Thursday, June 13, 2013

Your Turn

With so many states having so many different laws about pot, I am wondering whether you think pot should be legal, and if so, just for medical use, or more like alcohol and available anywhere?


  1. It is legal, oh wait, I live in Colorado!

  2. All drugs should be decriminalized. Aside from the fact that most Americans would benefit from smoking a damn joint once in a while, the war on drugs is one of the biggest clusterfucks we've ever perpetrated.

    1. I prefer decriminalize to legalize. Guvmint gits their dirty hands on things, regulations & taxing up the wazoo, we are done for!! I am all for sane regulations for safety but the way government is run these days? NO!!

  3. Legalize it. Treat it like alcohol.

    I've never tried it, no intention of doing so, and even I think all the hullabaloo is overblown.

  4. I say legalize it & tax it. This would solve a lot of financial problems in the states. It would also take the criminal element away from pot. Which is always a good thing.

    Harder drugs I don't think should be legal though.

  5. If I wanna smoke pot then let me smoke pot. I know where it's grown and it's not hurting anyone!

  6. Legalize it, for crying out loud. ABOUT DAMN TIME.

  7. $600/year growers license, jack up possession in a motor vehicle penalties, come up with better testing to show use in the prev ious X hours for workplace reasons.

    Pretty much make it a what you do in your home is your business kind of thing. As it is, w/ dispensaries and what not, they gonna tax the hell out of it and make something very simple to produce on your own an expensive luxury, so cronies can profit.

    Weed is safer than booze, any way you look at it. I can get high, spend 3hours in a bar or movie and be sober for the ride home. Cant do t hat w/ beer.

    Plus, if it is legalized, I should be able to get some shit expunged.

  8. Legalize. Take the money from the cartels. Put it into the economy. Create jobs. Create industry. Its so simple.

  9. Please legalize it. It's so annoying having to arrange a pick-up with a dealer. For some reason they always seem to forget...

  10. @dick: well said. War on drugs does nothing but line pockets if cronies and defense contractors.

    1. Plus fund the CIA, the DEA, and so many other paramilitary forces. NOT GOOD. Oh and fill up the privatized prisons with slave labor!!!

    2. Really Sophia? Slave labor?! 16 hours of lockdown with HBO an Showtime. You know nothing of prisons.

  11. Legal, like alcohol, available anywhere, and tax it. Use that money to fight the war on hard and illicit prescription drugs - real drugs in other words.

  12. legalize it and tax it like alcohol and tobacco.

  13. That shit is trees. Hell Yeah Legalize it

  14. The form legalization takes is pretty important. Colorado has a good bill. Washington's is dreadful; they were probably better off before. The bill California shot down two years ago was the worst. Cali's a good place to be a stoner right now. They were going to really screw the whole thing up.

    You have to be able to grow your own. Under Cali's law, you can actually grow some and sell your excess to dispensaries. The bill they were pushing would have made it so Phillip Morris and RJR would have been the sole providers. Nobody should want that.

    It also doesn't help that the clown running the country right now has his DOJ clamping down, despite the fact that he was the biggest head in Hawaii growing up.

    1. Agree with all you said. In BC there is an effort to decriminalize. Not gonna happen bc the process to get something onto the ballot is geared to prevent it from happening. But arrests and prosecution has quadrupled here in British Columbia in the past fice years. Medical marijuana users-little old ladies-have been harrassed and mistreated. Very disappointing!!

  15. Dick said it best. No need to legalize it (then everyone will be growing crap ass weed to sell) but decriminalization would save a lot of time and money in the court system. It's seriously less harmful than alcohol I believe. Although, anyone can abuse. In that case it's not the agent but the person involved.

  16. I get that shit delivered right to my door. Viva La San Francisco!!!

  17. There was an article in this morning's paper:

    Guy had an extremely high level of weed in his system, ran a light coming off I95, hit and killed 5 young people in a car. It took 2 months before they could get the results of the test that would measure the marijuana levels, although he immediately passed the other drug and alcohol tests. So as soon as they can get a good, quick test for marijuana in stuff like this, yeah, legalize it. But we've got to get a good test for it, just like we have now for alcohol.

