Friday, July 19, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list celebrity/singer made her dancers and backup singers strip to nothing because she said that a bunch of coke was missing and that one of them must have taken it. There they were, all of them in a group naked while she quizzed them and went through their clothes. After two hours, her assistant showed up and reminded the singer that the singer had used it all earlier.


  1. Nothing is more wonderful than a coke fiend having a meltdown.

  2. Has GaGa fallen from A+ down to A?

  3. Talk about a hostile work environment!

  4. I'm on the Ri Ri train. She must be such a fun lay.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      @Count: woke up this morning and reread that amazing tale from yesterday's Your Turn. DELISH. And to everyone else: I highly recommend it. A tale of intrigue, love, lust, and innocence. As Lisa (Weird Science) so eloquently said, "It's a mind scrambler. Hurts so good". xoxo

  5. Rhianna FTW, alllll day. She needs to chill. Shits making her paranoid. I wonder if she apologized for humiliating those ppl.....yea right.

  6. This has to be an easy one when I even I can guess it. Rhianna.

  7. Wish she'd just OD already.

  8. I think that these dancers would be unionized. This would also be grounds for a lawsuit.

  9. I would love to attend the backup dancers union meetings. Imagine the show!

  10. J-Blow i mean J-lo

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    And I thought my boss was an ass hat.

  12. j-Blow, i mean J-lo she has no respect for anyone its her

  13. Reno right again, gotta be riri. They shoulda thriwn their clothes at her, lol

  14. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Maybe it's these shenanigans that make Rhianna so late getting on stage at concerts.

  15. Thank you Miss Mess. That was the longest thing I've written in some time. Coulda doubled it, butt I didn't want to go too slow and bore the reader.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      @Count: I would love a Part 2.

    2. Mess, I think you might be in love here. If I do meet up with the Count am I gonna end up with a stiletto through my face?

  16. Anonymous9:35 AM

    If you want to hear some awesome music, check out The Shrine, King Parrot and Black Breath.

  17. I thought Rhianna only snorted crushed diamonds?

  18. @Miss Mess: There aint really a Part 2, there woulda been more meat in the middle.

    Maybe next week we hi jack a Your Turn again. Something less invasive than fartbox fuckin, so others may be tempted to join in.

    I'd hate to brainstorm questions here and have the Fugazi Enty swipe em on us, so save ideas for next week.

    Is there a certain day that is good for you? Tuesdays are usually bad for me.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      @Count: my schedule is booked solid with Whatever I Feel Like Doing. I think we can arrange it. But you can't cut me off until Tuesday--gotta' keep up the e-fucking in the meantime.

  19. Anonymous10:13 AM


  20. Anonymous10:13 AM


  21. Don'tchu worry yer pretty lil head about Miss Mess, Nope. She knows what the deal is. She is married, so she is only interested in an E-lationship.

    You and me, we got something special. Its called a Reasonable Driving Distance. Now I'll be out like $70 in gas and tolls, probably put that up to $100 w/ parking in Manhattan, so don't go taking me anywhere too pricey.

    Actually, are you even looking to go out anywhere or you just want to run me through the motions and see how I hold up compared to screen presence?

    Do you drink? 420friendly? Have I asked these before?

    1. Count, am I already getting a guilt trip on the costs associated with a NYC trip? We have buses and trains that run here too, Jersey man.

      That said, I don't go to fancy places and I'm still mulling over what I want. Maybe I just want to put a face to the poster, or maybe I want to sit on it too. Who knows. Ain't it nice to be single and have options?

      Also, if you haven't noticed I'm a booze hound you must not read my posts much. I can take or leave pot, but I never turn away from a bourbon.

  22. Molls, I thought Rgianna was the sound of someone throwing up as they try to say the name of that person.

  23. I would have to leave that crazy train.

  24. I read this as Gaga, but Rhianna makes sense because she has that tour going on and her recent behavior totally fits.

  25. @Nope: I'm just yappin, not guilt trippin.

    Closest I'd get to a bus or a train is the Staten Island Ferry. I'm not a fan of public transportation unless it is a jintey type of thing in a resort town taking me from bar to bar to bar.

    Bourbon...that is all you. Dark liquors and my tummy/palate don't see things eye to eye. I may be able to get a couple shots down, but eventually that after taste will get me gaggin and they come back up. I'm beer or Bacardi & coke mostly.

    Well, mull over your options, and let me know what you decide. I can generally shake free between Wednesdays and Saturdays. I do have a cookout to attend next Saturday though.

    My email address is on my profile anytime you want some discretion.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      @Nope: I can't keep The Count all to myself. He can never belong to just one woman (on CDAN, anyway). If it gets nasty though, can I get a few deets? And please, if its a love connection, don't get all lovey dovey, Mr. and Mrs. Shmoopie on here. I CANNOT wait to hear how this plays out. xoxo

  26. Gaga. I read some of the court docs from the lawsuit with her former assistant. If that's any indication of how she treats her employees (like crap), well adding that to her admitted coke use seals it for me.

  27. RhiDrama has been on her Bender Tour. More like a Bend Her Tour.

  28. Rhirhi should've eaten those chips that guy threw at her and chilled the hell out.

  29. Get your shit together Riri. I used to like you!

  30. RiRi doesn't do coke. I'm going with Gaga.

    Writing these celeb names makes me feel like an fuckin 2-year old.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Why is everyone spelling Rihannas name incorrectly? Is it a CDAN thing?

  33. Anonymous11:28 AM

    oh Riri...



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