Thursday, June 27, 2013

Justin Bieber Is Being Sued For Beating Up A Pap

I will tell you right now that if I ever run into Justin Bieber and he beats me up, you won't ever hear about it here and I won't ever sue him. There is no way that I would publicly admit that a 12 year old punk beat me up. I just wouldn't. I sure wouldn't sue the guy and have to tell my tale and how I was kicked MMA style in the ribs and then punched in the face. Now, if it was eight of his bodyguards that had to take me down, then that would be another story. See, then you could look all tough and say you took on eight of them at once even though it might have only been one doing all the damage. It just looks better that way in the lawsuit.

Apparently the pap was taking photos of Justin and Selena Gomez together last year and Justin confronted him and beat him up. A short time later, Selena came back to get her cell phone which she had dropped while trying to keep her teenage boyfriend off the pap and also apologized for his behavior. Puberty is tough. She should know because she had to be with him for a few years of it.

The guy should just give up the lawsuit.


  1. Yoo-hoo! Baxter! Papa's home. There he is. There's my little man. You're okay?


  3. Of course I met a lady tonight. This one was different. I have to be honest. Quite different.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Ain't nobody got time fo' some diaper wearin' brat who couldn't fight his way outta a paper bag!

  6. He gives a bad name to women every where

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Got any cheese? Whine. Oops, wine to go with it?

  9. Replies
    1. THANK YOU LOTTA! that made my DAY.

    2. @Sophia, can you imagine his shrieking?

  10. This kid is such a wanker! When he was in London a few months ago a mate of mine was at the same club as him. He was in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror while people were trying to wash their hands. My mate told him to move over and he went ballistic! Had his security guard come in and hold him up so he could yell at my friend in his face. What a tweener twat.

  11. What...I'm lonely?! I'm not lonely! I'm beloved by everyone in San Diego. Wow. You know how to cut to the core of me, Baxter.

  12. I love Amanda : ) and her wig!

    1. Thank you Coco! That's so nice! I bet your pretty like me and A! She had a kitty once but it attacked me so she mailed it to Drake.

  13. You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha covered in hair. Come again? You know I don't speak Spanish. In English, please.

  14. 2 Biebers are better than 1

  15. Huh? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate a whole wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? I'm not even mad. That's amazing. I forgive you.

  16. What do you say we get you in your pj's and hit the hay? Bedtime. Okay, come on. Let's go. Come on.

  17. Dude should settle out of court for Gomez Anal.

  18. Ron Burgundy apparently likes cheese too. Anonomouse I think Ron Burgundy stole your cheese.

  19. @Lotta: AAAAAAAAAH. I'm gonna have nightmares from that.

  20. What? That ratbastard!!

  21. Lotta! My BF gets pissed when I FLICK his nuts, let alone beat them w/a hammer. hahahaha

  22. I feel like I'm interrupting something here between Ron and Robin and Emma.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You kind of are but you can join ;)

  23. Look at this picture. Take a long look at it. Make love to it with your eyes. Isn't it precious? Don't you want to caress it? Well don't even try because that's Justin Bieber and he will f*ck you up. A pap is suing Diaper Pants for doing just that. The Enty wants you to know that she'd go all Roadhouse (translation) before admitting Selena Gomez's girlfriend even tried that nonsense. Oh no she didn't!! But the pap is smarter than the intern, because the pap knows where the money's at. The funniest part is that Selena pulled Bieber away from the pap and apologized for him. Like a mom! "I'm so sorry! Little JB hasn't had his nap today and he dropped his juice box at the park. His nappie is wet and that makes him cranky. Here, have some money!"

  24. @Count- you behave yourself and you won't get hammered

    @Amber- you nut flicker!

  25. I'm happy Selena got her head on straight and stopped dating Justin

    She hasn't returned your phone calls, she hasn't responded to any of your letters, she didn't respond to the candygram. God knows what happened to the kitten you got for her. 'Cause she didn't keep it, and I know you're not raising the goddamn thing. I think it's very obvious at this juncture that she just flat out does not wanna see you

  26. If Justin beat up this pap, it's only because his bodyguards held the dude down.

  27. trolls have ruined the comment section

  28. trolls have ruined the comment section

  29. I don't know, some of them are kinda funny. The Anchorman quotes are hilarious, I want to watch it again! The p*ssy jokes, gross.

  30. I can't believe Justin could beat up anyone unless he had help from someone, like Selena. Don't worry about an MMA kick, his pants would prevent that.

  31. Jesus Lotta - where did you find that?

  32. I'd LOVE to sue that little monkey ass for taking a swing at me.
