Tuesday, July 02, 2013

16 & Pregnant Mom Needs Rehab Badly

When you are 19 years old and have a three week old baby to go with your two old baby, you probably should not be drinking with the sole purpose in mind of getting drunk, especially with no one to watch the children except for yourself. If you are 19 years old and did heroin as recently as last year, you probably should not be boozing it up. If the father of your children just got out of rehab two weeks ago, you probably should not be drinking, knowing he might have a relapse if he saw you. None of this mattered to 16 & Pregnant participant Danielle Cunningham who spent Sunday night getting hammered live on Twitter and had no regrets. She says that when her kids are asleep it is mommy time and that she and booze are going to be best friends when her youngest starts sleeping through the night. This is a person who needs help. I guess Michael Lohan is going to be giving her a call real soon.


  1. Oh great, another Jenelle.

  2. That show seems to be the creation of pro-life people who want to turn us all into ardent pro-lifers. Aargh, those are hideous children, popping out babies while chugging booze. I guess it's true what they used to say, that the South would Rise Again!

    1. Really BF? Only place there are pregnant unwed Mothers is in the South? How odd must be the heat.

  3. Yet there are so many infertile couples out there that would be awesome parents. Awful.

  4. Mike Judge wrote our future in "Idiocracy"---the dumb will out-breed us all.

  5. Here's hoping her children don't have an emergency in the middle of the night where they need a sober mom to be able to take care of them.

  6. Truth, Libby. I just got a Carl's Jr. by my house.

  7. I'm surprised you didn't advise her to call Angelina Jolie.

  8. I'm sorry, disco, what was that?---I was out watering my garden with electrolytes. It's what plants crave!

    (I mentioned a hobby of mine in a joke---awaiting my doppelganger's arrival to so thoroughly 'shame' me in 3...2...)

  9. Sounds like this girl has realized that the only girls who stay famous from this franchise are the ones who do drugs/alcohol/porn.

  10. Libby, I think your comment is going to look like a bat signal to libbyonamobile. ;)

    1. @Karen. Popcorn?

    2. I'll take some popcorn!

    3. (Just a little butter... I'm watching my figure)

    4. I have movie theatre butter and kettlecorn. Take your pick!

  11. the eyebrows say it all...

  12. MTV - should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting these young girls! I swear they get pregnant just to be on this shit show! Sad!

  13. Perhaps it knows what's up with my BF. I can't hear him snoring, perhaps my 'mobile' alter-ego can fill me in if he's still alive?

  14. @Gayeld, oh yes! Mmm!

  15. That should have read '...my AWFUL bf'.
    Pardon me.

  16. libs, you get a +25 for having such an awesome sense of humor about yourself :-).

  17. Hi everyone! Hope all you folk are doing well. I just LOVE Danielle's PIT pose pic! If only she were wearing a tank top. I so want to canoodle with her, she would definitely make MY PIT moist. Well, I'll check back in later. I have to go help MY bf shuck some corn.

  18. On-call uncreative envy. I love it.

    Here, troll!

  19. This show is total abortion propaganda. Anyone who watches it for a minute can only wish that the kids were executed in their druggie mom's womb before suffering a life of calamities.
    The show is a fountain of shit, too.

  20. Does she pluck her eyebrows drunk?

  21. I blame Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith for this!

    They made trash look good.

    These girls think it is ok to act a fool get drunk, high, get knocked up by douche bags etc.. and at the end of the day, they get their pictures taken. humph!

  22. It's funny how she'll take drugs but apparently doesn't take birth control.

  23. Yeah really. Can't we get these kids to use birth control? And how can you be 19 and on " and Pregnant?" She I wasn't even living with my mommy at the age of 19. These girls are not children but irresponsible young adults. Why do we glorify them?

  24. @Barton - if that's the goal, they're failing miserably. I don't watch this garbage, but everything I read here convinces me more and more every single day that NO BABY SHOULD EVER BE BORN WHO IS NOT TRULY WANTED AND WILL NOT BE WELL CARED FOR.

  25. Give the babies up. Both of them.

    It's not a stretch to say that I hate, yes hate, this young woman and all the other piece of shit bad mothers out there. I don't care what your sob stories are, unless/until you sort yourself out you do not deserve to keep your children.

  26. Figgy, agree. I would say these girls had problem and thats why they got pregnant, not other way around.

  27. Oh my lord, I typed that comment before coffee this AM and it has the hugest typo in the world. I meant ... well, it was so long ago. I will drink coffee before posting.