    As far as the taxes on weed, I'm all for that also, although I've read it won't be as much as people think because it's so easy to grow when it's legal and you don't have to hide it. If it became legal here in Florida, I'd probably grow some myself.

  18. I am vehemently opposed to legalizing pot for recreational purposes.

  19. Never should have been illegal in the first place.

  20. @Tru Leigh, serious question: Do you also believe that we never should have legalized alcohol?

  21. It should be legal, period. In fact, it should never have been criminalized in the first place.

  22. Legalize it and tax it. It will raise a helluva lot of money and lower the national debt. The quality of pot will go up, too. Nothing like competition in a free market.

  23. Legalize all drugs. Darwin will decide.

  24. legalize it and tax it and let the people rejoice.

  25. I live in WA and they have no idea what to do about it. You still can't buy it but you can have it, no one is taxing it yet. It needs to be taxed and legal. We need the money to keep the economy going. Wa in 1.5 Billion in shortfalls this year. We need money to provide health care for children and disabled people. Now they won't even have the plan out till Dec they say, so no plan in sight. I think it is pretty cool that WA and CO can shape the way the world may look at pot in the future. Just wish they would get it right and get it going.

  26. Should be legal. I pay 15% tax on my medical marijuana purchases from dispensaries. An acquaintance made a pretty neat site called Marijuana Majority thats worth taking a gander for those incredibly against any form of decriminalization + legalization.

  27. As a weed smoker yes please legalize and tax it.

    Surprised auntliddy hasn't replied to say waste of life.

    OT ALERT My own your turn...

    Where's all the people that were scared of North Korea a couple months ago? Everyone saying RDJr was so brave for attending his premier in SKorea.

    Still scared?

  28. I'm not in favor of legalization.

  29. Here i am bringingyglyback! Lol. I do think its a waste but hey, to each his own. Look, 3 thimgs that always have happened and always will happen are: drugs and alcohol, abortion and prostition. May as well decriminalize all of them and collect tax money.
    And i dont get why u want to spend three or four hours high and completely unproductive. I. Just. Dont. Get. It. And yes, im my youth i smoked and it was alot of fun, haha, but then it didnt seem so fun anymore, it seemed boring. So i stopped.

  30. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I think it should be legalized and taxed. And if people are high and get out of hand in public places, or DUI they should be arrested the same way as people who are alcohol intoxicated.

  31. of course it should be legal...

  32. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I say it should be legalized and taxed everywhere, are prisons not full enough? are police not busy enough? are there no better ways to use tax dollars? can we not use more tax dollars? can non violent pot heads exit the penile(should be spelled that way) system? I say yes.

  33. Legalize and tax fund an education/job training program, or healthcare! .you think alcohol makes money in USA...Just

  34. I've never used and don't plan on it ( I don't drink either) but I am okay with legalization.

    However, anyone who thinks the cartels will give their control up is delusional.

  35. Anyone who thinks pot should stay illegal, by extension, also wants alcohol to become illegal. This is because logic follows that alcohol is much, much worse for your than marijuana, so if alcohol is legal, and you use that as a baseline for what should be legal, then pot should be too. People who are against it have no argument based in reality for their position, unless they also take the position of prohibition in general. Which of course, failed miserably. So either way, their argument fails if you use any pretense of logic and intellect whatsoever.

  36. also pot does not necessarily equal unproductive. not at all.

  37. WA was mess because the govt wasn't prepared for the vote to pass! Only the coastal are is liberal, the rest is very red. Anyway they just finalized some regulated that has advoates extremely pleased.

    Also even before the legalization the state took tax on dispensary sales.

