Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list celebrity/singer has been seeing a guy, but doesn't want anyone else to see him yet. She is afraid of what some of her more close minded fans will think because he is African-American so she is hiding him at home and now hiding him while they vacation together.


  1. Swifty? LOL I don't know. I know it can't be Katy because she dated Travy and he's black isn't he?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Miley is in the Bahamas right now but with the way she's carrying on right now, she doesn't seem to care too much for "close-minded" fans

  4. Swifty is on tour the only other famous white singer female singer I can think of besides her is Katy or Gaga. I dint think gaga 's fans give a flying tuck that leaves Katy.

  5. Someone has become a big black cock slut, like Kelly Ripa and Heidi Klum.

  6. Swifty is a good guess. I was thinking of someone with slightly older fans, but I have no better guess.

  7. I remember when Britney was on top and had ended her relationship with Timberlake. She had started dating one of her Black back-up dancers but people in her camp made her call it off because they thought it would hurt her image.

    1. They made her call it off because Columbus short (the backup dancer) had a girlfriend or was engaged and Brit was being called a home wrecker.

    2. Holy crap, I totally forgot that the dancer was Columbus Short, who now plays Harrison on Scandal. I just happened to read some old gossip about this the other day that claimed she had an abortion during their short-lived relationship.

    3. Holy crap, I totally forgot that the dancer was Columbus Short, who now plays Harrison on Scandal. I just happened to read some old gossip about this the other day that claimed she had an abortion during their short-lived relationship.

  8. Swift the only one that make sense. Katy dayed travis mccoy, miley dont care and gaga have taylor. Britney from the south so i can see her ppl being mad. Either way weak ass hell if you hiding me you dont love me.

  9. Wait...The blind says, .."NOW hiding him while on vacation..."

    Who's on vacation NOW? Any black guys in pap photos, who could be disguised/interpreted as an employee?

  10. Britney would be able to soar into the highest heights with a black boyfriend, PR-wise. She is beloved by Africa, the Middle East, South America, Central America, and the entire Mediterranean. She polls really well with non-white audiences, and if she had a black boyfriend the world would go wild for her. Swift, though, not so much.

  11. Replies
    1. Ha! Good answer.

    2. Yes! I like this answer! Her racism being her ultimate

  12. @Skimpmist. Yes he was already involved with someone but race played a part as well at that time.
    If it was only due to him being involved then what does that say about Brit and Federline. Kevin was involved with and expecting a baby with the actress Shaye when he and Brit first hooked up.

  13. If Enty hadn't labeled her as an A list celebrity/singer, I would think this BI is about Ashlee Simpson going out with Diana Ross' son.

  14. I think it's Swifty.

  15. This is Swifty...because Katie P is dating that douche bag still, so can't be her.

  16. lol dolphy, you watch the little tv on the side of the website too?

  17. Swifty is A+ singer, though. Hmmm.

  18. @T.E. Cruz nope, I don't watch the annoying side vids---I AdBlock that shit out. My source for this was the Daily Mail:

  19. Something new for Taylor to sing about... It will be something like "I''m never, ever, ever going back, to white guys"

  20. Stick with white and you will always be tight.

  21. I like the Miley guess. She seems to be digging the "Urban lifestyle", whatever that means. She's in either the Bahamas or Barbados right now, can't recall which, I'm forever mixing up the two. According to R@dar, she is supposed to be by herself, on a break from Liam. Aren't the Islands are for luvaz, anyways?

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  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Then she's an effing idiot! The fact that close minded assholes still want to dictate who someone loves and that someone would let them? ::sigh:: hard to believe its 2013

  25. If it's Taylor Swift I feel really sorry for the guy. Not for the racist humiliation of being hidden from the paps, but because he is dating Taylor Swift. That's the real tragedy for him.

  26. Dolphy, Ashlee Simpson would have to have fans for this to apply and she doesn't.

  27. Anonymous10:56 AM

    asslee simpson a list???? ...fml

  28. I think this is supposed to be Swift

  29. So an African-American fucks a cracker chick and she is afraid of her fan's reaction.

    Cool, but I can't think the African-American people reaction if it was a cracker dude boning an African-American rich and famous.

  30. I cant believe anyone gives a shit.

  31. Whoever this is~ Girl it's 2013, if u find someone to love, who gives a shit what color they are?! This guy won't hang around long under these conditions.

    Ugh.....if I was going out w/ somebody & they told me we couldn't be seen together because they'd lose fans....bye bitch....BYE!

  32. Anonymous5:23 PM

    whoever this is is a complete jerk. please reveal this one so i know who to boycott. obviously the guy is gona stay long (side-eye)

  33. country fans..republicans will NOT BE HAVING an interacial relationship,,it is different in south,,trust me.. I know it is 2013 but in south it is still 1955.. just look at trayvon marton is all about race and that is in fla..

    1. This is truth. Before I moved to FL I assumed it was just some oddity that happened to be in the South but not actually southern. Turns out only Miami/Tampa fulfill that description and the rest of the state does not. Confederate flags fly high, redneck is a lifestyle not an insult, and most towns still have pretty viable racial divide. On the plus side, you can get sweet tea anywhere.

  34. I think this is Taylor Swift. Just saw some pics taken of her by fans in Rhode Island yesterday, and there's a black guy beside her in the photos.

    Whomever it is, the guy's stupid for staying with her. Who would want to be with someone who puts their closed-minded fans ahead of their boyfriend?

  35. Once you go black, you'll never go back.

  36. @Tru Leigh, I heard that!

  37. I said 'Charlotte Church' yesterday and now it's gone. Why?? I do not make any offensive posts here.

  38. Wouldn't Taylor be A+ or even A++? Maybe it's Selena, who I feel is very well known, and the celebrity/singer works because she acts and designs clothes, making her a hybrid. Her close-minded fans might be people who shipped her with Bieber, and are generally vicious little trolls who would attack ANY new boyfriend. A black boyfriend? I feel like they'd go nuts. Wasn't Selena rumored to be hooking up with one of Justin's rapper friends? Her PR team probably thinks that a black rapper may soil her remaining good girl image.

  39. Its Ashlee Simpson she recently came out as dating dianna ross son
