Friday, July 12, 2013

Amanda Seyfried Has To Be Sexually Attracted To You Before She Will Date You

In the new Elle, Amanda Seyfried gives an interview in which she is promoting her new movie Lovelace. Remember when Lindsay Lohan was supposed to star in that movie? Yeah, that was when she still had a flicker of a career. Anywho, because the movie is about sex, I guess all her interviews will eventually talk about sex, and specifically her sex life. In the interview, Amanda had this to say about who she dates,  "Everybody I've dated I've been sexually attracted to immediately. Sparks don't grow—your vagina doesn't become more inclined to wanting someone just because you're around them."

I think there is a lot of truth to that, but I also think that you can meet someone and not be sexually attracted to them and that it can grow over time to the point where you do become sexually attracted to them.I'm not saying you were dating them while not being attracted, but just because you are not instantly attracted does not mean there is no hope. Unless you are Paris Hilton. No way anyone can truly be sexually attracted to her.


  1. Amanda also said there WERE exceptions to her theory of attraction. Sheesh.

    I hope every time Lilo sees Amanda get another mag cover or leading role, it makes her INSANE. Who cares if it's 'just' Lovelace--you know it makes LL nuts.

  2. I love Amanda, but my sexual feelings totally grew for my now husband. I was meh when we met and it turned out to be my best sex ever. But each to their own!

  3. I think sexual feelings can grow just as they can wane. However, Amanda is pretty young (and also beautiful and famous). She should take advantage of that point of view and just have fun for now. I would say never rule anything out though if you are looking for long term love. Sometimes you may not be immediately attracted to someone upon meeting them, but after spending a few hours with them, you can be completely in lust. To each their own.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I get where she's going with this, but I also think that attraction grows with love, personality/character and soul make up how attractive someone is, to me. The first time anyone looked at Russell Brand did they find him attractive? Probably not, but when he starts talking and is witty and funny ( to some people), then he becomes more attractive. Robert Plant? Kind of a funny looking guy, but that voice, that music, and yes, attractive. Mick Jagger? If you saw him on the street today? Steven Tyler? All people you might not want to jump on right off the bat, but men that many women still are very attracted to nonetheless.

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM

    And Enty? Please stop trying to dig and snark on celebrities, it's coming off as petty and annoying, Paris Hilton has nothing to do with this post, and I'm sure there are plenty of guys that still find her physically attractive. Just stop with the digs, like on AJ for the breast thing? You're really reaching with the insults, and it's beneath you.

    1. When Paris Hilton goes away for weeks at a time she lays off her house staff and locks her dogs in one of the rooms with food and water. When she gets back home, sometimes one or more of the dogs is dead. Not enough food and water. They starve to death. I'm going to stop right here.

  6. That thing did a Lovelace film?
    She looks 12! Like she got into her mother's makeup and would be carded for milk.

    Yeah, folks should be taking sex advice from her.

    1. You've obviously never seen Chloe. She was a boiling pot of sex in that movie

  7. She's still quite young, I think most felt that way then.

  8. She's confusing lust with love. Near me is a retirement complex full of widows and widowers who have remarried. Obviously I'm not privy to their bedroom secrets but I suspect that affection is more important to those relationships than sex.

  9. That's how I felt in my 20's

    1. Misch, felt this way in late teens also

  10. Leave Amanda alone!!

  11. Amy spark can turn into a fire, even if it's just the spark of their ability to make you laugh, or a shared hobby or something like that. A smoldering fire often lasts longer than one that burns hot immediately!

  12. She's so young, bless her heart. As such, she's so wrong. She'll learn. Maybe.

    That said, attraction is vital. But it CAN come with time, especially for women. Patti Stanger said -- yeah, she's kind of icky, but she's said some bon mots that are true -- that men are like microwaves and women are like Crock-Pots. That's been my experience, too. It usually won't grow for a man, no pun intended. Women? We often change our minds later.