    While trying to figure out laws about driving, WA conducted a test that tried to figure just howmuch pot a person smoked to impair driving. Results showed nothing unless a large wauntity was involved. However personally I would never drive under the influence - I know my brain has been effected! II'm horrified to hear about the car accident, just awful. The law here stands that you can NOT drive while high, and I believe it's a 3 hour limit, the tests can show how much is left in your blood.

  38. @bringinguglyback - yeah, I'm still scared of North Korea. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they're not causing trouble. Eventually they're going to attack - as soon as they feel they're so backed into a corner they have no other response.

  39. I have a hard time with this one. I understand all the reason people want to make it legal, they generally make sense, BUT...

    1. I don't think it makes sense to give people another legal way to get wasted and kill someone with their car.

    2. Yes, alcohol is legal and there are lots of idiots out there getting drunk and driving, but I'm probably not going to get a contact high riding an elevator with them.

    3. I have a half-brother who is severely developmentally disabled because his mother smoked pot constantly around him, you could see the air in room, and she was breast-feeding. Making it legal is only going to lead to more kids with problems because their parents only cared about getting high.

    So, I'm going to come down on the side of no. I know and understand all the reason to make it legal, but I just generally don't trust people to have common sense or care how their actions effect others.

  40. I don't even smoke pot but I still think it is stupid that cigarettes and alcohol are legal but pot isn't. If people want to smoke pot they should let them.

  41. I don't care who does what as long as I don't have to be subjected to it via second hand smoke. I'll respect your wishes to smoke whatever you want as long as I'm not being forced to smoke along with you. It's terrible smelling.

  42. A lot of people I know have been smoking for more than ten years. They can barely have a conversation outside pot.

    Legalize it and tax it. Surely the Lord discerns which [ones] are his.

  43. Drugs are just something to wipe out scum. Darwin at its best.
    Legalize it and let God discern.

  44. Gayeld,

    No offense, (and its not a big deal either way) but you obviously do not know that much about weed if you think you can get a contact high from someone in an elevator, unless they are hotboxing the thing and you are stuck with them and massive amounts of pot for hours.

    Everyone lets just look at amsterdam-it is still, even in the red light district, the cleanest, safest city i have been in, even with all sort of things being legal there. On top of that, when something is legalized, the allure of doing it bc its illegal goes away for many people.

    Pot (and hemp) have so many positive health benefits (to say nothing of what you can make from hemp grass-and it is a renewable resource) that keeping it illegal when it costs taxpayers so much money is so absurd, it legit seems like not a single person in the federal government has a brain. Then again, I guess that is pretty obvious given how the govt operates in general.

    1. @Katie. Given that my bio-father is dealer, I actually do know quite a bit about it, thanks. And yes, I know what 30 seconds in an elevator isn't going to give you a contact high. I was making a point about alcohol vs. pot. You can be in the same room as someone drinking until the cows come home (or is that not precise enough for you? Would you like a breakdown of the cubic feet of air in room x the pot dispersion rate?) and not be affected. The same cannot be said for pot.

      I have seen firsthand the effect second-hand pot smoke can have on the innocent party trapped in the room.

      And while the allure of doing something illegal may fade for some, the legitimization by the gov't of making it legal will LURE other's into thinking it's safer than it is.

      It's a two-street all the way.

  45. In response to people against it for whatever reason, anyone who wantsq to score some pot whether illegal or not are going to score pot. The utter waste of money in the system by making it criminal when the govt can make money by regulating and taxing it? Really stupid.

    And I'am quite capable of having a highly intellectual conversation even with my MM use.

  46. Legalize it, at the very least for medicinal purposes. So many poor cancer patients out there could have their suffering alleviated by this stuff but they won't because the government is too stupid to let them have it.

  47. Since it's very well documented with FACTS AND SCIENCE that it is safer and both booze and smokes it will be legal.


  48. Legalize that shit already that way I can charge it on my credit card.

    Cashier let me get a pack of gum and a dime bag. Charge it, thanks.

  49. South Australia has decriminalized pot....years ago.

    Like Amsterdam they have the lowest drug problems on the country.

