Friday, July 19, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list athlete who is still an A list celebrity, is trying to make a comeback. He is also trying to doge a lawsuit involving one of his businesses. A man ended up with two broken legs at the celebrity's gym, due to faulty equipment.  The staff kicked the man out and made him walk to the doctor. In response, the athlete said wasn't concerned and only cares about making sure he gets paid and that the guy was probably faking his injuries to get money from the athlete.


  1. How do u fake a broken leg?

  2. Who broke who's legs? Someone needs a nap.

  3. Asshole supreme. Lets see..... Gotta be football or basketball player. Thats all i got.

  4. I can't understand this post.

  5. How do you walk to the Dr on TWO broken legs? Story is bs because the only A list athletes trying to make comebacks are Manny Ramirez in baseball and Tiger Woods if you don't think hes back already. And Brett Favre is still retired thankfully.

  6. Can we rewrite that blind in English, please?

  7. I knew a girl who walked away from a car crash with two broken legs--she was in shock, though.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      That sounds fucking horrific. The human body can be amazing.

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    My mop bucket could writes more better than Enty this guy got to learn so much about some grammar and the punctuation and the other things so he could make us some thing we could read more.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Agreed. I think I have a girl crush on you. Plus, you appreciate my filth and don't make erroneous claims about who I is. I'm here for the comments.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      @B: The feeling is definitely mutual. xoxo

  9. The new Enty's spelling and grammatical errors make me sad.

  10. I really don't understand what the post is about. An athlete with a club -- like a health club or a night club or a golf club ... I guess

    But who walks to the doctor with 2 broken legs??

    Jeter? He has 24-hr fitness clubs. The ones in NYC are close to hospitals and maybe the guy took a cab? But I really don't get the post in the first place

  11. Too much bacon vodka makes Enty say what

  12. @In/Out: Although non Yankee fans think Jeter is a douche, he don't make douche moves like that. He has a finely hone public image, he aint gonna risk it.

  13. @B Smears We already all know who you are, Barbara "Babs" Smears of the Kensington Smears, younger sister Pap.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Ha ha! You got me!

  14. @count I know! I am a ny girl and love the bombers (the Bronx was my first home in NY!)

    I hope it's not meter because even though a playa's playa with the ladies I do agree that he gives back a lot to the community and takes responsibility for his image and actions.

    He's not my favorite Yankee yet (long way to go until Bernie Williams has a match in my heart!) but I respect him.

    I hope it's not him.

  15. @In/Out: My all time faves are Mattingly and Righetti. From the latest crop, Jorge and Andy.

  16. Miss Smears, I don't know if you know this, but those of us viewing on computers have no idea who most of your comments are directed toward.

    With the mobile site, you can reply direct underneath, and it shows up that way. On the desktop version, all the comments are chronological. This is why you see myself and others doing the @so&so thing.

    Maybe you know and can't be bothered, maybe you have never been on the site from a desktop and didn't know this, I don't know, but I figured I'd say something because your comments are worth read, but would be easier to follow in context.

  17. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I didn't know, sorry Count! I'm recovering from surgery on my couch, so I'm using my iPhone. I'll make sure to reference who I'm talking to henceforth. Cheers for the heads up!

    1. @BSmears, you managed a good nubbin' rubbin' whilst recovering from surgery? That's dedication. Hope the endorphins helped!

  18. Maybe a boxer. De La Hoya?

  19. Sounds like an A-Rod move.

  20. Replies
    1. This! Yes. Lance is racing again.

  21. @count my husband loves mattingly. And o'neal. I have the hots for any Pettit! He's just so handsome.

  22. Doesn't Shaq have 24 hour fitness clubs as well?

  23. @Smears: Thank you, but no need to apologize. You are new around here and I respect your style, so I want to see you blossom to your full potential. Even if it means we are at each other's throats a week from now.

    @In/Out: Ya know, when he was on the team, I would get pissed at O'Neil doin the crybaby, beating up the Gatorade cooler thing, but after he retired, the team really needed that. They became so corporate and emotionless it was tough to watch.

  24. "Only cares about getting paid"

    Every athlete ever?

  25. Lance Armstrong? He has a deal with 24 Hour Fitness and certainly has nowhere to go but up these days.

  26. How could the man WALK to the doctor if he had two broken legs (hopefully, all of them)? If he could go on his feet, the athlete is probably right refusing to pay a liar.

  27. Lamar Odom and the faulty equipment that broke the poor guys legs was Khloe, and her oversized ass. The staff that kicked the guy out was PMK.

  28. An old mate broke her neck in a car crash and didn't realise till she went to get checked for whiplash a day or two later.

    Man City goalie Bert Trautmann famously broke his neck in the middle of a match and finished the game, making several saves.

    Shock and level of break means this is entirely possible. If it's a fake lawsuit it'd be thrown out pretty sharpish.

    Oh, and I remembered a story from Goldie that he broke his leg, walked home, shagged his girlfriends, and didn't notice thanks to the 12-15 pints he'd put away. And he's proper mental.

  29. Lance Armstrong is a great guess.

  30. If it's a nondisplaced fracture or buckle fractures it's possible, but painful as hell to walk on. Could be in the tibfib, I'd guess not the femurs, because breaking those takes some serious shit.

    I've seen people walk in with broke hips without saying a word, others come in with sprained ankles whining like no tomorrow. It depends on the person.

  31. Not sure if he's got a gym but Lance Armstrong was my first thought. This kind of dickhead move sounds just like something he'd do.

  32. When I broke my foot last year, I could walk on it, put weight on it. Not very well, but I fell in the yard and made it back inside. So depending on how a leg is broken, it's conceivable that he could walk.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Zeeky - I broke my ankle at a gig and kept on moshing

  33. Okay, how is this blind so confusing that people can't tell if it's a nightclub when it clearly states celebrity gym with faulty equipment. Am I missing something?

  34. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Ummm does everyone realise that B Smears and Ann Nah Na Mess are the same troll named Marcie, who's been fucking with us for a while now? Now she's responding to her own comments, giving herself high fives. You suck Massive Marcie.



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