Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former A list celebrity/singer who is now probably a C lister when it comes to his specialty and a B list reality star in one country is more famous for his ex and his name than his career. He has been ignoring his kids in favor of of the string of women less than half his age who he has been enjoying. He makes no effort to see his kids at all.


  1. Good work, guys. Fits perfectly.

  2. I bet he was just chomping at the bit to get out of that relationship with that fugly old supermodel with an awesome body. Give him a break. He's been a caged animal!

    Some men will never be happy with any one woman. Same for women and all sexual beings.

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    hes got a serious case of the anger-roid-monster doucheface, like a petulant child that's going to hold it's breath and throw a tantrum if it doesn't get what it wants now. I'm sure Heidi's human and has her foibles, but I have to say, watching her on America's Got Talent, has shown a softer side of her than Project Runway. She seems like a nice, sweet, soft hearted Mom, that any of us could hang out with, sure packaged in a supermodels surgery perfect body, but still, she seems cool.

  4. Anna, Heidi is an asshole. She treats her kids and the help, except for the bodyguard, like shit.

  5. Marc Anthony is permanent A list in Latin circles, even if he's creepy looking. Seal, on the other hand, is creepy looking *and* has dropped to C list.

    1. Good point, I was blinded by the dating girls half his age and never spending time with his kids part!

  6. OBVIOUSLY Seal. Which makes me so sad. Used to like him.

    But @Harry Knuckles, there were a bunch of blinds here and various stuff elsewhere about how both Seal and Heidi were SO great to their staff?

  7. Marc Anthony would fit but he's A list in his specialty. And if the country Enty refers to is PR, he's definitely A list too.

  8. Men are so lucky. If they dont have kids, no one gives them shiz about it. If they do have kids then they have the choice of whether they want to be around the kids or not. When yoire a woman though--if you dont have kids then you must be gay or ugly or lousy in bed. If you do have kids youre stuck with them theyr your responsiblity alone. If reincarnatiom is for real, then in my next life I aint coming back as a female anything, not even a dog. :,-(
    Sorry for the rant but Im depressed over being both childless and fatherless right now. Last night a couple of SuperMommies rubbed my nose in the fact that theyre better than me because I cant have kids.

    1. Ohhhhh @Scratchy Kitty, that is AWFUL! I am sad that I wasn't able to have children, (though the way humans are behaving in the face of the climate crisis, I am now kinda relieved). I cannot imagine someone shaming me or putting me down for being childless. I guess that is one indignityy I have managed to bypass, so I shall thank my lucky stars. It was bad enough to BE childless when I really wanted to be a mom.

      I am sending you love & pink bubbles and praying that your tender heart finds an outlet for the love you hold inside you. I think you deserve to be cared for and comforted, and I hope there is someone near you who is able to listen with sympathy and compassion. Love to you!!!

    2. Oh scratchy!! First off delete those people from your LIFE! Ive made a conscious decision not to have any of my own and my giant family thinks im nuts. Its a personal choice but it confuses alot of people. If i could give you my baby maker i would.

      Love, well wishes and positivity to you my dear :)

    3. @bar fly, I think it is awesome to make the choice that is right for you. I would love to see a world where we all got support for making choices that are right for our own true selves.

    4. I cant believe they did that!!!!! Delete them is right.

    5. Oh god. That's awful, scratchy kitty. If the ability to make babies makes you something special, why the fuck could Dina Lohan/Kris Kwhateverthefuck etc have so many? Thinking you're better than someone because you have functioning ovaries is a crock of shit. I'd love to hear someone trying to tell a childless-not-by-choice woman that. Bitch would get such a fucking smack down. Eurgh.

  9. Hmm... If Enty means he doesn't see his kids after The Voice has stopped filming fine, cause they were around quite a lot this season.

  10. This is obviously false and trying to further the stereotype that black men are bad fathers.

    Beat you to it, Just Curious. :P

  11. HA @Count Jerkula

  12. Sorry if you wanted kids and can't have them Scratchy Kitty. It must be hell to watch 16 and Pregnant crack whores shoot them out and you can't. I have the same problem with people because I chose not to have kids. I must have something wrong with me to make that choice.

    Count there are many good examples lately of black men being good fathers (Jay Z, Will Smith, etc.) I still think this is Seal but he's always seemed a bit off to me. Don't know why but you always saw Heidi with the kids and he was only with them when he was with her.

  13. Marc Anthony is def A list so this rules him out. But I've heard the rumors about Heidi also....hmmmm. Seal's interviews after the split were just really weird.

  14. Scratchy, moms don't fare much better. So sick of those mommy competitions. Like who feeds their kid exclusively organic food. Who lets their fifth graders date because it's "sooooo cute!!!1!" That kind of bullshit.

    Not having kids is no reason to look down on anyone. Women can be such bitches to each other.

  15. @Scratchy Kitty - fuck those mommies...we think you are fabulous!

  16. And speaking from experience, wait until those little kiddies are 16, 17 years old. Then you'll have your revenge, sweetie!

  17. I wish women WITH children were supported and women WITHOUT children were supported. I tried being friends with a young single mom and her adorable daughter and that didn't go well. I dunno. I just think I need a break from humans. And I can't have a pet where I live so I am gonna make friends with the bunny rabbit who hangs out in my front yard...

  18. marc a never saw the 3 kids he had w/ other 2 women what makes u think he is going to want jlos brats??

  19. Could be seal or skelator. They will both ultimately be sorry. Its really their loss. Both kids have their resident father figures.

  20. Didn't Seal blame his rant in Australia on not seeing his kids for 12 weeks....even though they were in Sydney...where he was staying?

  21. @scratchy kitty I feel your pain. I married my high school boyfriend 36 years ago and we weren't able to have children because of my infertility. I've lost count of the number of hurtful comments I've gotten thru the years - including one from my now-dead MIL who said that God must have known we wouldn't be good parents and that was why we couldn't make a baby! I decided to accept it and move on. Please don't let yourself get bitter about it. Is either adoption or foster parenting something you are considering?



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