Kirstie Alley Forced To Pay $130K Because Of Her Diet Program
Well, that is $130K that Scientology won't be getting. Kirstie Alley was forced to pay $130K to a customer of her diet program Organic Liaison, who sued Kirstie because Kirstie had claimed that her products were proven to help lose weight. They weren't. Not only does Kirstie have to pay the money, but according to The National Enquirer, Kirstie also has to change all the information on her website and state that her weight loss program is calorie based. Huh, so eat fewer calories and lose weight? No need to buy something from Kirstie Alley and line her pockets. Just eat less food. I love that she had to pay this money. It makes me feel so warm and tingly inside. I love that a judge found her program misleading. I wonder what would happen if Kirstie Alley ever ran out of money. Do you think Scientology would be so good to her then?