    You get an on the spot fine for carrying under xx grams, this has cleared up the courts so real scumm can be prosecuted more quickly.

    8-10 plants are considered for personal use.

    Hence you can always tell a South Australian, they never add tobacco to their spliffs!

    Very civilized :)

  50. I just don't want people smoking it around their kids. I haven't smoked since I was 17. When I lost the job I had for 20 years I thought about smoking but I didn't. It probably would have made me sicker than a dog.

  51. If they do legalize it, they're going to bring back revenuers to regulate it because folks are just gonna grow that crap on the back 40 like my insane daddy thinks everybody's been doing for years anyway. Well jeez, he lives on 20 acres of land, I'm sure that crap is growin out behind his house right now! (Me telling him this caused him to flip out, and burn half his acreage BTW)

    I'm for legalization with the proper regulation. I actually don't give a damn. I just don't want to smell it. Ugh.

  52. Legal like the drink. And for me, once someone is terminal, < 6 months to live: what ever drugs they want, no limits.

  53. It should be legal for both medical and recreational use.

  54. I'm not sure where everyone is getting the idea that prisons are filled with dime bag potheads. I work in both minimum and maximum security prisons: both are filled with guys who have drug-related crimes in their histories. But they aren't there for just smoking pot. They are there for armed robbery (maximum security) or identify theft (minimum security) to get money for drugs, various assault & murder involved with the drug trade, murder when the meth house exploded with 2 girls in it, stabbing grandma when she wouldnt give him money for drugs, the most horrific child neglect imaginable, multiple drunk/doped driving offenses, and lots and lots of drug use that was in reality, attempts to self-medicate serious mental health issues. So legalizing pot isn't going to empty the prisons, or even the jails. It will however decrease small time pot busts that result in zero jail time anyway and increase DWI fatalities. The crimes are not really about individuals choosing to use drugs - it's about what happens when drugs become a dominating factor in ones everyday life, or alter an already broken brain. Remember the 'bath salts' face eater on the bridge? All he had in his system was pot. I don't use it, so I don't really care if they legalize it or not, but for Pete's sake, quit acting like legalizing drugs would be some sort of social panacea.

  55. Decriminalise it. I don't mind if it's legalised as long as it's restricted - just like with cigarettes and booze, you can't just whip out a j any place and smoke.

  56. Legalize it. Period.

  57. With all these financial problems we're having, you'll think they'll just legalize and tax it but I guess that makes too much sense

  58. anon miss- alcohol is a drug, but I thought if I just put drugs, someone would say what about alcohol, hence my writing it that way. why so opposed to legalization? If u already posted it, sorry, im sneaking on here with 2 feral toddlers underfoot, lol

  59. Except, Gayeld, it is safe. Not only is it safe but it has many health benefits. This has been proven over and over again. So unless you are also willing to say you want booze banned-saying pot should be illegal does not make any sense. I do not believe in smoking anything around kids, but unless you can 100% prove that a mom smoking weed around her son (unless it is in a tiny little room-which it could have been) I cannot imagine it is the weed that made him developmentally disabled. Back in the day, women smoked cigarettes WHILE pregnant AND around their children, and they have also been proven, by science, to be far more harmful to people in ALL capacities than weed. Yet, my mother and her 5 siblings are just fine, as is my boyfriend, all of which had mothers who smoked during and after pregnancy. I do not condone it, but nevertheless,those are the facts.

    Also, I would also be willing to bet that drunk parents have done far more harm to their children then high ones. Either way, if a child is neglected or abused for any reason, whether it involves drugs, alcohol or just idiocy, there are ways to deal with that. It would not increase, nor decrease, with the legalization of weed.

  60. Katie - you should smoke weed around your kids. You know, for the many health benefits.

  61. Oh I think it should be legalized!!?........but only cause I have a fantastic ad campaign for it in OH......

    "High is our middle name." TM

    Hahahaha hohohoh!

  62. Legalise it immediately. :)
