Friday, June 28, 2013

Kris Jenner Admits Bruce Jenner Moved Out

It took months and months of denials before Khloe Kardashian finally broke the dam and yesterday, Kris Jenner admitted that Bruce Jenner does not live with her any longer. Do you blame him? The only thing the woman cares about is herself. You might think she cares about her family, but really, what she cares about is making money off them. Kim could make tons of money for herself if she gave an exclusive to the tabloids about her baby, but Kris wants the baby to herself for her new talk show which no one is going to watch because, who wants to take advice from a woman who encouraged her daughter to make a sex tape to get famous and also told her daughter when to have sex to get pregnant the second she started dating Kanye West. Kris Jenner must have never felt better in her life then the day she watched Kim take a pregnancy test and discovered that Kim was pregnant with Kanye's baby. Oh, for her part, Kris says that she and Bruce still sleep together sometimes. Uh huh.


  1. That dude was an Olympian. America disappoints me.

    1. It's a sad day for Wheaties boxes everywhere.

  2. Who gives a shit?
    He's asexual
    She's a monster

  3. Run for your life Bruce!

    1. He played it just right. Not a word. Just let them stumble over themselves and show themselves for the lyong famewhores they all are!

      Bruce, i did not know balls can regenerate themselves but there ya go. Manhood is a long way off behind ya but maybe with some rest & rehabilitation... or mebbe you just wanna do dressup in peace and quiet?

      You & billy ray cyrus shoukd get together and discuss foundation gatments and laser hair removal.

      Either way-good on ya bubba!

      Team BRUCE!!!

    2. Regenerating balls=hilarity

  4. Epic fail for Kris. No one cares about Kim, Kanye, or the baby. They are way too over exposed. BORING.

  5. THIS woman. Save your money, bitch....Whoops. Too late.

    1. She is NOT a woman. She is a Gorgon.

  6. I have to admit if I was Bruce I'd put my muscle memory to the test, escape from CA and never look back.

  7. BRUCE! Call me? I'm willing to overlook this whole Kardashian fiasco. You just weren't thinking.

  8. Happy to hear Kendall and Kylie escaped with Bruce while PMK was distracted with baby Kompass. Could be the best choice Jenner has made in years.

    1. The kids left with him??

    2. Kompass!!! Lol

    3. I was going with "Kiminye Yeebus" but "Kompass" is pretty good too!

    4. Peeeerrrfectamundo!

  9. I'm surprised Jenner stayed with her that long. Maybe he can now find his nose.

  10. He was cheating with Amanda's Wig.

    1. Ewww Madam! I would never with melty face! He's so old!

    2. @Wiggy. I so have to give you the "melty face" crack. Truer facts were never spoken.

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Do we really know if the kids left with him? If so, that is amazing.

  12. The money will keep rolling in for this woman. Viewers will tune in to this show as they do to the Kardashian show on the E channel. Uncomfortable to believe, but so many Americans have bad taste. It's a shame that such shows as "Katie" and "Anderson" are on the chopping block and shows such as "Dr. Phil" have high ratings.

    1. Is Dr. Phil still alive? I did not know that. Gave up on tv/cable eons ago. If it aint on the internets or netflix i am blissfully ignorant.

  13. No news here. Bruce Jenner allowed himself to be publicly emasculated. I am glad he got away-maybe he can grow a new set and keep his daughters from becoming like their mother. ewe.

  14. After watching the episode where Bruce is shown answering a call from Kris and whispering (loud enough for the mikes and everyone else in the room, of course), "I CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW. I'M IN GUN CLASS!" I am glad to hear he has finally come to his senses. That show has made him for a fool for far too long.

    1. Thats the episode, thats it! I was laughing the whole time, imagining him "accidentally" shooting an "intruder" who just happens to turn out to beeeee...GUESS! :-D

  15. I wonder what their pre-nup looks like.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Did the kids really leave w/ Bruce?

  18. Radar says Bruce is a big baby:

    The Olympic gold medalist, “decided to ditch the family home because he was constantly being told to be quiet because of baby Nori,” a source said. “Bruce was unable to have his friends over to fly their remote controlled helicopters in the backyard because of concerns of noise.”

