Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A+ list mostly movie actress was "visibly shaking and sweating" for much of a recent flight she took. It was not caused by fear, but it appeared to be some kind of withdrawal symptoms. As soon as she got off the flight and into a non secure flight she met someone and rushed to the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later looking one hundred percent better. She should probably stick to private jets in the future. This will be revealed.


  1. Many things were supposed to be revealed :-/

    1. There were reveals?

    2. What, pray tell, are 'reveals'?

    3. They had to do with some random named Katherine Webb and someone from Big Rich Texas. I plan on doing big things with this lucrative information.

  2. Angie Jo's flight to Hawaii this weekend.

  3. Could it be anyone other than Ange? Shoulda been an easy/easy mark.

  4. Maybe this is the big reveal Enty meant. If it was the one from yesterday, I'm severely disappointed. I was really hoping for coke mom!

    1. I doubt we will ever learn who coke mom or mv really are. :(

  5. CZJ and AnnE are at the airport in today's DM

  6. We won't ever learn who MV is. But its down to two people so we can only assume.

    And this won't be revealed as its not about a D list reality star with an A list name

  7. @AnonyMousE Reveals are where you will find the answers to such blinds as:

    What z-list mostly movie extra was seen at Chipolte using a 2 for 1 coupon without his spouse?

  8. Someone kindly explain "she got off the flight and into a non secure flight" please? I guess most everyone's just going to keep guessing Angelina on these. I saw the pictures of her landing in Hawaii though, how she would've been able to get away from prying cameras and camphones to do a bathroom touch-up is beyond me. And where would she have left the kids?

  9. a non a miss, what two is MV narrowed down to? Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears?

    And please help me understand the ratings, sometimes they seem to change. I thought Ang Jo was A++. Anyone have a ratings excel sheet?

    1. JLO and Brit.

      Enty changes his ratings more than he changes his socks. You can't rely on him.

    2. @a non - Pretty sure Brit Brit was ruled out early one. I believe she was the popular guess when Enty said it wasn't his dear friend everyone had been guessing. That said, I'm with @VIP and am convinced this is JLo. She only did idol to find her new voice. (That last part is my own conspiracy theory.)

  10. I'm sure the nanny or nanny's were there....so someone met her at the airport with whatever she didn't want to carry on the plane

  11. Good one Flora. My favorite reveals were about Aunt Gail. That beyotch be cray!

  12. I'm not buying this as AJ. She's just too smart to take a commercial flight IF she's indeed back on the junk and needing a fix, and I believe she would manage that need. Having said that, I got nothin'.

  13. Also, there were a ton of pics when she landed in Hawaii and she looked the same as always. No visible shaking or sweating at all.

  14. I don't think it's Angie for the same reasons commenter ino cited. I like VIPblonde's CZJ suggestion.

    And what a non a miss said - Enty's ratings are very fluid and often subjective.

  15. "What z-list mostly movie extra was seen at Chipolte using a 2 for 1 coupon without his spouse?"

    Was me. And I don't even like Chipolte.

  16. I wouldn't put CZJ at A+ these days, unless you're talking Broadway.

    Angie gets my vote.

  17. How do you get those coupons? I love Chipolte and have never been able to find coupons. HELP!

    1. Become a teacher! I got one last teacher appreciation day ;-)

    2. Oh damn, I had a couple for a free burrito from them on my fridge for five years (it had no expiration date) before I finally tossed it.

  18. Yeah Topper, you're right.. no way is CZJ currently A+ list. The only thing about Angie - I looked at the photos of her after departing the plane in Hawaii with her son and she doesn't seem to be stressed or in any hurry..

  19. Thank you, @VIP :)

  20. Agree about Reveal Day. Sad.

    Don't think it's AJ, but this site has had a hate-on for AJ for the last few posts, so who knows... I think she is definitely implied.

  21. Funny, my friend worked some Britney shows and they had a recording of her singing in her headset while she was dancing. It was pretty much what you would expect. Hey, at least she was going along with the words.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Go take a look at the Alexa #s. The reveals barely popped the #s higher than the first troll day, and did nowhere near the #s of past Reveal Days.

  24. This is BS. Because she's shaking and sweating and uses the bathroom when she gets off the plane she's a heroin addict? How do they know it wasn't because of fear? Morning sickness? Stomach bug? Personally I hate to use the bathroom on a plane or train, and will try to hold in any discomfort until I'm at the terminal. That's my first stop.

    1. That was my first thought too. I sometimes get motion sickness, and on a plane that can cause some anxiety. Maybe this person had to eat airport food and wasn't feeling so well!

  25. Of course this will be revealed... in 2018 ;)

  26. Im missing the boat on the blind about MV and coke mom can you point me to those so I can catch up?

  27. Yes, please give some background on MV and coke mom!

  28. Just please don't be Jennifer Lawrence.

  29. Angelina is ALL MOVIE not mostly movie.

  30. I don't think MV is J-Lo. The original blind states that the "real" singer was contacted in late 2000 to record some demos and then she heard the songs on the radio several months later. J-Lo debuted her first single and album in 1999. It doesn't seem to match. MV might just be another BS blind or it might be about someone who no one cares about lol...

  31. MV was the original blind item that launched the whole site. Supposedly an a list singer lip synced all of her albums up until a few years ago when the lip sync artist (who was overweight and frumpy) died. If the public ever found out, the a lister would be ruined forever. Enty has narrowed it down over the years and the only two that make sense are Britney or jlo. Oh, and mv was snotty to her lip syncer when they met.
    I don't get how it could be either jlo or Britney since neither one of them has fantastic voices. And we've all seen the Britney video where they recorded her voice. You didn't have to work with her to watch it on you tube.
    Lots of people thought it might be Celine dion or shania twain but Enty revealed that mv was born in the USA. All of his clues have narrowed it down to Brit and jlo. Enty also claims to have the only poster signed by mv AND her lipsyncer

  32. Coke mom is widely assumed to be Debra messing. A nasty actress trying to get back on the a list and is a coke head and used in front of her youngs kids

  33. @Sherry Aunt Gail sends her love xx

  34. Angelina did 'Gia,' which was a cable (HBO) TV movie.

  35. i personally always thought mv was either Pink or Michelle Branch.. Both american singers whose debut albums came out in 2000

  36. Chipolte has coupons? Best reveal ever! I had no idea.

  37. @Lucy - no way is MV Pink. That girl can SING live better than most people in the business can with auto tune and backing tracks.
