Nightclub Takes Blame For Anything Chris Brown May Have Done
On Sunday night a woman claimed that she had been beaten by Chris Brown at a nightclub. She says that when the night was ending and Chris Brown was leaving that he threw her down on the ground and she suffered torn knee ligaments. If this had been anyone but Chris Brown, you would say to yourself this sounds like crap, but we already know Chris has a short temper and will beat anyone down and it does not matter if it is in public or private, if you are a woman or a guy who is weaker then him, he will beat you.
The owner of the club says that Chris was a nice guy and did nothing wrong and that the woman was the cause of everything and that she was so obnoxious that the club staff threw her out of the club and said that if she got injured it is because of club staff and not because of Chris. Do you think they are taking the fall for this one or they actually did do the damage to the woman's knee? I think the woman twisted her knee and it is probably the club's fault. I don't think she tore anything because she says doctors may have to operate. If she tore them, they would operate.