Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Blind Item #3

A hotel doctor rushed to the room of this A list celebrity/singer after she was non-responsive when an assistant tried to wake her. The celebrity/singer had passed out from a combination of drugs and alcohol and the assistant was so freaked out she could not determine whether the celebrity/singer was breathing. It turns out she was and the doctor advised that the singer should sleep it off. The assistant said that was not possible because the celebrity/singer had to perform so the doctor gave her some type of shot which got her moving enough to at least be functional and another an hour later prior to her going to the performance.


  1. Just nod if you can hear me....is there anyone home?

  2. This is soooo Rihanna

  3. Rhi Rhi..and she was late to her concert. The end.

  4. RiRi---but she looked very happy, sober and healthy in a recent pap video of her on the beach

  5. I'm immediately reminded of Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb and will have to listen to The Wall!

  6. RiRi, and she got booed for showing up late too. Get a grip gurl.

  7. If Riri doesn't get some serious help soon she is going to die.

  8. Rihanna in Poland.

  9. If a chick is with it and responsive when the sex begins, but the pills kick in 1/2 way through, is it proper etiquette to stop or can you finish? I'm not talking roofied up, I mean more like she grabbed 2 percs out of her purse when you got back from the bar.

    If the proper thing to do is stop, then is it wrong to do some groping while you finish yourself off?

    It has been a decade since I was last in the dating pool and I need to know these things.

  10. I was on a website today for The Grapevine Agency, they place assistants/housekeepers/nannies for wealthy/famous folks in LA and NY. I was amazed by what the job descriptions entailed. But then I read blinds like this, and totally get it.

    I really feel kinda bad for the situations these assistants are put in. Although I'm sure they know what could happen when they sign up for the job.

    Lots of the listings had "perks" like being paid ON the books, covering half of your health insurance costs, and "flexible" 60 hour weeks.

  11. @ Count: I think you have to clear it up before hand. Here's my word: if I ever nod off on you, you have permission to finish the deal (just not up the back door -- too much hurty the morning after). Agreed?

  12. @count, rape isn't really a joking matter. But whatever, join the Stubenville dating pool, that might be your crowd.

  13. @count. I think I heard your mommy calling. She wants you to come up from the basement and do your summer reading

  14. Yodelay: I said nothing about rape. I said if the chick passes out in the middle of sex. How you didn't figure that out, I don't know.

    Pills generally take about 45minutes to kick in, that leaves plenty of time from consumption to get through foreplay and be humping for a while before she passes out.

    @girl77007: Of course I wouldn't take liberties. The following time we hang out and get naked I may bring it up though, to try and get you to give me some butt as a reward for being a gentleman about things.

    "You know I left your butt alone when you passed out, so if we ever did that it would be special and bring us closer together. I couldn't take advantage of someone I really care about, and I care about you a lot."

  15. @Tillie: I heard no one calling you. Just another Friday night for ya, huh?

  16. I fucked Courtney Love while she was passed out. Ate her pussy too. It was sweet meat. She had the surgery and is tight tight again. Her pussy was dry so I had to use a few gobs of spittle.

  17. Two basement trolls

  18. And this isn't even the first time.
    Get it together, girl!

  19. @ Count -- Like I've never heard that before! Oh... wait. Damn, I thought I really meant something to that guy! Fucktart.

  20. @girl77007: Aww, Sweetie, I hope that wasn't your butt cherry, it would hurt me to have ruined such a special moment in a girl's life.

  21. Count, she agreed beforehand, so it's kosher in my book, but sex with a passed out woman is like sex with the dead, borders on Necrophilia..also a little boring.

  22. Seriously when is all the pathetic sex talk going to be over? I get it, at first it was "cool" to humor these "risqué" posts (insert sarcastic tone and air quotes here) but this shit is just juvenile. Do these people really have nothing better to do than leave comments about sex on EVERY SINGLE POST?! We're all adults and are pretending like someone using terms like "butt cherry" is the norm? I get it, no one wants to be the so-called square and say this shit is annoying but most of us come here for gossip, not 6th grade locker room talk.

    Enty if you want to prevent losing more and more readers maybe you should actually do something with the moderating tools you promised to use. The majority of us are sick of this childish crap. The comments yesterday from the Count about Kylie Jenner when she turns 18 were f*cking disgusting and not what most gossip blog readers are interested in reading when we come to your site.

    And FYI Count, sex with anyone who is passed out at anytime not only makes you a pathetic and incredibly selfish loser, it also makes you appear disturbingly similar to people who engage in date rape. The only thing worse than your ridiculous questions and obnoxious replies to the other posters is your desperate need for attention. If you spent as much time actually having sex as you do with boring the majority of us with your incessant talk about it, maybe you'd calm the f*ck down enough to find something else to talk about.

    With that, I'm following TempestuousGrape and leaving this blog. A lot of us are loyal long-time lurkers who enjoyed the comments and articles. Now this asinine shit has turned CDAN into garbage. Maybe when Enty starts losing enough ad revenue he'll listen and make some changes before he ends up a has-been (see Perez Hilton).

  23. @Jenn: That could be. I never did it, and hadn't thought it through past my first question.

  24. @Krystal: " If you spent as much time actually having sex as you do with boring the majority of us with your incessant talk about it, maybe you'd calm the f*ck down enough to find something else to talk about."


  25. Stopping by to give my support to Krystal. What was once an awesome site for its comments is now trash. I now know that once CJ gets started on some juvenile rant about date rape, butt sex or something else, that I can check out of that thread. The intelligence level of comments keeps getting lower and lower, taken over by a bunch of porn chatter. I hate seeing people leave, but I can't blame them one bit. I come here to discuss gossip, not to learn new ways to sink lower and lower into sexual kink. I wish enty would start really moderating this site, with the guts to take on the biggest offenders. The trolls have now taken over this site, and I'm on my way to following the long list of longtime commenters out the door.

  26. This is obviously Rihanna. Is there a way to screen comments? It's so sad this site is getting trashed.

  27. Krystal and Seachica just said what I think.

  28. Krystal and Seachica just said what I think.
