Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Anthony Weiner Keeps Touching His Weiner

The woman in the photo above (blurred on the site where she revealed everything, but shown on the right) is the latest woman to come forward to talk about former Congressman, and now, New York City mayoral candidate, Anthony Weiner. The two met back in 2011 when the woman wrote Weiner an e-mail and tried to talk to him about his situation and she is a bit of a political junkie. One year after the scandal, Weiner wrote her back and they e-mailed and texted and spoke on the phone up to five times a day. Most of the time they spoke on the phone, they had phone sex and presumably Weiner was pulling out his weiner for those calls while his wife and baby were in the other room.

Weiner, who fancies himself a porn aficionado, decided to call himself Carlos Danger. It was his tribute to Charlie Sheen. Perhaps the two could exchange tips. Not cross tips, but, just exchange them. Weiner held a press conference yesterday saying that everything is behind him and that he does not know why the woman thought their relationship was serious or why she thinks he loves her. Weiner's wife Huma, is sticking with the guy and Weiner says he will not drop out of the race and he knew more photos and texts were coming and that he is the best candidate for Mayor of NYC and that he plans to pass legislation making sexting free for all cell phone customers.


  1. Weiner needs to retire and deal with his strange obsessions.

  2. OMG. I just read the NYPost article, and I'm amused/horrified/nauseated. And his wife. I was so embarrassed watching this last night on the tellie. And I totally forgot they had a baby. If somebody sent me these types of texts, I would die in laughter. Is this for real? I'm such a prude. Ha.

    1. @Susan - exactly my reaction. I can't even start with the sexting. What a bunch of weirdos! I mean, to each their own, but I could never, ever take a dude seriously who sent me that mess.

  3. The guy has some serious problems. How much longer can she stand by him and endure this embarrassment?

  4. This arrogant POS was my Congressman when I lived in NYC. He was a protege of Charles Shumer the senator. For this d/bag and Eliot Spitzer to even want to be involved in politics again and expect to win given the fact that they are both liars who betrayed their families as well as the people they served shows how little regard they both have for anything except their own egos. And if NY 'ers are idiotic enough to re elect them they deserve whatever they get

  5. And the headlines on the Drudge Report are hysterical. I wonder if he'll stay in the race. Why is the wifey staying with this jerkoff?

    Any New Yorkers out there, please weigh in. I'm dying to know what the locals think!

  6. Couple of times his wife looked like she was about to lose her cookies. Is she sticking by him until he loses, then taking him to the cleaners? He deserves no less.

    The writing of this post was really juvenile. Pulling out his wiener?

  7. I feel terrible for her. I get not leaving him on the first go round. He apologized and she was pregnant. But now? RUN HUMA! RUNNNN!

  8. The headline for this article should have been: "Weiner Remains Firm; Refuses to Pull Out"

    1. Lol @vip...that should've been the headline!! ;)

    2. Proof that @VIP isn't Enty: she can actually write good satire.

    3. @VIP. We have a Weiner! I mean Winner!

  9. His wife can't say anything after Hillary.

    1. @FSP, +1. People forget she was Hilary's sidepiece.

  10. Heard last week on a local radio station (99.5 Rock):
    Hostess is bringing back Twinkies
    Weiner is bringing back Ding-Dongs,and Spitzer is bringing back Ho-Hos.

  11. Lord he's an idiot...

  12. I feel so bad for Huma. She's a smart, successful and capable woman. She was also, unfortunately, pregnant when the first scandal broke and now has a small child at home. I get why she stays. I would also understand completely if she woke up one morning and thought, "Fuck this bullshit. I'm done." Maybe she's also blinded by love. I don't envy her situation AT ALL.

  13. Cross tips....hehehe
    Lmfao, I don't know why that's cracking me up so bad right now. I need more sleep!

  14. You should see the comments on the NY Times website - they wrote a complete hummer for him a few weeks ago, talking about how he'd 'changed' and was ready for office again, and now the Grey Lady's readers are furious.

    It being a left-leaning news organization, there's also a lot of self-flagellation about why Republican cheaters' wives leave them (Giuliani, Mark Sanford) and Democrat cheaters' wives seem to stay (Hilary Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, and Weiner.)

    Carlos Danger, indeed.

  15. Dude is ugly. I wouldn't have sex with him with somebody else's phone.
    Wife is stupid if she stays with this lying cheater.

  16. Why would anyone feel bad for his wife? She can make her own choices as an adult. If she can't see why it isn't a good idea to stay with this creep and subject her child to him on an everyday basis-that's her problem. She's not an innocent here-she knows exactly what she's dealing with.

    Funny he was outed for his "weiner" shots on National Hot Dog Day!!!!

  17. This dude likes to fuck the voters even more than the average politician. At least he has better taste than bill clinton (the chicks he chooses are hotter).

  18. @Surrender Dorothy, I thought VIP was really AnnaLynne McCord--which makes me actually like AnnaLynne now. ;)

  19. I saw such horrible predatory behavior in those texts...she's telling him she wants to see him, she loves him, saying emotionally connecting things and all he says is bad's like he knew he was manipulating her, and he is obviously some kind of sicko. Who does this AGAIN after such a public humilation??? Who humiliates his wife AGAIN after she suffered so much? Asshole.

  20. Huma Abedin standing by Anthony Weiner now is like Elizabeth Hurley standing by Hugh Grant (temporarily) after the Divine Brown blowjob scandal.
    "Burn me once, shame on you; burn me twice, shame on me."

  21. The Taiwanese animators have a great take on this, as usual:

  22. Weiner is sick. I can't believe his wife is staying with him. On another note, the girl in the picture looks like his wife

  23. The NY Times said it well: "..ridiculous and speaks to a familiar but repellent pattern of misleading and evasion.. he has already disqualified himself."

