Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former almost A list reality star turned C list celebrity turned B- list reality star scared everyone recently when she passed out. She said it was the heat. More likely the fact she had not eaten in three days. When she was revived she allowed to be given one sip if juice before asking for her cigarettes and some sugar free Red Bull.


  1. Nicole Ritchie? Or is she higher than B- now?

  2. she needs more water, vitamins, and.... oh yeah, food.

  3. @libby you got it. No way she's higher than B now.

  4. Hot. I still haven't found any Ana-Mia dating sites, but I will one day.

  5. Kristin---I was worried that "Fashion Star" might have increased her status. It's such a cash cow.

    (NO RELATION to the 'Kash Kow' show, from the E! Network.)

  6. Nicole. I hope she doesn't fuck up her kids with her issues.

  7. VIP---I want a dating site with skinny dudes on it, without mental illness as the reason.
    *Looks at floor, shuffles feet*
    ....I don't suppose you have anything in your bag o' links for ME? *sniffle* I've been good this whole year!

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    thank you VIP, what would we do without you? I noticed how her handlers were each offering an arm that she was clinging to in order to walk.Snooki's got plenty of energy since shes losing weight on adderall. Which makes you hot, twitchy, agitated, anxious, nauseous, sweaty,and paranoid.

  9. @VIP: Know if they allow bulimics on there? That is a whole nother level of commitment that fascinates me.

    @Libby: Damn! You only dig skinny dudes :(

  10. @libby, i'll join you. skinny dorks are my fave :)

  11. Oh Nicole.....that is just plain sad.

  12. Nicole went from a chubby heroin addict to an emaciated heroin addict. Sad.

    On a happy note... Nicole looks healthier than Rachel Zoe.

  13. @VIPBlonde's link, the bodyguards look like they are holding Nicole up.

  14. Definitely Nicole. Enty even tweeted a photo of her this morning.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yep. You got it Marieeee. I have a little insider info. on this. That was no random tweet. Enty always provides the answer somewhere. It's nice to see someone finally figure it out. The tweets don't lie! Kudos!

  16. Isnt this a repeat blind?

  17. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Seriously? Why does everyone constantly accuse Enty of posting the same blind/reveal twice? I am so sick and tired of people questioning Enty's integrity. If you don't want to read something twice (or thrice or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 56 times), feel free to go elsewhere.

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  20. Nicole is literally a husk of herself. Sad.

  21. On a side note, those shots of Mario Lopez showed how old his neck is looking! He must be getting botox injections to his face.

  22. Even Nicole's head looks like it came out of a Shakespeare play. Hamlet Ritchie, eat something, anything!



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