Monday, July 01, 2013

Blind Item #3

This B list mostly movie actor made the switch to television a few years ago and keeps trying for that one big payoff. His shows keep getting canceled. A list name recognition. He loves his wife's breasts so much that not only did he make her take hundreds of photos and videos of her breasts, he also got a sculpture made of them before she got pregnant because he wanted to remember them the way they were.


  1. Is Jason Biggs' wife pregnant?

  2. Doesn't everyone do that?

  3. Jeez, whoever this us, relax. They're just breasts for godssakes!

  4. Christian Slater has had a few shows canceled in the last five years. Four or five shows, I think.

  5. I thought Quaid too--But his twins were born a couple years ago, i think. Remember how they almost died from a medicine mistake?

    That's the only reason I think it's not DQ.


  6. @libby - a friend made me watch "what to expect when you're expecting" last week - DQ was looking ROUGH in that!

  7. Cathy---I was salivating over Dairy Queen, not Mr. Former-Hot. I should have been clearer.

  8. Christian Slater just got engaged, I don't think they're married yet.

  9. @libby - I'd take a blizzard over a guy who played Lilo's dad (a million years ago) any day!

  10. Alright, I'll change to Chris O'Donnell. Never specified when the wife got pregnant.

  11. Chris O'Donnell has 5 kids. I think that ship has sailed.

  12. I'd say this is Terry O'Quinn, except that I think he's too old for fathering children. He has a fixation on his wife's boobs--have y'all SEEN those things??? Oi....

  13. I used to have flawless perky boobs until I had 2 kids.

  14. I think Misch got it- Jerry O'Connell. Had that lawyer show fail but not sure about others. I can see him wanting to remember Rebecca's tata's before twins.

  15. I like this blind. I have no idea who it is, but it's somewhat refreshing to read about someone in Hollywood who's crazy about boobs that belong to his wife, not someone else.

  16. I thought of Rob Lowe for this depending what Enty thinks a few years ago is

  17. I miss my old boobies too but I did get to enjoy them twice around when I breastfed my kids. I looked like a porn star. I dont understand why this is really a blind its not a big deal.

  18. Yeah...I say good on him ..whoever he may be...for loving on his own wife's boooobays. Enjoy, sir.

  19. @Star: it is a story because the writer is a MANsogynist and attempting to shame this man for being attracted to his wife and appreciating her beauty.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Christian Slater immediately jumped to mind when I read the shows getting cancelled part - he's had a bunch of failed pilots in the last few years. Can't be Dennis Quaid since he only had one show this past season. Can't be Terry O'Quinn either, he was on Lost during its entire run though his latest show did get cancelled.

  22. This would be a nothing in normal world, but in hollyweird, it is shocking that the dude is so straight and not a queen (copyright alec baldwin).

  23. Can't be Rob Lowe or Chris O'Donnell. Their shows are still on the air.

  24. Jerry was in Stand By Me, but then I remember him from Sliders, which I miss a lot. So, TV more than movies? I dunno. But if this is him, I'd look at Mystique's boobs too.

  25. Don't know who has the boob obsession but I feel bad for Slater and all his canceled shows. I used to heart him.

    Whoever did it a sculpture is a nice gesture and ode to a woman's breast. Sweet.

  26. Was thinking Eric Roberts, but she had a kid with someone else before they got married.

  27. dennis quaids kiddos were by surrogate ..i'm going w/ o'connel and those twins(pun intended)