    The Kardashian clan was also concerned one his pals might try and snap a photo of North and sell it to the media!

  19. Radar is owned by a tabloid, right? Enquirer?

    Radar stories = Planted/sold/purchased. (Usually.)

  20. Khloe was on a talk show a couple weeks ago, BEFORE the baby was born, and admitted that Bruce had moved out a while ago. So this has absolutely nothing to do with the baby. That's Kris just trying to spin it to her benefit (as usual).

  21. Anybody catchh the episode where Bruce bought a gun? Ostensibly to "protect his home." Yeah right, dude, right.
    And yes I lost my Kartrashian virginity a few weeks ago, but its because I want to see the look on Kim's face when Kanye dumps her ash for good for Riccardo Tisci (sic)

    1. "Kartrashian virginity"- 2 words that are NEVER spoken in the same sentence.

  22. This makes me happy happy.

  23. Well, is it a shortcut or not? Uh-oh. Here comes trouble. Keep a tight perimeter. You back off, Evening News Team.

  24. I've had enough of you, Mantooth. This is gonna end right here, right now. Let's dance, dickweed.

  25. Come get a taste. Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade? You dirtbags have been in third place for five years.

  26. Now, before we do this, let's go over the ground rules. Rule number one: No touching of the hair or face. And that's it! Now let's do this!

  27. “Bruce was unable to have his friends over to fly their remote controlled helicopters in the backyard because of concerns of noise.”

    I think this is the best sentence I have ever read about that family. Is this for real? We are talking about a grown man & not an 11-year-old, right? I'm seriously choking from laughter right now.

  28. If my name was north west I would be really happy. But I want to name my child left foot.

  29. Begin! Oh! Aaah! No, you won't!

  30. Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast. It did, didn't it? I saw that. Brick killed a guy.

  31. Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Find yourself a safe house or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.

  32. I'm proud of you fellas. You kept your head on a swivel. That's what you gotta do when you're in a vicious cockfight.

  33. I know exactly what you mean, Brian. Every newsman in this city's laughing at us. And I don't like it. We're gonna do something about it.

  34. It is time to put an end to this! Last time I looked, my name's Ron Burgundy. What's your name?

  35. Can't believe it took him so long..Must be pretty fun to watch your partner morph into some money obsessed, self absorbed, harpy.

    1. She was ALWAYS a selfish self-obsessed harpy. Did you ever see her 80s-glitter 30th birthday vid that RobertK produced at great expense ruining the dignity of anu who still had some? She was a spoiled brat from birth this bitch. Her kids are actually not as bad as she is but they were clearly hounded into becoming gapid famewhores at her disposal. Bruce married her for SOME reason but it wasn't because she was NICE. She did the female version of dickmatize him. And maybe that is whqt he wanted-to he told what to do.

      His former flame Linda? XX? probably has a tale or two to tell.

  36. @AudreyHempburn - baby Kompass?!? you are my hero!
    someone please call Michael K!

  37. I dont think kris cares what he does, and he finally got the hint. And yes, his girls spend alot of time with him at his house. Its enough already with this stupid baby drama. I hope someone leaks picture of baby just to ruin their sick game of keeping her hidden.

  38. He's better off without her!

  39. gapid famewhores

    I'm all for calling the K Klan every name in the book, but what does "gapid" mean?

    1. Gapid is what Backdoor Teen Mom's babyhole looks like.

  40. The Jenner/Kardashians rented a beach house over the summer in Malibu so that Kendell and Kylie could be at the beach and could get papped more often. Bruce is staying there with the girls, while Kris is with Kim, Kanye and North are at the Calabasas house.

    I don't think he actually "left" Kris. At least not yet.

  41. I had a dream the other day that I was hanging out with a bunch of people. Bruce Jenner was one of them. He looked perfectly normal and was embarrassed about having been part of the Kartrashian thing.

  42. I don't give a shit about this saga, but not that long ago the enties said that the baby wasn't Kanye's. Now it is?
