Amanda Bynes Gets Two More Weeks In The Hospital
Although Amanda Bynes' attorney made a very strong argument yesterday in court, a judge granted the request of doctors to keep Amanda in the hospital an additional two weeks. Doctors felt it was necessary to extend her 72 hour hold so they could further evaluate her. There have been a lot of reports coming from the hospital and these seem to be the most repeated rumors. Her parents are caring for her dog who was not injured in the fire incident. When Amanda discovered her parents were in charge of the dog, she said they would harm the dog. Amanda is said to be completely sane for 10 hours and then not sane for an hour. Hey, you put me behind the desk at work for ten hours and you come to talk to me at hour eleven and see how I am. Amanda did attend the hearing yesterday but did not have a selection of wigs from which to choose. She will also be at the court hearing this morning when her parents attempt to have her placed under a temporary conservatorship.