Monday, July 08, 2013

50 Cent Hates His Kid - Lets Him Know

50 Cent is already facing 5 years in jail following his arrest two weeks ago for domestic violence against one of the mothers of his kids. Now, 50 Cent is also facing some severe backlash after he went off in a text message frenzy against his 16 year old son and of course the son or the mother of the son decided Radar needed to have the texts. For a price. It does show 50 Cent hates his kid and the mother of that kid. Basically he calls his kid an a-hole and tells him to f**k off and that he is worthless and that his mother is a w**re and that 50 Cent wants a blood test because the kid's mother was having sex with everyone while she was having sex with 50 Cent. He makes Alec Baldwin's rant to Ireland look like the Gospel compared to what 50 says. “I need a blood test cause that d*ck sucking b*tch you call mom was f*cking the hole time.” How is that for starters. I would say 50 has a bit of an anger problem.


  1. Wow. There's a lot I'd like to say about this, but it's not printable.

  2. The POS also misspelled whole.

  3. Thug I wonder if he beat the shit out of Chelsea Handler?

  4. How can anyone talk to their child that way?

  5. Nobody is surprised.

  6. ...and thus the cycle of misogyny continues.

  7. You know Reno, I would have probably preferred my mother actually SAY it, instead of just being a hateful neglectful asshole. At least it would have popped the blister, so to speak.

    That's just for ME, though, and my opinion NOW, as a 40 year old unknown person. This kid is 16, and his father slurred him in public. Will we be surprised if this kid ends up on drugs or in trouble, with THIS kind of father?

  8. Well, it appears Chelsea Handler has a type.....

    Poor kid...this isn't going to end well :(

  9. This made me sad. Then I clicked on the link and felt sadder. But I've got to agree with libby - I think it's better to have it out there than to just be given the cold shoulder passive-agressive treatment.

  10. I'm conflicted on this: fiddy is damaged goods & a colossal douche, but maybe the kid did something to bring this about. He's a misogynist, why does this feel one-sided against him? idk...wonder will ppl see his "talent" only like they did when Alec Baldwin called his daughter a thoughtless little pig? So many questions.

    1. There is no excuse for this kind of parenting. He even admits he ignores his kid on birthdays and Christmas.
      You know his manager and girls get gifts.

  11. Soc 101 - he hates his kid because his kid is a direct reflection of himself. He hates himself more than anything else. He behaves the way he does because he is self-loathing. Period.

  12. Alec Baldwin did a lot during their contentious split & subsequent divorce/custody negotiations. Remember the nervous breakdown, the inability to work due to his legal wranglings. Oh yeah, double post: humanize Alec & demonize fiddy. One last thing: he has two children & got a vasectomy to keep from having more. Thought I would put that out there since the ccertain negative comments associated with "rapper" will come.

  13. @correy - you said - "but maybe the kid did something to bring this about."

    yes, he did something that made fiddy tell him that his mother is a *hore and that he is worthless.

    seriously, you might want to look up 'victim blaming' and 'compassion' in the dictionary and stop with the first and start having some of the second.

  14. I don't think this in the same league as the attack on Ireland. I feel sorry for the young man, but if he does only call him when he want something, I don't blame the father for being pissed, either.

    I've got several nieces and nephews who were raised to see their fathers as nothing but meal tickets once their parents split. I can imagine how much worse it would have been if their fathers were famous. Not the children's fault, but it's sad for the dad, too.

  15. @annabella, you should do the same. I am saying this because teenagers can be manipulative. Fiddy is damaged goods, the relationship he has with his ex is contentious to say the least, & the child should be shielded from this. We don't know what happened to set things off. I use Alec Baldwin becaus they excuse his behavior because of his "talent". It's sad all around.

  16. Even when a kid is "manipulative" (news flash they all are in some way) you don't handle it by cursing them out and telling them they're worthless. That's emotional abuse. Be the adult. There's my child therapist 2 cents.

    1. @shakira, child therapist or not, fiddy is damaged goods.Any & everyone who deals with them should recognize & plan accordingly. His son had no choice cause he didn't asked to be created & both paents are a mess, so what makes you think the kid is like,Matilda? There should have been a contact order in place. Considering how he's treated others in the past should be a cautionary tale.I personally think he was involved in Jam Master Jay's murder. Still think the kid could have manipulated things, eve a small amount.

  17. This goes to show that just because a guy can slap a snot into someone and make a baby doesn't mean he is cut out to be a father.
    Same goes for the 'mother' who sold out her son and let people see and read all of this. Some things should be private.

