Monday, July 08, 2013

Blind Item #1

This actress is A list and mostly movies. She does not deserve to be A list but people keep giving her lead roles. Although I don't think she deserves her A list status based on just being in a popular film franchise, I am happy for her personally because she finally got to be free last week and spent the entire week being herself with a woman she has always wanted to be with and got to live, at least for a week as a woman out of the closet. I guess it was being out of the country and that country will do it for you.


  1. KStew. Where was she last week?

  2. Kristin Stewart...

  3. Fru, you stole my comment! Dammit, FRUFRA!

  4. She did Paris and the fashion shows

  5. :-p libby! I'm quick today - really, just avoiding work is all :-).

  6. Ugh. That must have been the most gloomy. depressing, greasy, glaring, emo broody moody bumping of doughnuts ever.

  7. @La Descarda: hilarious

  8. La Descarda, I'd still pay to watch.

    1. Pay? I wouldn't even if I had a coupon. Now get me someone else scissoring and I'd consider it.

  9. lmao, La Descarada---I imagine KStew mid-scissor and suddenly yelling out,'I'M SO BORED!!!'--in Lilo's bestest Liz Taylor voice.

    1. @libby & descarada -- that was the best clip EVAH! I'm SO BORED, I'm BORED! What do people do when they're not working?!

  10. Have you noticed that unless she's high, Kstew never looks happy ??

    She's a multimillionaire and never has to work again, is beautiful, and famous and yet is miserable.

    She should tell the World and Hollywood to F off and come out of the closet and be herself and be happy--it's the 21st century and this being in the closet stuff is BS.

  11. Who do we think the other woman was?

  12. I agree with the K-stew answer. She looked so happy in the pictures taken in Paris. Honestly, I'm not a twihard and her grouchy pictures always made me think she was one ungrateful bitch but she looked great last week.

  13. Wow.. The lesbian populace of Paris must have been thrilled to bask in the sullen dumpy shadow of K-Brood. Meanwhile, back in the States, Sparkles was eagerly greeting the UPS man who was delivering his bulk-order of KY and ball-gags.

  14. Yeah, probably Kristin Stewart. Wouldn't it be great if it was Megan Fox though! Just to know she was screwing around on BAG. I know she's not the lead in anything much but I would love it.

  15. Jessica Timberlake!

  16. It sounds like Kstew but for the lead roles. She only co-lead in Twilight and co-lead in Snow White , she has never been the sole lead in anything mostly just a co-star.

  17. She's miserable because she only halfway plays the game. So she's screwed both ways.

  18. She's miserable because she only halfway plays the game. So she's screwed both ways.

  19. But who has she always wanted to be with? Rih Rih?

  20. Def kstew.... Now to figure out who she always wanted that was also in Paris.

  21. Anonymous9:44 AM

    KScrew & her current "friend" Tamara, is it?

  22. @Anna Belle: I think so. The rumors have been going for a long time now. I always figured there was something there because of the body language. I wonder if Tamra still works for Katy.

  23. There was a tweet or message on tumblr from someone who went to the Lainey Smut Soiree thing, this is what she said:
    "Good morning CB friends! Just wanted to add a little OT story about Kristin Stewart. I was at the Lainey Smut Soiree recently and Lainey and Dan Levy revealed that Kristin had been involved with one of the girls from the movie Spring Breakers or whatever its called. They wouldnt reveal which girl. Just that it was a one of and that there was "equipment" involved."
    So if that is true was any of those girls from the movie in Paris too?

  24. immediately thought of Kristin Stewart

  25. Megan Fox? Or was that just in my fantasies?

  26. @jason, i kinda thought megan for this but i always thought she was straight? plus she has a kid.

    i forget these people have nannies to take away such responsibility.

  27. Anonymous12:00 PM

    K Stew in Gay Parie

  28. KStew and Gomez would be hot. Kstew being the dominant one hitting Selena with the strappy. Lil hair pulling, spanking and whimpers. Mmmmmmmm.

  29. @Star: Supposedly, Ashley Benson and a strap-on at the Chateau Marmont.

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM

    @ino there's always been rumors about her & her female "friends"...Nikki Reed, Scout Taylor Compton, Dakota Fanning & Katy Perry...she's much more touchy with them then she has ever been with Booby, not to mention photos of her checking them out.

  31. Must be tough to live a lie.

  32. KStew is young and rich, I can't argue that. But the beauty is debatable!

  33. I'm confused. Isn't KStew (if the guesses are right and I think they are) the same person that Enty revealed to be completely asexual right before her whole affair scandal broke. Did Enty ever address this because maybe I'm just confused but I don't think someone an be asexual, a heterosexual 'other woman', and a lesbian stuck in the closet all at the same time. -__-

  34. The only problem with this blind being Kstew is that she spent 2 days in Paris, not a week. But I still think it's her.
