Thursday, June 27, 2013

Justin Bieber Is Being Sued For Beating Up A Pap

I will tell you right now that if I ever run into Justin Bieber and he beats me up, you won't ever hear about it here and I won't ever sue him. There is no way that I would publicly admit that a 12 year old punk beat me up. I just wouldn't. I sure wouldn't sue the guy and have to tell my tale and how I was kicked MMA style in the ribs and then punched in the face. Now, if it was eight of his bodyguards that had to take me down, then that would be another story. See, then you could look all tough and say you took on eight of them at once even though it might have only been one doing all the damage. It just looks better that way in the lawsuit.

Apparently the pap was taking photos of Justin and Selena Gomez together last year and Justin confronted him and beat him up. A short time later, Selena came back to get her cell phone which she had dropped while trying to keep her teenage boyfriend off the pap and also apologized for his behavior. Puberty is tough. She should know because she had to be with him for a few years of it.

The guy should just give up the lawsuit.


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