    1. Cheers U! And regardless even if the kid was being a snot it's no excuse to talk to him that way. Sometimes kids are snots. That's their job sometimes, a parents job is to do the right thing and teach their kid how to be a well rounded good grown up

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Completely disgraceful to speak about your son and his mom. And slut shaming the mom? Umm, how about him? I wld imagine HE wasnt joe faithful. Poor kid.

  20. " of the mothers of his kids"

    I didn't know he was Mormon. He's a Big Love dude.

  21. @Tammy...

    Maybe if the fathers were actually involved with their children they would ameliorate any notion that they only exist to be "meal tickets".

    When all a parent does is provide court ordered money and not a thing more, they are, in fact literally "meal tickets" and nothing more. That is the father's fault. Not your nieces and nephews and not 50's kid.

    I say high five to the kid for exposing what a disgusting piece of worthless excuse for a father he actually is.

  22. I am in no way making excuses for this guy, but it's no secret that he is a former crack dealer who survived being shot nine times. Clearly he isn't a model of fine parenting, so one has to wonder about the caliber of the female (or "Ho") who thinks that reproducing with him might be a good idea. We're only getting one side of the story, and that side has been financially compensated by Radar.

  23. He and Floyd must've had another fight, or he's jealous that he's moved on to Bieber.

  24. The grammar in that text exchange made my eyes bleed.

  25. There's a lot to be said for cutting people off and out of our lives. All parties here need to block the other and move on.

  26. The kid comes across as the only mature one in that conversation. 50 is bitching because someone didn't answer the door when he came over, the kid says he was in the basement, come back and I'll answer the door. 50 loses his shit and starts swearing at the kid. Kid says: "No need for all that" and 50 keeps swearing at him and tells him he doesn't have a son anymore. Mom is going on a show called Starter Wives (classy).

    End of the article says 50 faces up to 5 years in jail and $46k in fines after hurting another "baby mama" and destroying her condo.

    So no, the kid didn't provoke this asshole.

  27. no matter what the kid did, 50 is supposed to be the adult and if you got concerns about paternity, that is between you and mom until you can resolve that, you don't drag any kid into that no matter what age

    use a condom if you don't want anger issues, god what is wrong with all these men, and if you got money you should be 100 times more careful, wow that dick really overrides the brain cells and some of these men don't have many to start with and abuse the ones they got

  28. Well the kid with him in the picture looks EXACTLY like him.

  29. I am a bit confused but is someone saying Fiddy got a vasectomy heaven forbid using condoms would be too taxing for him but thank god for that,now he can just damage the 2 kids he got

  30. Why in hell does God give pieces of garbage like this kids while so many other people who are decent and want desperately to have children have to struggle with infertility? Makes me soooooooo freaking mad!!!! When I die Ive got a lot of questions for God or Jesus or Buddha or whatever freaking "Higher Power" it is that runs this damn world.
    There. Rant over. Now I can go back to my hot flashes in my lonely childless house.

  31. Anonymous12:05 PM

    A drug dealing rapper from the streets of New York has an anger problem????! No! And he's pissed that his gold digging one night stand with a goupie created a child that would sell him and his resentment out for a nickel? Well why? Isn't that what every man wants for a family and support network, how everyone wants to make children? From gang banging groupie sluts who will extort you as soon as look at you? Hmmm, you're right, he's a bad, bad man.

  32. Anonymous12:07 PM

    can we PLEASE for the love of god stop with "FIDDY"
    That word has been dead for over 10 yrs now

    Hes an asshole
    you dont talk to a kid like that
    thats disgusting

  33. Lots of 16 y/o's have problems with their dad. I imagine it is even worse when the 16 y/o is a trick baby.

  34. It's sad a child has to grow up with a father that hates him and a mother that cares more about fame than what is best for a child. I don't care if he hates himself, man up. Loving your child is one of the most basic, easiest things to do.

  35. 50 was wrong for what he said, plain and simple. However, we don't know what actually happened. Marquise may have pulled a stunt like this before or is doing things to spite 50 on behalf of his mother. Either way, both sides are wrong.

    1. 50's reaction definitely suggests this isn't the first time this has happened. Also, other sites are saying that isn't even the son doing the texting but actually the mother. Who knows

  36. One person is kid, the other is an adult. So what if a teenager acted like a brat or was manipulative or contributed to the parent/adult becoming angry. This level of anger - very public anger - is nuclear, and is inappropriate regardless of context.

    50 is an immature jerk. So is Alec Baldwin.

  37. I'm amazed at the comments about the boy's "part in this" the B O Y must have... Fifty thinks that he can talk to a child like that? Really? and you commenters that mitigate his response using his past life experiences...WTF?
    He hasn't been that person for years. Have none of his experience since been positive?
    You grow up.

  38. Brilliant. 'delete my f*ing number' You've reached a new tier of fatherhood when you text that to your son. *smh*
