Monday, June 24, 2013

Score One For The Gorilla


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG That's amazing! ha bad ass kids

  3. I'm sorry but the children shouldn't be allowed to act that way.

  4. fuck those kids taunting a wild animal, where are the parents/teachers?

  5. I completely agree with @.robert and @timebob's comments.

  6. Gorillas are famous for all sorts of anti-human behavior.
    Jim Fowler used to tell stories about Bushman, the famous gorilla at at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo at the various things he would throw at the keepers & vets.
    His favorite was his own shit, but once he managed to unscrew a nut & bolt & threw that at Fowler! He just missed but scared the hell out of him.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      I love a species that throws its own feces

  7. Good for the gorilla. Those little shits deserved to have the shit scared out of them.

    Maybe they'll grow up, be thrown in jail, and the jail will let people come by and scream and yell at them like that.

  8. All those kids need s kick in the ass. Where were the parental units? I wlda been on that like white on rice.

  9. Fucking asshole kids. What kind of adult allowed that tainting of a caged creature?

    Excuse my language, please.

  10. Replies
    1. Couldnt have said it better myself.

  11. Where's the part where the gorilla breaks through the glass and starts eating those ill-mannered little fucks?

  12. I agree with many of the comments above. Someone should have taught them what's proper behavior around gorillas. Avoid eye contact, don't expose your teeth, etc. Let alone purposefully antagonizing them. Above all, to treat them with respect. If that glass isn't there the gorilla will tear you up if antagonized.

  13. The gorilla showed great restraint. I'd have been kicking those kids asses all over the place and then started in on the "parents"!

  14. Don't get too worked up, this is typical kid behavior. Even the good kids do stupid shit like that (veteran of many a field trip). The gorilla was great, BOO you little shits! I'd bet there were some zoo workers there to lecture the little snots on how NOT to treat the animals before they let them go to the bathroom to clean the sharts out of their pants.

  15. Don't get too worked up, this is typical kid behavior. Even the good kids do stupid shit like that (veteran of many a field trip). The gorilla was great, BOO you little shits! I'd bet there were some zoo workers there to lecture the little snots on how NOT to treat the animals before they let them go to the bathroom to clean the sharts out of their pants.

    1. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Also normal - climbing onto a roof or playing with razor blades, hence the need for parental or teacher/adult supervision, direction and input.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You know what? Yeah. Kids DO that sort of stupid thing and it IS normal.

    There's no excuse for the parents not stepping in, though. Kids don't realise they're being obnoxious, which is why they need their parents to stop it. Especially when it involves taunting animals.

  18. Have seen kids AND adults acting like this toward gorillas at every zoo I've ever visited. Including my own kids, who were quickly reigned in. Normal for kids ... but the adults? Total ignorant fucktards.

  19. What a bunch of little punks!



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