  24. Idiot.

    He needs to get a "grip and slide out" of sight.


  25. Don't forget to use the Carlos Danger name generator!!. My name is Santiago Kill :)

    1. @VIP - haha I love those name generators. I'm Osvaldo Gamble.

    2. Silvestre Menace checking in!

  26. There is no way I would stand up there with that guy. He's such a creepy little weasel. He'll probably win in a landslide.

  27. The whole Carlos Danger name is beyond. This is better than fiction.

    Dude. I don't feel bad for his wife. Are you fucking kidding me? She's gorgeous, educated, has had great jobs. Get the fuck out. You don't need to be humiliated to stay with this man. Who knows. Maybe she was into this sort of thing when their relationship started? Aren't there rumors that she's really a lesbian. Life is too short to be a doormat, in my opinion. She has no need to stay with this loser. What an embarrassment for a father. I feel bad for their child. You can't pick your douchebag parents, that's for sure.

  28. I predict a claim of sex addiction within a week. Is that even real?

  29. And OT: Enty/Enties - Please post somethin' somethin' on Jersey Housewives. Gawd!!!

  30. This overgrown adolescent prick needs to take several cold hard seats and his warmongering wife too. I have zero sympathy for these political wives who enable their pervo hubbies just so they can maintain appearances. As for their kid? I'll save my sympathy for the kids in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East whos lives have become wrecks thanks to the policies the "poor suffering wife" pushed her girlfriend Hillary to endorse.

  31. Its compulsive behavoir. He'll prob never stop. He needs help anf to retire and get some.

  32. I realize this is a much more 'anything goes' age. People are a lot more accepting of uh, non-traditional behavior.

    I wouldn't vote for him based on his sexual deviancy. However, it's not only the sexual nature of this guy's personality that should be considered. It's that he has terrible judgement and decision making skills. Do you want him making decisions for your city?

    I don't understand how anyone would even consider him as a potential mayor. That being said, he'll probably win. East coasters ~ SMH.

  33. @susan: yes sex addiction is a real disease. If not dealt with properly it can lead to high blood pressure, irritability and an enlarged prostate.

    Enty should have cited the source. had the exclusive, along with a statement from the girl and screencaps of the exchange.

    Weiner is a fucking fool. This is like an old broke down bankrupt NBA player trying to make a comeback because he owes 700k in child support. Sad.

    I'm sure there is more to come out. If I was a political hitman, I would hold off the worst for if he gets the Dem nomination. Wait until the Dems are locked in with him, then baseball bat his knees. Would he do all this sexting and not meet broads? When is one he met gonna come forward.

  34. Oh please. There was a BV a long time ago, and it was guessed that Anthony Weiners wife was the girlfriend/lover of Hilary Clinton. Weiners wife was also Clinton's secretary. My friend used to be Hilary's bodyguard, and he walked in on her with a girl one time. She threw a mug at his head for walking in, and he had to get stitches.

  35. Can ANYONE out there explain to me this guy's appeal? He just turns my stomach.

  36. It jus proves that he leaned nothing from the first scandal. Guy needs help.

  37. crilla - OMG. That is some good dirt!

    Who are Weiner's advisers? This story is so unbelievable. He'll probably win, too.

  38. We should all unify and Tweet him our favorite wiener orders....hold the onions, extra relish.

  39. @Crila: Was it the lil blonde porn whore that was Hilary's intern

    Safe For Work
    Sammie Spades

    I think Huma won't leave Weiner because she is afraid he will out them. Clinton's don't have the stroke they used to, so I don't think Anthony would fear being killed.

  40. P.S. My Carlos Danger name is Guillermo Dynamite. It is cool, but not as cool as Count Jerkula.

  41. Count we must be related. Mine is Ariel Dynamite.

  42. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'd fuck him.

  43. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Count: Where's YOUR sex addiction? Hiatus? Therapy? Doing laundry? Eating out (tee hee)? Tying shoes? (sorry, I mean tIEing). Been kinda boring around here lately...

  44. Nothing has really sparked my interest. The posts have been pretty boring, Monday was lame as hell. Plus all these synced up broads must be past the 3 horny days of the month and aint all that flirty. Could be that the full moon has passed.

  45. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Count: Not me! Had to buy new batteries for my favorite toy on Monday. Much like most of my state, I'm under a flash flood watch.

  46. I think the biggest take-away in all this is that Carlos Danger is simply the best nom-de-plume in ages!

    But seriously, as a resident of NYC, he really has nothing to lose by staying in the race. He already said more stuff might come out (as a way to deflect when it inevitably would / did), and there is a contingent in NYC that feel that what you do in your bedroom is your business. Look, he is not going to win the election, but why should he pull out (bad-da da)? There isn't any one polarizing figure who is clearly going to win - at least not to me. Quinn has clout in Manhattan, De Blasio has clout in Brooklyn, etc, etc. Weiner staying in the race saves him face.

    And now, my Carlos Danger name: Pepe Evil. I like it.

  47. Hey - I rhymed!!!

  48. @VIPblonde -- Please start your own blog, give us a heads up, and we'll follow.

    This place is a losing proposition and a waste of time.

    I'll monitor for a while hoping to see something better.

    Really, when you can snark at a puppy being doused with gasoline and over-post on the Ks, teen moms, HWs, etc. you've lost any relevance to this blog's original readers.

    And 'No', i'm not an original, but i've been here since ~2008.

  49. When your defense is that you know that more texts and photos will come out??? Then you better back out and sit down.

  50. Sat what @ his behaviour deserves the same kind of childish humiliating taunting. His poor



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