Monday, July 01, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award nominee/winner was a restaurant the other night and they lost her reservation and dared to make her wait a few minutes. Not a good idea. The foreign born actress went off on the staff in several different languages and threatened them that if was not sitting in five minutes she would have her husband buy the place and then close it.


  1. Well, I get pretty pissed when a restaurant loses my reservation as well...

  2. Btw, it's totally Salma Hayek.

  3. Im on the Hayek train too.

  4. I cant imagine salma going off like that. She seems pretty grounded. On the other hand, that is an ass kicking threat to be able to make, lol

  5. Yeah, her hubby has giant bales of money like Scrooge McDuck.

    1. @Kristin. But Scrooge is now penniless according to Forbes. In fact, he had been dropped from The Forbes' Fictional 15 for the fiscal year 2012. Forbes says McDuck lost his entire fortune on a bet to Flintheart Glomgold. Lol

    2. He what???!!! Then who is making it rain in Duckburg?

  6. Losing the reservation is a pain the azz but loosing her Kool made her look like an azz - the threat was stupid she would've hurt them worse had she not patroned the established any more

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    She's fiesty! Chill out lady, you're married to a billionaire, it ain't that frickin bad.

  8. Understandable to be a bit upset, but it sounds like the restaurant was trying to fix the problem. I also think this is Selma and this was a total and unacceptable over-reaction.

  9. Thats funny I was watching Grown Ups last night and wondered if she was really like her character.

  10. Salma. She's gotten all high and mighty since she married Mr. Important.

  11. on what possible planet can salma hayak be A list? never won an academy award, can't open a movie.

    she's beautiful, but A list? seriously?

    I would also argue that she is not 'mostly movie,' as she's had memorable roles not only in 30 rock but in ugly betty, which I believe she produced.

    seems like a fake blind to me.

  12. Salma for the win!

  13. She had to wait a few minutes and she does this?? I wonder what she does when she has to wait 1/2 hour or longer. Is waiting a few minutes that awful??

  14. Salma is not grounded. She's a Diva. From experience.

    1. @Hendrix - yea I was totally going to say - Salma is a huge diva, I've heard from multiple sources. I think this blind is definitely her.

  15. What? "This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award nominee/winner was a restaurant". She was a restaurant? What will she be next, a bank? LOL.

  16. When was Salma up for an Academy Award?

  17. Oh Salma, why so constantly bitchy?!

  18. I just spoke with Salma about this blind and she said several facts are wrong. It wasn't a few minute wait- it was 8 minutes and she didn't say her husband would buy and sell- she would have him buy it then force the employees to sit through a customer service seminar on their day off. Please get the facts right Enty.

  19. Did u ask her if she was a restaurant? But I agree its her.

  20. She said technically she is still a restaurant for her child and felt that maybe enty typed too fast.

    1. LOL @ texas rose!

      Ever seen a baby wait 5 minutes to eat? Those little divas would make Selma look like Mother Theresa! :b

      How do you "lose" reservations when everything is on a computer? If your restaurant can't afford the iReservations app, maybe being bought isn't such a bad thing.

  21. On the Salma train too.. she always striked me like a capricious diva.
    and yes, she was nominated for her role as Frida Kahlo

  22. I'll give her this, though. She looks super hot and she is 46!

  23. I don't blame her one bit. I've had this happen before and the staff was arrogant about it. It got resolved very quickly though.

  24. ooh..thanks Bailey!

  25. I was beat to it...yes. Definitely Salma Hayek.

  26. What about Rachael Weisz?

  27. @Hendrix, spill! What was your diva-ish experience with Salma?

  28. Probably Salma or any of her liberal friends.
    Slightly OT: javier bardem had a restaurant in Madrid with his family. They have had to close because they didn't pay the workers, or had them with no contract, and they have paid the lower indemnization allowed for firing them.

  29. Anonymous12:52 PM

    ewww salma
    how quickly you forget your humble beginnings

    He going yo drop her ass for a younger model in 7 yrs

    1. I don't think her beginnings where ever that humble- doesn't she come from money?

      I agree this is probably her.

  30. Kermit..Yes, her liberal friends probably pushed her into being an ass. What's your fucking excuse?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. wow. not cool. you don't get to scream at people because someone who works there made a mistake. eat somewhere else. how fragile do you have to be when something like this gets to you.

  33. Gordon Ramsey dressed as Salma.

  34. Totally Salma H. Should have been easy, easy. 😜

  35. Salma! Noooo! Fellow Latina, contain thy temper!

  36. This isn't the first time Salma has been up to this.

  37. And she STILL wants to EAT THERE after that????

  38. Marion Cotillard
