say that gummi bear davis guy.

  16. I feel like the worst person saying this but Kylie is the Khloe of the Jenner clan.
