Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former B-/C+ list mostly movie actor with A list name recognition has grown bold since he got married. Really bold. Bold enough to take his wife and his transsexual lover out together.


VIPblonde said...


Unknown said...


FSP said...


Uhhhh... said...

I disagree with VIP. Doug is D list and Courtney is the tranny

Count Jerkula said...

Tranny blind, Pass.

Kristin Wigs said...

Jason Biggs

libby said...

Like the Biggs guess. He & wife are 'adventuresome' and PROUD. Also she's not very jealous, it seems.

nevermindthat said...

@FSP stop the presses.

Oh by the way if it is RDJ I'm the transsexual lover.

girl77007 said...

It's fun to be adventuresome (even if my NJ crush is passing on the tranny blind -- whatever!).

I too like the Biggs guess. Wonder which one (wife vs lover) is more like warm apple pie? Mmm, pie.

LottaColada said...

@nevermindthat, you tell that FSP! He must be stopped.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Definitely Tom "Fudgepacker" Cruise.

Unknown said...

@Iceberg, he was also in quite a few big movies in the nineties like The Green Mile, Batman & Robin, Con Air, A Time To Kill, etc. He has done quite a bit of TV too. So, he is definitely not mostly movie.

Unknown said...

Who the hell is Dourtney?

Unknown said...

Who the hell is Dourtney?

Tru Leigh said...

Ryan Reynolds.

Count Jerkula said...

@girl77007: call me old fashioned, but I'm not really a fan of bolt on tits on chicks. If I ever start bangin dudes, I'd want them organic also. I mean what happens if I score a tranny all hopped up on hormones and I gobble an estrogen laden batch of goo? Am I gonna start retaining water and watching Bravo?

Everybody should be able to do what ever they want with their body, but that don't mean I'm not allowed to be creeped out.

Fluffy White Clouds said...


MrPresident said...

Ryan Reynolds

T said...

Doug and Courtney--I just saw a pic of them walking w/a tranny, his adam's apple is huge and he's dressed horribly..

Sherry said...

Damn, it's like she's magic or sumpin' VIP for the score...And when the hell will these people go away. I guess no we know she was telling the truth about NOT having fake boobs cuz SHE GOT THE FAKEST ONES SHE COULD BUY. Gawd they look horrid.

mikey said...

Wait - Count Jerkula is in NJ? I had no idea we were neighbors.

hairydawg said...

Doug's tranny friend looks better than iguana girl. Poor kid.

Jacq said...

You can see where her extensions are, she doesn't look AT ALL like she used to. Why is this poor broke bitch carrying a Guess purse? Sexing on that skeevy guy should at least get her some designer shit.

Count Jerkula said...

You wanna grab a brew sometime Mikey, I'm game. If you puff, we could try to photo safari Bynes. It is much more humane than catxh and release.

Anonymous said...

extra tools for fun das all

Pazazz said...

Didn't know we had a lot of jersey readers...I'm in jersey also...maybe that should be the next you turn question "where are you from"

urban chaos said...

Oh wow, I didn't think it was possible but that girl looks worse than ever. Dourtney (as per vip) for the win!

AudreyHempburn said...

Doug & Courtney. People disapprove of them because Doug comes off as a creepy pedophile and Courtney participates in her own exploitation but it is hard not to pity her as well. What chance did she stand? She looks extremely uncomfortable with Doug in those pictures and dead behind the eyes, like she has finally realized the yellow brick road leads to a spooky little man hiding behind a curtain. So sad.

Count Jerkula said...

@Pazzazz: I'm from the lil strip of heaven between the pavement and the pines. Dui and land rape are the 2 most prevalent crimes. Thats about as specific as I'll gwt on a public forum, due to security issues. Lotsa h8rz up in here

nevermindthat said...

Whoever suggested the next "your turn" question be where you live; I like it.

KPeony said...

There are MORE NJ people on here?? Sorry I didn't see Bynes in AC that day count. If I do, I will get pics.

@VIP, holy hair extensions!!! SHE HAS A GUESS PURSE!!!! Hahaha those pics are tragic.

Count Jerkula said...


Pazazz said...

I have a feeling we aren't really that far from each other

Pazazz said...

I did and I think it's much better then the graduation ring question or the one that we have tdy that we had a few weeks ago

Bit dams said...

My BFF lives in Chatham NJ. Close as I get.

I agree with the Count. (I feel the vapers coming on.....)

SugarTitz said...

alec Baldwin is known to like men

Surrender Dorothy said...

Audrey Hempburn you have the best username evers.


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