Friday, July 12, 2013

Blind Item #5

This B list mostly movie actress who has tons of name recognition, but I would have a hard time thinking of the last movie she was in even though she seems to make several each year. Gorgeous. Losing her hair. In huge clumps. Is scared to cut it short though and wear a wig because her actor boyfriend likes it long. Yeah, but I bet he would like the wig better than the bald spots.


  1. Diane Kruger has a bad hairline.

  2. they do have treatments for this Rogaine is one..and it works better on women than men..
    In fact models use it on their eyebrows to re-grow over plucking...

    1. Doesn't Rogaine stop working once you stop using it?

  3. Why/how would this happen? Is she ill? Some of these are a little too lacking in detail.

  4. Dun dun DUNNNN!!!

  5. It can be anything hormones, stress, genetic's ...

  6. Not Kruger - starring on new FX tv series- The Bridge.

  7. Could be longtime extensions or a weave causing damage.

  8. The only two B list actresses/A list recognition I can think of that have had clumps of hair fall out are Zoe Saldana and Helena Bonham Carter...I know man chaser January Jones has, as well as Alicia Keyes, but obviously they don't fit...

  9. I like the Kruger guess:

  10. Kruger does have an odd hairline appears to have receded quite a bit on her left side. Could it be Olivia Munn? She's acknowledged in the past that she has trichotillomania.

  11. Kruger or Bosworth?

  12. Didn't Kruger just have a Tv show start last night?

  13. As much as i love her Kruger doesn't have "tons of name recognition"

  14. I've had alopecia, and the hair falls out from all over your head -- nothing as neat as merely a receding hairline. So I'm thinking not Kruger. Whoever it is should investigate Rogaine, which was referenced earlier. The stuff works.

  15. Completely off topic (well, sort of) and I'll be up front and say I have no guess but...

    Does Rogaine really work on eyebrows that have been overplucked? I've been stuck with thin ones since college (damn drunk tweezing) and would love to thicken them up a bit.

    1. I wouldn't try. A family member used Rogaine, it worked inconsistently. It did help new growth, but was patchy, and changed the texture and color. The new growth comes in thick, rough, and black. VERY coarse, and looks really weird if you're fair. It's really weird.

    2. Try Rapid Lash or Latisse instead!

    3. Try Rapid Lash or Latisse instead!

  16. Replies
    1. She's who I thought of. Having a baby can totally mess with the hormones. I know women who had curly hair pre-pregnancy, straight after and vice-versa. Same with acne, amount of hair, etc.

  17. Anonymous9:26 AM

    not sure about that girl77007, they do have that eyelash grower that Brooke Shields and Claire Danes have shilled for, maybe that would work?

    I think Kruger has the name recognition, she's been in some big films, works consistently but I can't remember her being in anything but National Treasure.

  18. Isn't that disease one that causes you to lose ALL your body hair?

  19. Duane's Tv show is called The Bridge and debuted last night with a bit over 3 million viewers.

  20. Thx again spelchek POS *Dianes *

  21. Stress can do this. Know someone who lost about 70% of the hair on her head after her husband died. Wore a wig after that.
    I just saw someone with a bad hairline and even commented on it here. Now can't remember who. Want to say a black actress. Was thinking it was from heavy weaves.

  22. Ava menendes

    Alopecia really is a tough thing to deal with.

  23. ^i'm curious about this too.

  24. @girl77007
    yes it works on eyebrows, my dermatologist says it's the fix around.

  25. Diane Kruger, you can actually see it. She beefs it up with extensions whenever she can.

  26. lack of nutrition will also cause your hair to fall out...

    Which is why I don't understand how Nicole Richie still has ANY hair.

    Not saying this is Diane Kruger, but she is awfully tiny.

  27. BTW, Diane does have very strong name recognition, just more in the fashion world, for being on red carpets, or for being the gf of Josh Jackson, than acting. I think her biggest movies would have been Inglorious Basterds or the one where she played Helen of Troy.

  28. Leave B list mostly movies actress alone!

  29. Anonymous10:48 AM

    megan fox

  30. @Jennifer H: Diane Kruger doesn't have children.

  31. At our house, Diane Kruger is Abigail Chase, so for us National Treasure (and the gawdawful sequel) is her highest profile flick.

  32. Out of left field but... Mila Kunis? Or would she rank higher than a B in the "new Enty(s) world" and despite the fact that the last movie she was in was that Oz thing.

    And thanks for tips re: rogaine. I reckon I'll just stick to my fabulous eyebrow pencil (Clarins is the best, if anyone else has to deal with this).

  33. I 2nd Megan Fox ...there was a story where she was at a salon and clumps of her hair fell out and she was hysterical crying.

  34. Gemma Arterton. I can't think of things she's been in, or picture her actually, but she works a lot 'cause I see her name all over.

  35. Megan fox is married, doesn't have a " boyfriend". Gemma arterton just recently split with her husband.

  36. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Calla Lily

  37. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Kate Bosworth, her hair is super thin. Probably where she doesn't eat

  38. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Kate Bosworth, her hair is super thin. Probably where she doesn't eat

  39. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Char, can you say that again? I didn't get it the first two times. Oh shit. I got snarky. Trolling shouldn't be this way. Apologies.

  40. Certain autoimmune and thyroid diseases can cause significant hair loss.

  41. Love the Eva Mendes guess. Pretty sure it was the DM that commented on "how she was wearing yet another head scarf". She has been rocking them a lot lately...

  42. Anonymous7:03 PM

    My pubes are falling out.

  43. Aloepecia can mean total or partial hair loss. It's an autoimmune disease with no discovered cause or cure. However, unless it's totalis, it can be treated with injections or topical applications of corticosteroids. I've had it for years - it manifests itself occasionally as quarter-sized bald spots on various places on my scalp. My dermatologist injects steroids into the spot and eventually the hair grows back.

    Rogaine is not used for aloepecia. Rogaine only works for genetic or traumatic hair loss and must be applied all your life or the hair loss occurs again.

  44. Thandie Newton.



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