Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blind Item #5 - ESPY After Party

This female A list celebrity who is probably a B- list athlete and never any fun, seemed to take great pride in humiliating her athlete boyfriend. She walked up to a group he was in a conversation with and started telling him in front of everyone that she was still waiting for that drink and he needed to get it for her right then. She then handed him her purse and said she was tired of holding it. Satisfied, she walked away.


  1. No clue who this is but the bitch is a bitch

  2. Tiger and Linsey Vonn?

  3. Replies
    1. Danica wrecked her boyfriend out of the race last weekend in New Hampshire because she can't tell the difference between the brake and gas pedals. She's quite possibly the world's worst race car driver. I doubt she wanted to show her face last night, much less try and embarrass someone else. She's a joke.

  4. She was tired of holding her own purse? huh? lol

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. On board with Danica.

  7. Are race car drivers athletes?

  8. Race car drivers are athletes the way golfers are. ;) They do have to have strong arms, shoulders, chests, and a certain amount of stamina for sitting in a vibrating machine for hours, but I doubt they could run a decent 800 meters (two laps of a track).

    Tiger wasn't there since he's in the UK for the British Open.

    Who is Danica Patrick dating?

    1. Have you ever seem Carl Edwards run?

  9. Lolo Jones! She's dating Ndamukong Suh from the Detroit Lions.

  10. Danica Patrick was at the party and she's rumored to be not the nicest person at all.

  11. i think its soooo emasculating when a female asks a man to hold her purse. shopping bags, maybe. purse, never.

  12. I agree that this was worded to make this trick sound like a complete bitch, but I've asked my husband to grab a drink for me before and then had to find him and get my empty cup back because he got distracted. And I--GASP--ask him to hold my purse if my hands are full. Trust me, he's not the least bit emasculated.

  13. I don't know, I like to think a real man doesn't give a shit what he is holding for his woman.

  14. Danica Patrick

    Rude much.

    I think need a new guilty pleasure. The gossip is more depressing to me lately.... perpetually terrible characters in a terrible movie about themselves.

  15. Danica. She always seemed to be a spoiled brat. If the dude had any nuts on him, he'da dropped the purse on the floor and told her to piss off.

    "Waaaaa, he's not paying enough attention to me. Who is he to be talking with friends? I don't spend all night talking to friends. I don't even have any friends to talk to. Fuck him and his friends. I'll show him what happens when he chooses his friends over me."

    Run, bro. It will only get worse.

    1. Bahahahahaha...made me laugh out indeed

  16. Danica dates another race driver ricky stenhouse Jr.

  17. @FS Mark Martin would probably disagree with you lol Then again, Martin hardcore. Dude drove a road course with his power steering out from the first lap, finishing in the top 5, works out constantly all while listening to Gangster Rap. He's just a tad over or less than 5'8", 50+ years old and from Arkansas.
    While he's never won the Sprint/Winston Cup, I believe he holds the record for most times finishing 2nd.
    He's considered an athlete.

  18. LoloJ. So whiney that one.

  19. Take that purse and pee in it.

  20. Carl Edwards is definitely an athlete. ~swoon~

  21. I remember seeing Steven Speilberg being interviewed on a red carpet for some awards or whatnot and he was asked what he was holding. It was Kate Capshaw's purse and change of clothes. He had no problems with it. The 'manliest' looking guy I know - 6'5'' Maori ambulance worker - holds his wife purse and looks like a boss.
    The way she went about asking may have been disrespectful, but a man not willing to hold his partner's purse for fear of being 'emasculated' is not a man I'd want to know.

  22. It's emasculating to hold a purse? Damn, maybe I should call that thing I carry around all the time something else. A toolbag! That's the ticket!

  23. Sweetie, will you hold my purse a minute?
    Is much different than...
    Hold my purse, bitch, (it's got yo balls in it anyway)

    My husband will watch my purse, and hold it if necessary. But I carry his Kindle, iPod etc in there most times, so,hey, he's paying me back.

    Who is Selena Williams dating?

    1. ^^This (what Jenn said). I'm waiting for my drink, hold my purse, I'm tired of holding it. Hella bitchy. Can you hold my purse while I go get a drink? Hella not bitchy.

  24. idk guys. i'd never let my man hold my purse. i brought it, its my responsibility. and of course i will carry whatever someone else needs me to.

    just a weird little divide between male and female.

  25. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I've been banned from taking handbags to gigs. Every time I end up at the front in the mosh pit getting slammed while my 6"2 hubby ends up holding it.
