Monday, June 10, 2013

Your Turn

How long is the longest you can go without replying to a text before it is considered rude?


  1. this made me laugh. My husband just gave me crap for not replying to a text. I didn't get it. Just on the phone with Fido now to find out why I didn't get it. Shows sent on his phone. So my answer is never.

  2. Its been a little over a yr. He can't take a hint, cuz I still get @ least one txt every month.

    1. Same with me a guy I dated awhile back was texting me for about a year and a half...I never replied but he continued to text multiple times a day...and he's married

    2. Damn! @Pazazz. I never dated this dude. He just started getting a little odd & too close for comfort. I have a hard time telling ppl to fuck off, so I just ignore them. What did it for me was the txt that said "If you're a true Christian, you will understand how much I love you." I never got what that meant, but I just ran away & never looked back.

    3. @WareCat thank you for sharing that and making me laugh! Creepy but makes for a funny story!

  3. I don't feel the necessity to answer a text any more than I feel the necessity to always answer the phone when it rings.

  4. I am AWFUL at replying. I've gone 2 weeks. People just expect this from me by now.

  5. Depends on what the message is. F its some version of help ive fallen down and cant fet up, then asap. Other stuff, whenever i get it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 2 days if it is not urgent.

  8. I'll go with the business standard of 24 hours for texts, emails, FB messages, and phone calls. Anyone who expects instant answers to their stuff is probably a self-centered narcissist. Sure, if you are an organ donor surgeon or perhaps working deep in national security your stuff might be urgent, but none of my friends fit that description so I will get back to them when I can.

    I'm tired of seeing people looking down at their phones when they are driving in the fast lane on the freeway. If you hear about shootings on LA freeways again, this will be the reason why.

  9. I don't even HAVE a cell phone, probably the only person left on the face of the earth that doesn't.

  10. shit i sometimes i dont respond. blame it on the bad signal

  11. If you're busy and don't see, no big deal. If you see it and choose to ignore it, I'd say 24 hours. Certainly at some point in that 24 hours you had 45 seconds to type up something.

    This is not including texts from unwanted people though.

  12. I sometimes never reply… There are a whole bunch of people who think I live in a "dead zone" and that I don't receive texts & phone calls. It works. I know some really gullible people.

  13. what about the longest you went without responding to a private facebook message

  14. oh sorry fs i didn't read that you had addressed that. nevermind

  15. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Infinitely. Texts are so impersonal. When I'm pissed at my wife, I ignore them.

  16. I'm with SusanB. I answer the door, the phone, an e-mail or a text if I feel like answering them at the time. I'm under no obligation to answer any of them on the other person's schedule.

  17. If my bf doesn't answer my text within 2 hrs vice versa we have a problem

  18. I've never replied to a text. I hate texts and everyone knows it. If you need to tell me something, call me and I'll respond. Maybe. I'm one of those weird people who love tech and the net but hate cell phones.

    I miss the days when we could just not answer phones for a while and people didn't automatically think someone is dead or injured or that they are dissing them.

  19. It takes a day for me to consider it rude.

  20. I try to respond when I read it if I can. Otherwise I will totally forget to. It may take me a few hours before I read them though depending on what I'm doing, etc. I actually hate talking on the phone with most people and would rather text so I rarely answer my phone if it rings (unless it is my boyfriend because he would rather talk than text). I let it go to voicemail and then will usually respond with a quick text (unless it is my parents because they don't text).

  21. Rude to ignore a text? I think it was rude of that person to bug me in the first place. :) I'll check to see if the kids need anything after I get out of class, but other than that texts are not a priority.

  22. I hate texting. So, forever for me.

  23. I'm pretty shocked by these responses, actually. I try to get back to people within minutes, and yeah, I do sort of expect the same. I hate waiting around forever to get the answers to my questions! (Disclaimer: I do not send or receive frivolous texts.)

  24. I respond fairly quickly due to the business I am in. I am often in a situation where I cant speak and cant return a call for a few hours so must text...Also if I don't respond I forget or get behind..If I had a normal job I would probably respond according to urgency or need.

  25. Anonymous8:27 PM

    anything more than an hour shows that theyre not interested in talking to you, or that, shock! they're out there living a life!

  26. Depends on what the text is, doesn't ? "Are you free for dinner?" probably requires a quicker response than "The sky is blue." I didn't consider it rude when my mother didn't answer the last text I sent her last night. Of course, I was busy snickering about the fact that she was stuck at a long ass graduation ceremony while I had to stay home with the almost-four-year old.

  27. There is no set time, that's ridiculous. If I'm driving, I ignore all texts. If I'm working, I ignore all texts. I'll reply when I can. If it's urgent there are other ways to reach me.