  13. Wait you're assuming bec they are widows and widowers there couldn't possibly be any initial lustful attraction? Or did you mean "old?" Yeah cuz old people don't have sex and aren't attractive... ;) OK....


    Helen Mirren

  14. Call me crazy, but I think Paris Hilton is hot. I'm not saying I'd jump in the sack with her, especially given her history. But I do think she's sexy. (Hi Paris! Call me!)

  15. If she's not nude in a movie about a porn star, you can put that shit right in the $2.99 bin.

  16. Hollywood shouldn't try to do porn related movies- they always disappoint.

  17. Speaking of old people and sex, the 1968 version of A Midsummer Night's Dream is playing on cable today. If any of you have ever watched a Dame Judi Dench film and wondered to yourself "I wonder what she looks like with her clothes off?" this is your chance to see.

    What.... Nobody?

  18. Remember when she was relevant?

  19. I've had both...and I like being sexually attracted to the person first, not having it grow. I've been physically attracted to a person, but have not been in love with them. Those feelings have grown. Those are the best relationships.

  20. @Harry: The way I heard it, when the yappy lil fuckers get too annoying, she locks em in the closet, then forgets about em, cause she's dumb.

    I'd probably use the same technique if I had Paris for a weekend, but I'd let her out of the closet every so often when my hard on was recharged.

    1. Count, she's a walking talking STD. I wouldn't fuck her with a truck tire wrapped around my dick.

  21. Enty, did your vagina grow sparks writing this ridiculous post?

  22. Harry: Eh, it aint like herpes gonna kill ya.

  23. lazyday603 - I love Judi but I did see her on stage in London and, my gosh, but she is a very short girl. IMDB claims 5'1" but frankly she was two heads below all the other actors and that was while wearing just about the highest heels I've ever seen.

  24. I'm over 35 and I completely agree with Amanda's statement.

    I know if I will ever have sex with a man within the first conversation with him. That truth has never changed in all my years of dating and relationships. My vagina knows who and what she wants, when she wants it. Nothing and no one can change that.

    Attraction has to be there from the beginning. Love grows... lust does not. Lust is that instant "chemistry" that everyone references, and hopes to have in a partner.

    1. I completely agree Kitty. If I don't want you in that way when I meet you, you're always gonna be in my friend zone. I've taken so much crap from my friends for this and been called shallow by a lot of guys. Can't help it, I'm just wired that way.

    2. Let me guess, you're single, or never been married, right?

  25. There are two Lovelace movies. The one with Seyfried and then the one LiLo was supposed to be in but was replaced by Malin Akerman. No word on what's happening with the latter.

  26. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Enty: I hope you heard what Anna said. She disagrees with the tone of your posts lately. Personally, I disagree with the lies and atrocious writing skills, but I'm here to back up my good friend atm. I know that you read the posts and comments every day, so I know that you are listening and will do the right thing.

  27. Nah...the most powerful sexual attraction I ever felt for somebody grew over time from nothing. It all depends on what, exactly, turns a person on. Some people are more visual than others.

  28. Anonymous8:55 PM

    The most powerful attraction I ever felt (on a blog built upon pandering) was this one; for a filthy, dirty troll named after a certain fictional character, misperceived as as a 'vampire'. Never seen him, never will. Doesn't matter. He gets me hotter than a whore on Dollar Day. Here's lookin' at you, Count

  29. I can't help but think she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome when I see her.

  30. Miss Mess, are you slow rollin me with a kindness troll? I don't actually send dick pics, so there is no pay off fer ya. I will jack off to any nudes you send me though. I only have a monchrome printer, so it wouldn't be too good to print a pic out, run a batch on it, and post the results for you to appreciate.

    Thank yo for your support though, Doll.

  31. Sometimes what the heart wants and the vag wants are two different things.... Can be confusing...

  32. What is she, 12?! What a fucking stupid thing to say. I am really growing to detest PR people and their idea of what these 'celebs' should say in an interview. She comes off sounding naive, or even virginal, but maybe that's what they are trying to have her sound like, so the movie generates even more (pedophile) buzz.



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